Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

Look, you don't have to continue to prove your ignorance of NATO. I'm already convinced.

Article 5 is what brought the world to OUR aid after 9/11. In fact, it's the only time it was ever invoked.

9/11: The only time NATO Treaty Article 5 ever invoked

Now you think we should run like cowards because massa' told you so.
when is the last time a NATO country was attacked? 9-11was done as a show of solidarity.

What happens if Serbia goes after Croatia? or Bosnia again? What happens if Montenegro gets pulled in?

Putting NATO in the Balkans is recipe for disaster
And that is probably the most under reported story right now.

Democrats have a civil war raging in their party. Amusingly, even the ‘Republican’ Lyin’ Jim Comey felt compelled to step in and advise the Democrats not to go socialist lol.

LOL. A few seats in extremely left leaning areas went for more left leaning candidates. That's about it. We're not retards like Republicans were with the Tea party, we're not going to primary Joe Manchin or any moderates.
Even though I’ve been pleasantly surprised by some of Trump’s efforts to trim the size and inefficiencies of some governmental agencies he still has a long way to go to earn my trust and my vote. Many of his policy decisions are neither conservative or consistent but atleast it has slowed the far left direction that the country was trending towards. Of course I do fear that Trump’s polarizing personality, his vindictive nature, and his oddly purposeful ability to change the news cycle away from positive things that he has done in favor of a fight will lead to a backlash in either this coming election or the next.


Everything Trump has done has been in line 100% with Conservatism. That's why all the Conservatives in Congress vote with him nearly 100% of the time.
Impeachment will cement Trump's re-election. ( first you gotta find Articles)..
Impeachment will do to Trump what it did to Clinton -make him more popular.

Like it made Nixon more popular.

The difference between Clinton and Trump is that Clinton lied about getting a blowjob; Trump lied about giving a blowjob.
You and John Brenner should get a room with "treason"
you've been hanging out with shady characters since you went Dem..I won't even bring up Hillary/Libya

Go ahead and bring up Benghazi, I dare you.

6 years of investigations by more than half a dozen Conservative committees produced zero indictments.

The Benghazi shit is a Russian Active Measure. You are employing KGB tactics using propaganda again. This is exactly why Russia was so effective at influencing Conservatives, and why they targeted Conservatives with their propaganda.
when is the last time a NATO country was attacked? 9-11was done as a show of solidarity.

What happens if Serbia goes after Croatia? or Bosnia again? What happens if Montenegro gets pulled in?

Putting NATO in the Balkans is recipe for disaster

The screams of a puppet.

Run and hide from global challenges all while kissing Putin's ass.

Get educated .. or not.

NATO and the Balkans : The case for greater integration
Go ahead and bring up Benghazi, I dare you.

6 years of investigations by more than half a dozen Conservative committees produced zero indictments.

The Benghazi shit is a Russian Active Measure. You are employing KGB tactics using propaganda again. This is exactly why Russia was so effective at influencing Conservatives, and why they targeted Conservatives with their propaganda.

Go ahead and bring up Benghazi, I dare you.

6 years of investigations by more than half a dozen Conservative committees produced zero indictments.

The Benghazi shit is a Russian Active Measure. You are employing KGB tactics using propaganda again. This is exactly why Russia was so effective at influencing Conservatives, and why they targeted Conservatives with their propaganda.
who gives a fuck about Bengazi when the entire country of Libya is in ruins?

How did that happen? Who regime changed Qadafi?-
NATO ( amid worldwide organizing by Hillary) created a failed terrorist state of Libya to this day

Libya is a lynchpin of terrorism,connecting the ME ( and ISIS in Libya) to AQIM in the western maghreb
who gives a fuck about Bengazi when the entire country of Libya is in ruins?

How did that happen? Who regime changed Qadafi?-
NATO ( amid worldwide organizing by Hillary) created a failed terrorist state of Libya to this day

Libya is a lynchpin of terrorism,connecting the ME ( and ISIS in Libya) to AQIM in the western maghreb

"We came, we saw, he died." Who said that on camera?
How did that happen? Who regime changed Qadafi?

Qaddafi was using his military to squash Arab Spring demonstrations by killing civilians.

Then he used his military to kill rebels who were trying to overthrow him.

An International Coalition that included the US, Britain, Italy and France waged an air war against Qaddafi's military.

That air war weakened his military enough that the rebels were able to depose him.

So what would you have done differently?
So how would you have handed Libya when Qaddafi was killing his own people?
Qadafi never bombed Bengazi protestors as alleged - BAC would tell you this as well -he was on it from the beginning.

Qadafi was putting down an al-Qaeda based ( LIFG) revolution. He didn't target civilians. NATO did in Misrata.

Your answer is it was not our business for a no fly, and regime change was malign