Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

Hillary by extension killed those Americans in Benghazi, there is no debate there.
And she didn't pay for it, other than in part it lead to her second defeat.

Those Americans should not even have been in Benghazi much less left there with no protection, that they asked for time and again, and certainly not left there after the attack started to fend for themselves.

That witch and her boss will burn for that one some day

The hatred for Hillary Clinton is fueled by people jealous of her.

The scum that constantly derides her...will themselves burn in hell for having done it.

Or at least, I can hope there is a hell...and that they will.

To me...they are scum whether there is a hell or not.
I doubt that. I doubt that very much.

I am doing no such thing...and I don't appreciate a fucking asshole like you suggesting that I am.

So take your accusation and shove it up your ass.

Capitalize "Americans" jerkoff.

Anyway...if I am reading things correctly, Americans are sick and tired of Donald Trump. He is a menace to our nation...and to humanity in general.

You want positive?

I'll give you positive.

I positively am asking you to go fuck yourself with your phony indignation.

Jerkoff like you must be an Eagles fan also.


Only thing really good about a decent Philly cheesesteak...and the only decent ones are made in New Jersey...on the boardwalk at Seaside.

Hate - hate - and more hate. You leftists have no positive message. You are too obsessed with Hillary's defeat and you offer no alternative solutions except socialism.
Hate - hate - and more hate. You leftists have no positive message. You are too obsessed with Hillary's defeat and you offer no alternative solutions except socialism.

62% of independents have a negative approval rating for Orangetweet.

Flocking! Flocking, I tells ya’!
You don't know how old I am, stupid racist.

Nor do I give a fuck how old you are. The future does not belong to racist motherfuckers like you.

The American population will continue to move far away from asshole right-wing politics as your asshole party continues to shrink. :0)

Don't like it .. who gives a fuck.
Russia is waging a full-blown attack on the world .. including on America .. and your president is complicit.

How is it that you could see the truth of Libya, yet not see the truth of Trump .. which is far easier to see. You could be blind and see it.

How is it that you can't see how despised and unpopular your leader is?

You're always talking about 'partisanship' .. but only one of us has stood against his own party in revealing the truth.

.. and that my brother ain't you.

Speak to the truth NOW.
oh please..I criticize Trump when he deserves it..his Tweeting for ex. is malign.

But I don't criticize him for trying to improve relations with Russia, and unlike da resistance I am not out to destroy him with charges of illegitimacy that started election night
oh please..I criticize Trump when he deserves it..his Tweeting for ex. is malign.

But I don't criticize him for trying to improve relations with Russia, and unlike da resistance I am not out to destroy him with charges of illegitimacy that started election night

:whoa: Dude, could you possibly be that unaware? You truly are a Trumpster living in an alternate reality.

You 'criticize' Trump is bullshit .. laughable bullshit. At least have the integrity to stand up for what you are .. what everybody on this board sees every single day.
Russia is waging a full-blown attack on the world .. including on America .. and your president is complicit.

How is it that you could see the truth of Libya, yet not see the truth of Trump .. which is far easier to see. You could be blind and see it.

How is it that you can't see how despised and unpopular your leader is?

You're always talking about 'partisanship' .. but only one of us has stood against his own party in revealing the truth.

.. and that my brother ain't you.

Speak to the truth NOW.

Oh, your dumb black ass still thinks it's a popularity contest.
:whoa: Dude, could you possibly be that unaware? You truly are a Trumpster living in an alternate reality.

You 'criticize' Trump is bullshit .. laughable bullshit. At least have the integrity to stand up for what you are .. what everybody on this board sees every single day.
calling into question my integrity is a good way to get into an old argument with you in terms of supporting Hillary.
I have no desire to go there -do you?
I'm happy enough to have a discussion with you instead of the personal attacks that enflame/inflame- not inform
calling into question my integrity is a good way to get into an old argument with you in terms of supporting Hillary.
I have no desire to go there -do you?
I'm happy enough to have a discussion with you instead of the personal attacks that enflame/inflame- not inform

:0) Personal attacks? How is calling out what you post on this board every single day in any way 'personal?'

You think you being a Trump suck-up is a secret? :0) If this board had an election to see who is the biggest Trump suck-up, my money says that you would win .. in a landslide.

We're talking about politics. I don't know you personally. If you have anything you want to say about my politics or comments, be my guest.

Grab a fresh pair of panties and stop whining.
Nor do I give a fuck how old you are. The future does not belong to racist motherfuckers like you.

The American population will continue to move far away from asshole right-wing politics as your asshole party continues to shrink. :0)

Don't like it .. who gives a fuck.

Hopefully they grow away from racists blacks too.
:whoa: Dude, could you possibly be that unaware? You truly are a Trumpster living in an alternate reality.

You 'criticize' Trump is bullshit .. laughable bullshit. At least have the integrity to stand up for what you are .. what everybody on this board sees every single day.
we've done this dance.
it goes nowhere but around the Mulberry Bush. You attack my support of Trump -I attack your support of Hillary.
I think there is nothing to be gained by doing it of health BAC.
oh please..I criticize Trump when he deserves it..his Tweeting for ex. is malign.

But I don't criticize him for trying to improve relations with Russia, and unlike da resistance I am not out to destroy him with charges of illegitimacy that started election night

What you are, Noise, is an asshole who still supports this abomination to country and humanity.

Own it.

You people will live in history as blights on reason and logic for having given this abomination your continued support.