Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

You just keep getting dumber .. but guess what .. a gift is coming your way.

:0) .. and oh yeah, Trump is so popular that being impeached is a gift.

you need to make it part if your platform....

raise taxes
kill the unborn
open borders
impeach the guy who fixed the economy
:0) Check this out genius ..

Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America, poll finds

Under Donald Trump, socialism seeps into US mainstream

'The S-word': how young Americans fell in love with socialism

Shocking, huh? :0)

socialism is the future of the demmycrat party......
That and your transgender bathrooms and your Nazi labels up against Trump's roaring economy.

You're a big loser Mr. lefty. Moderates and independents will vote for Trump in 2020.

You'd have to be almost braindead to come up with that bullshit. :0)

Maybe you're using Russian polls.
That and your transgender bathrooms and your Nazi labels up against Trump's roaring economy.

You're a big loser Mr. lefty. Moderates and independents will vote for Trump in 2020.

Oops. My apologies, Rabbit. I forgot for when I posted that "Fuck you" that you are an American conservative and a Trump supporter.

I should have posted:


Maybe, just maybe, then you would have understood it.
New polls show bad news for Republicans

(CNN)Three new polls done by NBC/Marist of the Senate and gubernatorial races in Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin show things may be taking a turn for the worse for Republicans in the fall elections.

The race for governor in Wisconsin has some unpleasant news for Republican incumbent, Gov. Scott Walker, who is seeking his third term in 2018. Sixty-one percent of Wisconsin's registered voters think they should "give a new person a chance" instead of re-electing Walker, the polling shows.

Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers will be Walker's most likely Democratic competitor. His numbers show him ahead of the next contestant by 19 percentage points.
When facing one another, Evers currently leads Walker 54% to 41%, a significantly higher number than the Marquette University poll only a month ago, showing Walker beating Evers by four percentage points.

All three states show President Donald Trump's approval rating underwater. The lowest rating is in Minnesota, where 37% approve of the job Trump's doing as President and about half disapprove.

These possible battleground states also would rather have a Congress controlled by the Democrats, with 45% in Michigan, 47% in Wisconsin and 48% in Minnesota saying they would prefer that to the current Republican-controlled Congress.
Michigan and Wisconsin both went for Trump in the 2016 election by a very slim margin -- with Trump beating Clinton with between 0.2% and 1.6% of the vote. Clinton won in Minnesota but by a much slimmer margin than expected.

So moderates and Independents are supposed to save republicans? :0)
Moderates and Independents are indeed flocking to Trump, but unfortunately, the piece of shit has secret service protection as if he were a real president.

Only out of curiosity, philly rabbit, do you have secret service protection or are you merely the beneficiary of profound tolerance on the part of civilized people?

Everything Trump has done has been in line 100% with Conservatism. That's why all the Conservatives in Congress vote with him nearly 100% of the time.

That’s actually not true. Don’t forget Trumps massive budget that he pitched and most recently his proposed bailout of farmers as well as the tariffs that created the need of the bailout.
That’s actually not true. Don’t forget Trumps massive budget that he pitched and most recently his proposed bailout of farmers as well as the tariffs that created the need of the bailout.

LV has no idea what a true Conservative believes. He considers idiots like John McCain and Lindsey Graham conservative.
That’s actually not true. Don’t forget Trumps massive budget that he pitched and most recently his proposed bailout of farmers as well as the tariffs that created the need of the bailout.

Conservatives have supported all of this.
LV has no idea what a true Conservative believes. He considers idiots like John McCain and Lindsey Graham conservative.

Of course they're Conservatives. Always have been, always will be.

You're the ones "No True Scotsman-ing" here. The bar for what a Conservative is seems to move depending on how the wind is blowing.
New polls show bad news for Republicans
(CNN)Three new polls done by NBC/Marist
So moderates and Independents are supposed to save republicans? :0)

This HAS to be IT!! :rofl2: NBC??? :rofl2:

Yep, two years ago Trump didn't have a chance. :rofl2:

We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.

Republicans are going all in, but I don’t know about moderates or independents. We will see in November.
Of course they're Conservatives. Always have been, always will be.

You're the ones "No True Scotsman-ing" here. The bar for what a Conservative is seems to move depending on how the wind is blowing.

A conservative wouldn't have voted for what McCain voted for with healthcare. Lindsey Graham gets elected because Democrats in SC know they can't win that seat so they vote for someone that votes like them.