Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

I suspect there are several posters like truth inflector who are on ignore by about 70 percent of the people. Hell blocking that dumb fuck is reason enough alone to become a member!
are you 12?

that's a serious question.

And on Topic, yes people not previously in Trumps camp are catching on that it is America against establishment obstructionism
I suspect there are several posters like truth inflector who are on ignore by about 70 percent of the people. Hell blocking that dumb fuck is reason enough alone to become a member!

Not just his horrible uninformed positions, but you have to scroll through a page of crap to get to his one line of badly formed comment. Too annoying to deal with.
Ok but he was promoting it and approved it. It stops at his desk and his pen. And also you don’t see that as a bit of a cop out? He only went along with it because of the military? Sounds like something a politician would say because he knows that his supporters won’t ague about it since it supports the troops.

He did no such thing. It were the republicans led by Ryan that got that monster pushed through. Trump did not push it. Trump pushed spending for the military.

Trump signed it and it angered me but you should thank your lucky stars over all the other promises he's made that he has delivered on unless you're another never Trumper.

What about all the jobs he's brought back to america - over 18,000 of them? What about all the corporations that are staying here? What about the middle class tax cuts?

None of this impresses you?
He did no such thing. It were the republicans led by Ryan that got that monster pushed through. Trump did not push it. Trump pushed spending for the military.

Trump signed it and it angered me but you should thank your lucky stars over all the other promises he's made that he has delivered on unless you're another never Trumper.

What about all the jobs he's brought back to america - over 18,000 of them? What about all the corporations that are staying here? What about the middle class tax cuts?

None of this impresses you?

18,000 jobs along with more government spending is not a long term formula for success and thinking since jobs increased it forgives more spending is turning a blind eye. Having a a few big name corporations reduce their international presence and expand here in the US is a good thing but it’s not as widespread as you want to hope it is. I’d be impressed if Trump starts to truly push to shrink the size and scope of government, actively work to close agencies that are unconstitutional, to truly work to fix the tax rate and eliminate unnecessary taxes in general instead of a feel good tax cut, abandon his belief in imminent domain, abandon his trade war and instead be a champion of the free market and free trade, promote more individual liberty, reduce our military presence by actually closing bases and saving billions of dollars, stop subsidizing farmers and work to end subsidies in general, work to open healthcare access across state lines for people and create competition, call out and end government spying programs, truly promote the first amendment, and stop vilifying the free press and using them as a scapegoat. He’s done well with some reductions of regulation but he spends the majority of his time it seems making an enemy out of the media, having rallies, picking easy small wins, and trying to solve foreign policy issues. I’m not a never Trumper but I am definitely not a blind follower and I have high expectations. I know he is still early in his presidency but he hasn’t even mentioned most of these issues yet. If he starts working on these issues then I might start to be impressed. Watching my boyfriend ride a bull for 8+ seconds impresses me. Making fun of CNN does not.
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18,000 jobs along with more government spending is not a long term formula for success and thinking since jobs increased it forgives more spending is turning a blind eye. Having a a few big name corporations reduce their international presence and expand here in the US is a good thing but it’s not as widespread as you want to hope it is. I’d be impressed if Trump starts to truly push to shrink the size and scope of government, actively work to close agencies that are unconstitutional, to truly work to fix the tax rate and eliminate unnecessary taxes in general instead of a feel good tax cut, abandon his belief in imminent domain, abandon his trade war and instead be a champion of the free market and free trade, promote more individual liberty, reduce our military presence by actually closing bases and saving billions of dollars, stop subsidizing farmers and work to end subsidies in general, work to open healthcare access across state lines for people and create competition, call out and end government spying programs, truly promote the first amendment, and stop vilifying the free press and using them as a scapegoat. He’s done well with some reductions of regulation but he spends the majority of his time it seems making an enemy out of the media, having rallies, picking easy small wins, and trying to solve foreign policy issues. I’m not a never Trumper but I am definitely not a blind follower and I have high expectations. I know he is still early in his presidency but he hasn’t even mentioned most of these issues yet. If he starts working on these issues then I might start to be impressed. Watching my boyfriend ride a bull for 8+ seconds impresses me. Making fun of CNN does not.

Trump is no more the conservative Philthy Wabbit yearns for than he is the libertarian you appear to be. He is an opportunist clown.
The worst, most corrupt and most unqualified potus since US Grant. The reasons to hate his guts transcends political
acts. He is quite simply the most loathsome human not serving life without parole. He stands for and is a flesh and blood
symbol of everything reprehensible about the US. He is the embodiment of all the lesser angels of Uncle Sam's nature.
You can make a long list of everything humans may have in common with seagulls, rats and reptiles Trump checks off each box.
18,000 jobs along with more government spending is not a long term formula for success and thinking since jobs increased it forgives more spending is turning a blind eye. Having a a few big name corporations reduce their international presence and expand here in the US is a good thing but it’s not as widespread as you want to hope it is. I’d be impressed if Trump starts to truly push to shrink the size and scope of government, actively work to close agencies that are unconstitutional, to truly work to fix the tax rate and eliminate unnecessary taxes in general instead of a feel good tax cut, abandon his belief in imminent domain, abandon his trade war and instead be a champion of the free market and free trade, promote more individual liberty, reduce our military presence by actually closing bases and saving billions of dollars, stop subsidizing farmers and work to end subsidies in general, work to open healthcare access across state lines for people and create competition, call out and end government spying programs, truly promote the first amendment, and stop vilifying the free press and using them as a scapegoat. He’s done well with some reductions of regulation but he spends the majority of his time it seems making an enemy out of the media, having rallies, picking easy small wins, and trying to solve foreign policy issues. I’m not a never Trumper but I am definitely not a blind follower and I have high expectations. I know he is still early in his presidency but he hasn’t even mentioned most of these issues yet. If he starts working on these issues then I might start to be impressed. Watching my boyfriend ride a bull for 8+ seconds impresses me. Making fun of CNN does not.

I can't thank this post enough. It's good to see principled conservatives who have not fallen under the spell & see the good and bad w/ some clarity.
18,000 jobs along with more government spending is not a long term formula for success and thinking since jobs increased it forgives more spending is turning a blind eye. Having a a few big name corporations reduce their international presence and expand here in the US is a good thing but it’s not as widespread as you want to hope it is. I’d be impressed if Trump starts to truly push to shrink the size and scope of government, actively work to close agencies that are unconstitutional, to truly work to fix the tax rate and eliminate unnecessary taxes in general instead of a feel good tax cut, abandon his belief in imminent domain, abandon his trade war and instead be a champion of the free market and free trade, promote more individual liberty, reduce our military presence by actually closing bases and saving billions of dollars, stop subsidizing farmers and work to end subsidies in general, work to open healthcare access across state lines for people and create competition, call out and end government spying programs, truly promote the first amendment, and stop vilifying the free press and using them as a scapegoat. He’s done well with some reductions of regulation but he spends the majority of his time it seems making an enemy out of the media, having rallies, picking easy small wins, and trying to solve foreign policy issues. I’m not a never Trumper but I am definitely not a blind follower and I have high expectations. I know he is still early in his presidency but he hasn’t even mentioned most of these issues yet. If he starts working on these issues then I might start to be impressed. Watching my boyfriend ride a bull for 8+ seconds impresses me. Making fun of CNN does not.

Free press and free trade - you're operating on college theory. You cannot be serious or realistic calling the press a free press.

Nor does your university theories explain America's huge trade deficits as free trade.

You're one who believes the American working middle class as being intellectually inferior.

You and your boyfriend need to start attending George Will Georgetown dinner parties.

Our president has been in office less than two years and you expect that an Ann Rand utopia on earth should have emerged by now outside your humanities dorm?

You should be proud of yourself having a progressive leftist label you a true conservative.

Telling indeed.
Free press and free trade - you're operating on college theory. You cannot be serious or realistic calling the press a free press.

Nor does your university theories explain America's huge trade deficits as free trade.

You're one who believes the American working middle class as being intellectually inferior.

You and your boyfriend need to start attending George Will Georgetown dinner parties.

Our president has been in office less than two years and you expect that an Ann Rand utopia on earth should have emerged by now outside your humanities dorm?

You should be proud of yourself having a progressive leftist label you a true conservative.

Telling indeed.

1. The free press is not college theory it's part of the first amendment.
2. Tariffs and trade wars are not part of the republican, conservative, or libertarian toolbox.
3. I don't understand this point you're trying to make. I believe the middle class is intellectually inferior? Where did you get that from? I am from a small town in Texas and grew up on a working ranch, I recently graduated from Abilene Christian University and raised livestock and competed in barrel raising to help pay for college. I am part of the American middle class. I'm exactly the type of person that people on the hard left judge and label. Why are you doing that as well?
4. My boyfriend and I need to attend a George Will dinner party? Again, what does that mean and where did that come from?
5. I never said that I expected an Ayn Rand utopia within the first two years. I simply stated the Trump has yet to even mention any of those conservative and libertarian issues.
6. I don't really know who you are talking about.

What is telling is how you really ignored every issue I mentioned that is traditionally conservative or libertarian that Trump has ignored or is the opposite of and instead you made it personal about me for some reason. Can you please respond to each issue that I laid out and what Trump is doing to address them?
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1. The free press is not college theory it's part of the first amendment.
2. Tariffs and trade wars are not part of the republican, conservative, or libertarian toolbox.
3. I don't understand this point you're trying to make. I believe the middle class is intellectually inferior? Where did you get that from? I am from a small town in Texas and grew up on a working ranch, I recently graduated from Abilene Christian University and raised livestock and competed in barrel raising to help pay for college. I am part of the American middle class. I'm exactly the type of person that people on the hard left judge and label. Why are you doing that as well?
4. My boyfriend and I need to attend a George Will dinner party? Again, what does that mean and where did that come from?
5. I never said that I expected an Ayn Rand utopia within the first two years. I simply stated the Trump has yet to even mention any of those conservative and libertarian issues.
6. I don't really know who you are talking about.

What is telling is how you really ignored every issue I mentioned that is traditionally conservative or libertarian that Trump has ignored or is the opposite of and instead you made it personal about me for some reason. Can you please respond to each issue that I laid out and what Trump is doing to address them?

A free press is free to constantly lie about Trump and his family. A free press is also free to become the watchdog of the government against the people.

America eventually grew into an economic giant following the economic trade protectionist policies of Alexander Hamilton.

You need to support President Trump who is exclusively representing the American working man and woman in this country's middle class.

(answer to both 3 and 4.)

Also: Private property no trespassing signs are not unconstitutional nor is a border wall because some libertarians think they both restrict human movement /activity.

Laws do not make good people do bad things. Laws are designed to protect innocent law abiding citizens by punishing felons who break those laws.

And none of this is personal and you should be very concerned about being praised by a progressive leftist because you oppose Trump - who has the most conservative administration in the country's history and I include Reagan's.
Not only are moderates and independents NOT flocking to Trump, many republicans aren't either.

Concerned by Trump, Some Republicans Quietly Align With Democrats

I left the Republican Party. Now I want Democrats to take over.

“Should I stay or should I go now?” That question, posed by the eminent political philosophers known as the Clash, is one that confronts any Republican with a glimmer of conscience. You used to belong to a conservative party with a white-nationalist fringe. Now it’s a white-nationalist party with a conservative fringe. If you’re part of that fringe, what should you do?

Veteran strategist Steve Schmidt, who ran John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, is the latest Republican to say “no more.” Recently he issued an anguished Twitter post: “29 years and nine months ago I registered to vote and became a member of the Republican Party which was founded in 1854 to oppose slavery and stand for the dignity of human life,” he wrote. “Today I renounce my membership in the Republican Party. It is fully the party of Trump.”

Schmidt follows in the illustrious footsteps of Post columnist George F. Will, former senator Gordon Humphrey, former representative (and Post columnist) Joe Scarborough, Reagan and Bush (both) aide Peter Wehner, and other Republicans who have left the party. I’m with them. After a lifetime as a Republican, I re-registered as an independent on the day after Donald Trump’s election.
A free press is free to constantly lie about Trump and his family. A free press is also free to become the watchdog of the government against the people.

America eventually grew into an economic giant following the economic trade protectionist policies of Alexander Hamilton.

You need to support President Trump who is exclusively representing the American working man and woman in this country's middle class.

(answer to both 3 and 4.)

Also: Private property no trespassing signs are not unconstitutional nor is a border wall because some libertarians think they both restrict human movement /activity.

Laws do not make good people do bad things. Laws are designed to protect innocent law abiding citizens by punishing felons who break those laws.

And none of this is personal and you should be very concerned about being praised by a progressive leftist because you oppose Trump - who has the most conservative administration in the country's history and I include Reagan's.

America eventually grew into an economic giant following the economic trade protectionist policies of Alexander Hamilton.

Bullshit. Smoot Hawley brought on the Great Depression and was repealed.

Just one example of the idiocy you posted
Hamilton's policies were designed to reflect the mercantilism of the major European overseas trading nations.

They were closed systems.

The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation only deepened the Depression.