Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

Hamilton's policies were designed to reflect the mercantilism of the major European overseas trading nations.

They were closed systems.

The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation only deepened the Depression.

Most Hitler supporters spoke German...most Trump supporters speak English.

That is the main difference even though one other difference is that most Hitler supporters are dead and most Trump supporters are still alive!

Prescott Bush was a Nazi supporter who spoke English.
First American tariff was in place before 1800. I read we have over 12,500 now. Trumps tariffs are designed to exert power over other nations. He somehow thinks they will take it without responding. They have shown him to be wrong. But Trumpy will forge ahead. He bullies contractors and workers. Now he is trying to bully countries. We have a poor excuse for a mature person in office.
First American tariff was in place before 1800. I read we have over 12,500 now. Trumps tariffs are designed to exert power over other nations. He somehow thinks they will take it without responding. They have shown him to be wrong. But Trumpy will forge ahead. He bullies contractors and workers. Now he is trying to bully countries. We have a poor excuse for a mature person in office.

For all that bullying, he has them paying attention and making concessions. In other words, negotiating trade. What a concept huh?
A free press is free to constantly lie about Trump and his family. A free press is also free to become the watchdog of the government against the people.

America eventually grew into an economic giant following the economic trade protectionist policies of Alexander Hamilton.

You need to support President Trump who is exclusively representing the American working man and woman in this country's middle class.

(answer to both 3 and 4.)

Also: Private property no trespassing signs are not unconstitutional nor is a border wall because some libertarians think they both restrict human movement /activity.

Laws do not make good people do bad things. Laws are designed to protect innocent law abiding citizens by punishing felons who break those laws.

And none of this is personal and you should be very concerned about being praised by a progressive leftist because you oppose Trump - who has the most conservative administration in the country's history and I include Reagan's.

People still supporting Donald Trump...are either nuts or stupid or both.

GOP, moderates and independents continue to abandon Trump.

President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 41, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +13
President Trump Job Approval IBD/TIPP Approve 41, Disapprove 50 Disapprove +9
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 44, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +10
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 43, Disapprove 53 Disapprove +10