Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

Actually, no! It was France and Britain who led the attacks.

France and Britain Lead Military Push on Libya
France and Britain continued to press their hawkish position on Libya on Friday, saying they intend to take the lead in enforcing a no-flight zone.

Delete your account; kill yourself.
Originally Posted by noise
But the US led the command and control/ most sorties /most tonnage/most cruise missiles.


your ignorance is appalling in all it's myriad forms - you severely need to do research on Libya civil war 2011
Hey, you Russian puppet....

The campaign in Libya was NATO.

Gaddafi was killed by his own people, here's the fucking video:
how did Qadafi wind up in the drainage ditch out side Sirte? Because we bombed and scattered his convoy he was fleeing in.

You seriously cannot connect events at all
Even though I’ve been pleasantly surprised by some of Trump’s efforts to trim the size and inefficiencies of some governmental agencies he still has a long way to go to earn my trust and my vote. Many of his policy decisions are neither conservative or consistent but atleast it has slowed the far left direction that the country was trending towards. Of course I do fear that Trump’s polarizing personality, his vindictive nature, and his oddly purposeful ability to change the news cycle away from positive things that he has done in favor of a fight will lead to a backlash in either this coming election or the next.

The man has been in office less than two years. Good lord, I am amazed by this new fast food mentality considering the amount of opposition and resistance from feckless whiny Democrats he is getting.

Nearly a year into his takeover of Washington, President Trump has made a significant down payment on his campaign pledge to shrink the federal bureaucracy, a shift long sought by conservatives that could eventually bring the workforce down to levels not seen in decades.

By the end of September, all Cabinet departments except Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs and Interior had fewer permanent staff than when Trump took office in January — with most shedding many hundreds of employees, according to an analysis of federal personnel data by The Washington Post.

WASHINGTON — Nearly a year into his takeover of Washington, President Donald Trump has made a significant down payment on his campaign pledge to shrink the federal bureaucracy, a shift long sought by conservatives that could eventually bring the workforce down to levels not seen in decades.

The diminishing federal footprint comes after Trump promised in last year’s campaign to “cut so much your head will spin,” and it reverses a boost in hiring during the Obama era. The falloff has been driven by an exodus of civil servants, a diminished corps of political appointees and an effective hiring freeze.

Trump Slashes Federal Bureaucracy, ‘Morale Has Never Been Lower’
"Not since the Reagan administration ..."
Your comments are so monumentally ignorant that I could be talking to a 12 year-old who has no knowledge nor understanding of history.

Again, feel free to believe that dog shit is a taco salad .. grab some salsa. But your comments are unquestionably moronic .. and NOBODY is listening to that bullshit but dumb ass Trumpsters.

When in the republican party, people revolt against the establishment to take their party farther to the right -- that is good

When in the democrat party, when people revolt against the establishment to take their party farther to the left -- that is evil..

The way forward is for one party to be 95% in the bag for corporate oligarchy and the other party to be 80% in the bag for the same thing -- that way the voters who don't understand policy can think they are different from the other....its fun!
Go ahead and bring up Benghazi, I dare you.

6 years of investigations by more than half a dozen Conservative committees produced zero indictments.

The Benghazi shit is a Russian Active Measure. You are employing KGB tactics using propaganda again. This is exactly why Russia was so effective at influencing Conservatives, and why they targeted Conservatives with their propaganda.

So how would you have handed Libya when Qaddafi was killing his own people?

Libya was another massive foreign policy failure under Obama led by Hitlery. You lack the intelligence to comprehend the obvious.

Your question is moronic and tantamount to Democrats passing a massive boondoggle along a party line vote called Obama Care, then demanding the Republicans, who had NOTHING to do with it, fix it.

You are a true fucking idiot.

Qaddafi was deposed October 20th, 2011.

The Benghazi Attack happened September 11th, 2012.

So in Conservatardia, is time not linear????

:lolup:Pathological lying moron thinks that bombing Libya and deposing Qaddafi are related to the failure in Benghazi. :rofl2:
