Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

Great, so you ended up making a distinction that ends up hurting your case; because shelling is indiscriminate. So Gaddafi was indiscriminately shelling his own people to try and kill the opposition, which he considered anyone who resided in opposition-controlled territories.
bombing a city -like NATO did in Misrata - is also indiscriminate *yawn*

France and Britain Lead Military Push on Libya
MARCH 18, 2011
France and Britain continued to press their hawkish position on Libya on Friday, saying they intend to take the lead in enforcing a no-flight zone.

Delete your account, troll.
ROFL..they claim to lead? so what?

1. who did the command and control?
2.who used the most cruise missiles?
3.who flew the most sorties? - the USA

you are so stupid you quote a lead line of their aspirations and posit as proof they led the military campaign.
Warmongering fool.
Yes, he did target civilians...he just called them "rebels".

But remember, you first said that he didn't kill any civilians. Then you shifted the goalposts to say that he did kill civilians, but they were "collateral damage."

Seems to me that if you're not targeting civilians, you wouldn't try to excuse their deaths as "collateral damage" well after the fact.

With all due respect my friend, Quadaffi wasn't killed by his own people. He was murdered by Al Queda .. our foot soldiers. The very same Al Queda that we claimed attacked us on 9/11.

... AND, to further illustrate the depth of our evil, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Susan Powers used the false story of Quadaffi giving his troops Viagra so they could run out and rape Libyan women. The story was a total fabrication.

Amnesty questions claim that Gaddafi ordered rape as weapon of war

Additionally ..

African immigrants paid the heaviest price.

I'm a democrat and a progressive .. but what I am does not change the truth of what we did in Libya .. which was nothing short of HORROR.

Libya was a rich and prosperous nation that we turned into a hotbed of murder, rape, terrorism, and pure evil.

There is MUCH more if you chose to examine that evidence.
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Obama lies 6 seconds into this video ..

The largest demonstration in history .. FOR Quadaffi, and AGAINST NATO bombing of Libya.
Obama lies 6 seconds into this video ..

The largest demonstration in history .. FOR Quadaffi, and AGAINST NATO bombing of Libya.
^what Libya could/should have been instead of this: (NYTimes)


The fall of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi seemed to vindicate Hillary Clinton.
Then militias refused to disarm, neighbors fanned a civil war, and the Islamic State found refuge
Benghazi 2014
I answered..what NATO country has been attacked? (none -except 9-11-Article 5).

the problem is the Balkans are very unstable - also NATO expansion causes many problems

The Balkans are a challenge that one of the greatest and most powerful nations in history should be able to figure out. All it takes is leadership and resolve.
The Balkans are a challenge that one of the greatest and most powerful nations in history should be able to figure out. All it takes is leadership and resolve.
point being they are unstable.
They caused WWI..we don't need to trigger article 5 over a bunch of Balkan bullies plays
^what Libya could/should have been instead of this: (NYTimes)


The fall of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi seemed to vindicate Hillary Clinton.
Then militias refused to disarm, neighbors fanned a civil war, and the Islamic State found refuge
Benghazi 2014

That's a truth that no one on my side of the aisle wants to deal with. WE did that.

It's a rabbit hole that neither side wants to go down.

That being said, I don't want to hijack the thread with off-topic conversation.
That's a truth that no one on my side of the aisle wants to deal with. WE did that.

It's a rabbit hole that neither side wants to go down.
ya we did..all of us who did not speak up.
I sincerely hope we've learned about no more regime change, but the Euromaidan shows we didn't.
we seem to be incapable of not meddling in other countries governments..
point being they are unstable.
They caused WWI..we don't need to trigger article 5 over a bunch of Balkan bullies plays

No sure how the Balkans scares you. How is that even possible?

Unfortunately your unfounded fear of the Balkans coincides with the meme of Trump's attack on NATO .. thus makes it suspect and transparent.
ya we did..all of us who did not speak up.
I sincerely hope we've learned about no more regime change, but the Euromaidan shows we didn't.
we seem to be incapable of not meddling in other countries governments..

Russia is waging a full-blown attack on the world .. including on America .. and your president is complicit.

How is it that you could see the truth of Libya, yet not see the truth of Trump .. which is far easier to see. You could be blind and see it.

How is it that you can't see how despised and unpopular your leader is?

You're always talking about 'partisanship' .. but only one of us has stood against his own party in revealing the truth.

.. and that my brother ain't you.

Speak to the truth NOW.
Extremely far left. Bernie and Warren and that new hispanic chick are the future of the socialist party.

:0) Check this out genius ..

Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America, poll finds

Under Donald Trump, socialism seeps into US mainstream

'The S-word': how young Americans fell in love with socialism

Shocking, huh? :0)
Extremely far left. Bernie and Warren and that new hispanic chick are the future of the socialist party.

The future doesn't belong to you.

You'll be dead and the American population will continue to evolve far away from whatever you thought about anything.
Russia is waging a full-blown attack on the world .. including on America .. and your president is complicit.

How is it that you could see the truth of Libya, yet not see the truth of Trump .. which is far easier to see. You could be blind and see it.

How is it that you can't see how despised and unpopular your leader is?

You're always talking about 'partisanship' .. but only one of us has stood against his own party in revealing the truth.

.. and that my brother ain't you.

Speak to the truth NOW.
I can't get upset about Russian hacking when we've already addressed it over and over.
Putting the destruction of a country - that was anti-terrorist under Qadaffi compared to Russian troll farms
is just a wild perspective.

And it ignores just how tough Trump's policies on Russia are. far moreso then Obama.

what I really want is triangulation against China, like Nixon did to Russia with the China card
:0) Check this out genius ..

Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America, poll finds

Under Donald Trump, socialism seeps into US mainstream

'The S-word': how young Americans fell in love with socialism

Shocking, huh? :0)

Socialism is for political half wits and fools.