Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

Qadafi never bombed Bengazi protestors as alleged - BAC would tell you this as well -he was on it from the beginning.



You don't even know the basic facts of what we are talking about.
Word salad.
you can't be this stupid..look at a map.
ME connects the Sinai - Egypt connects to Libya ( infested with ISIS and a failed state) Algeria border is a berm now, but still porous for Libyan terrorism. AQIM = al Qaeda in Mali
Qadafi never bombed Bengazi protestors as alleged - BAC would tell you this as well -he was on it from the beginning.

You are a true fucking idiot.

Qaddafi was deposed October 20th, 2011.

The Benghazi Attack happened September 11th, 2012.

So in Conservatardia, is time not linear????


You don't even know the basic facts of what we are talking about.

the reason for the No Fly! - not 'Benagazi with Chris Stevens'..

JFC do some research before you jump in! :palm:
Your answer is it was not our business for a no fly, and regime change was malign

Well, since you don't even know the basic facts of what we're discussing, nor do you even know the timeline of events, what the fuck leads you to this conclusion?


You don't even know the basic facts of what we are talking about.

omg another dumb-ass ^^^^ on board

You don't assassinate world leaders, leaving the country to the brotherhood, and all others orts of bad players, that you eventually have to chase all around the region.

Obama and Hillary did nothing right in that region, nothing
so stop making an idiot of yourself

No, Quaddafi was killing civilians. It's why the ICC indicted him and his lieutenants.

This wasn't that long ago; what is your excuse for getting every single thing wrong?
right in your article:
The prosecutor said the Libyans had raised the issue of the killing of civilians by NATO air strikes since NATO began bombing in March. But he said he was still waiting for more information, including the results of a fact-finding mission by the Human Rights Council, before deciding whether to include NATO actions in the scope of his inquiry.
ICC was a western stooge. NATO went all in ( except Germany).. Russia knew what we were up to
with our R2p - Madeline Albright's failed policy hanging around the UN.

AT NO TIME DID QADAFI attack civilians during the Libyan civil war of 2011.
The possible excepting was the encirclement of Misrata
And in Florida — where Democrat Bill Nelson is ahead by just 4 points (which is within the poll’s margin of error – the Democrat’s lead over Republican Rick Scott among independents is 9 points, 50 percent to 41 percent..

real clear politics still shows Scott in the lead.....

as for Arizona I suggest you discount polls take before the GOP has finished its primaries......
Libya was indeed an American crime against humanity.

We/Obama murdered Quadaffi because we could .. and we used Al Queda to do it. They were OUR foot soldiers.

The Benghazi investigations were a fraud .. we never sought the truth.
Hillary by extension killed those Americans in Benghazi, there is no debate there.
And she didn't pay for it, other than in part it lead to her second defeat.

Those Americans should not even have been in Benghazi much less left there with no protection, that they asked for time and again, and certainly not left there after the attack started to fend for themselves.

That witch and her boss will burn for that one some day
Well, since you don't even know the basic facts of what we're discussing, nor do you even know the timeline of events, what the fuck leads you to this conclusion?
fucking dolt. I even laid it out for you!
You don't know the difference between Bengazi 2011 -The made up basis for the "no fly"

and the LIFG attack on Stevens 2012 after Qadafi was killed. you are an utter waste of time on this thread.

Everything Trump has done has been in line 100% with Conservatism. That's why all the Conservatives in Congress vote with him nearly 100% of the time.

EXACTLY! This is the agenda no matter who the Republican President is.

This is their agenda, always has been.
Are you saying the south is blue states? Those guys left a long time ago, when they didn't like or rulings involving black people. Biggest bunch of dead weight to ever leave a political party in American history. The south has been red to the core. The Dixiecrats were just a portion of the losing side of the Civil War.

I thought red represented socialism?
Go ahead and bring up Benghazi, I dare you.

6 years of investigations by more than half a dozen Conservative committees produced zero indictments.

The Benghazi shit is a Russian Active Measure. You are employing KGB tactics using propaganda again. This is exactly why Russia was so effective at influencing Conservatives, and why they targeted Conservatives with their propaganda.

Not just conservatives they have some dems influenced too.
You don't assassinate world leaders, leaving the country to the brotherhood, and all others orts of bad players, that you eventually have to chase all around the region

We didn't assassinate Qaddafi - we assassinated Saddam, though.
The Muslim Brotherhood was going to step in no matter where there's conflict
"Sorts of bad players" - vague nonsense
You're chasing them around the region already and have been doing so since November 2001.

No Conservative has said what they would have done differently in Libya.