Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

AT NO TIME DID QADAFI attack civilians during the Libyan civil war of 2011.

Demonstrably untrue.

Exclusive: Gaddafi pre-planned attacks on civilians: prosecutor

Libya: Muammar Gaddafi fires on his own people
Libya’s major cities were in the hands of opposition forces on Monday night as Col Muammar Gaddafi, for so long feared at home and loathed abroad, turned his air force on his people in a last-ditch bid to stay in power.

One must ask; why would someone come on an anonymous political message board and try and spread a pro-Gaddafi position? Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Libya and Russia were close friends, and in Russia's informational and propaganda campaign, the objective is to discredit actions of Russia's geopolitical adversaries in order to equate whatever NATO did in Libya with what Russia did to us and others.

So how long have you been working on behalf of Russia?
Libya was indeed an American crime against humanity. We/Obama murdered Quadaffi because we could .. and we used Al Queda to do it. They were OUR foot soldiers.

No we didn't.

We didn't assassinate Qaddafi; we assassinated Saddam.

And it was a NATO campaign to bomb Libya's military, not the US'.
You're the ones who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and had no plan for what to do after...just like you had no plan for what to do in Libya that didn't involve the NATO-led air campaign.

They have to have a false equivalence war to blame on President Obama.

The racist right loves war and always wants to drag the left with them.
We didn't assassinate Qaddafi - we assassinated Saddam, though.
The Muslim Brotherhood was going to step in no matter where there's conflict
"Sorts of bad players" - vague nonsense
You're chasing them around the region already and have been doing so since November 2001.

No Conservative has said what they would have done differently in Libya.
I just told you "stay out of the Libyan civil war" was the correct response.. Hillary and Powers and Rice were the agitants that talked Obama into leading the NATO coalition.
Obama has said it was the biggest mistake of his presidency-take his word on it, not mine

we assassinated qadafi -hit him with our Predator-France finshed the convoy with it's Mirage
You don't know the difference between Bengazi 2011 -The made up basis for the "no fly"

It wasn't made up. You are saying it was because you're also saying that the ICC are western stooges.

So how long have you been working on behalf of Russia on these boards? Since July 2017 when you created your account, right?
I just told you "stay out of the Libyan civil war" was the correct response.

Not the correct response when the regime was committing crimes against humanity.

But we both know you don't accept the ICC because you're a hack for Russia. You belied that when you called the ICC 'western stooges'.

So how long have you been working on behalf of Russia? Since July 2017 it would seem...
It wasn't made up. You are saying it was because you're also saying that the ICC are western stooges.

So how long have you been working on behalf of Russia on these boards? Since July 2017 when you created your account, right?
fucking idiot. where was the bombing of civilians in Bengazi ( do you get the timeline yet?).
What was the basis for the UN resolution? Qadafi jets attack Bengazi civilians. (bombing civilians in Bengazi)
It was 100% bullshit.

Western press was supine as usual, whether it was the Brits or the US
No we didn't.

We didn't assassinate Qaddafi; we assassinated Saddam.

And it was a NATO campaign to bomb Libya's military, not the US'.


They have been blaming President Obama for this for years. anatta feels extra special because a Black man agrees with him on this Libya lie.
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No we didn't.

We didn't assassinate Qaddafi; we assassinated Saddam.

And it was a NATO campaign to bomb Libya's military, not the US'.
no shit -have I not mentioned NATO?
But the US led the command and control/ most sorties /most tonnage/most cruise missiles.
Obama owns Libya today - fed by the warmongering Hillary
I just told you "stay out of the Libyan civil war" was the correct response.. Hillary and Powers and Rice were the agitants that talked Obama into leading the NATO coalition.
Obama has said it was the biggest mistake of his presidency-take his word on it, not mine

we assassinated qadafi -hit him with our Predator-France finshed the convoy with it's Mirage

No he didn't.
Hillary and Powers and Rice were the agitants that talked Obama into leading the NATO coalition.

Exactly...a NATO coalition that had the backing of the UNSC. If it was purely those three, then they wouldn't have secured the NATO coalition, nor would they have the backing of the UN Security Council.

The Arab Spring protests in Libya were met with military force, the same way it was done in Syria. Gaddafi was killing his own people and we had to put a stop to that. The alternative of "doing nothing" wasn't an option. These Arab Spring protests started because of our stupid invasion of Iraq and continued reliance on fossil fuels that caused droughts and famine in these countries.

Obama has said it was the biggest mistake of his presidency-take his word on it, not m

Please provide the context for this, because I suspect you're rigging it. You're not a trustworthy enough poster to be able to say these things without providing context.

we assassinated qadafi -hit him with our Predator-France finshed the convoy with it's Mirage

Here's a video of Gaddafi being killed by his own people...nary a Predator Drone or Mirage to be seen:

That's monumentally ignorant .. even for you.

But the US led the command and control/ most sorties /most tonnage/most cruise missiles.

Actually, no! It was France and Britain who led the attacks.

France and Britain Lead Military Push on Libya
France and Britain continued to press their hawkish position on Libya on Friday, saying they intend to take the lead in enforcing a no-flight zone.

Delete your account; kill yourself.
Demonstrably untrue.

Exclusive: Gaddafi pre-planned attacks on civilians: prosecutor

Libya: Muammar Gaddafi fires on his own people
Libya’s major cities were in the hands of opposition forces on Monday night as Col Muammar Gaddafi, for so long feared at home and loathed abroad, turned his air force on his people in a last-ditch bid to stay in power.

One must ask; why would someone come on an anonymous political message board and try and spread a pro-Gaddafi position? Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Libya and Russia were close friends, and in Russia's informational and propaganda campaign, the objective is to discredit actions of Russia's geopolitical adversaries in order to equate whatever NATO did in Libya with what Russia did to us and others.

So how long have you been working on behalf of Russia?
Who did this?" Putin said. "Drones, including American ones. They attacked his column. Then - through the special forces, who should not have been there - they brought in the so-called opposition and fighters, and killed him without court or investigation."
Putin is correct.

The rest of that hash is 100% unsupported. There is no documentary evidence of "Viagra rape" (Rice/Hillary)
muchless any Qadafi warplanes bombing Libyan cities.
Qadafi was virtually grounded - Canada (Ottawa Citizen )called itself "Al-Qaada's airforce"

The battle for Misrata was a long siege -you might find Qadafi killing civilians here, but they didn't bomb Misrata like NATO did