Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

and agian you fail to understand the nature of a seige as opposed to targeted bombing by NATO -muchless that NTC doing the same.

WHATABOUTISM on full display here.

You KGB stooge.

Go drink some piss-water and fuck a yak, Russkie.
you are down to 1 talking point,and that is tenuous as best. you didn't even have the timeline correct on Bengazi!

Firstly, you weren't being specific when you talked about Benghazi. That was no accident, either. You were being deliberately vague because that's how propagandists work; you say vague things then wiggle around the definition later on to suit your narrative.

Chump move, Boris.
Or Obama saying "Libya was his worse mistake" etc.etc

So here's another example of you employing Russian Active Measures!

You're making this so easy for me.

Obama didn't say "Libya was his worse (sic) mistake", he said not planning for the aftermath of Gaddafi's deposing was the big mistake. You even posted a link where the first sentence of the link literally says he thought the biggest mistake was not planning for the aftermath, not that he deposed Gaddafi.

So what you did was lie about what Obama said in order to craft a false narrative that blames him for the civilian deaths caused by Gaddafi's indiscriminate bombing -er,um shelling- of civilians in rebel-controlled areas.

That's a Russian Active Measure.

You're a Russian, aren't you?
Despite winning Pennsylvania, Trump lost Philadelphia by a half-million votes-- a half-million votes in one metropolitan area.

How deep is philly rabbit's bunker?

It would be nice if some decent Philadelphians found it soon.

Key words: WINNING PA. STFU, seriously.
But you said before Gaddafi didn't kill any civilians. Now you're saying he did. So you see how you shifted the goalposts there?
I instructed you on the Siege of Misrata -that nature of a seige is that civiliains do die - once again you fail to mention the NTC was in that seige

Exactly what I have been talking about this entire time. You said something wrong, and have since had to walk it all back. So your original position was that Gaddafi didn't kill civilians. Then you said that he did, but they were "collateral damage", then you said it wasn't indiscriminate but say that he was "shelling". Shelling what and how? Shelling "strongholds" indiscriminately. But since Gaddafi didn't control these regions, how was he to know where the strongholds were? Of course he didn't, nor did he care because for Gaddafi, anyone residing in the rebel-controlled areas were automatically deemed rebels. That was your perspective until I provided you with enough evidence showing Gaddafi killed thousands of civilians. Then you shifted the goalposts to say it was "collateral damage". Then you shifted the goalposts to say it was "shelling" not "bombing", even though the shelling was indiscriminate since thousands of civilians were killed by it.
you called it "bombing" i corrected your mistake to "shelling" (Qadafi could not put up any air force with NATO around.
So that's two goalpost shifts by you in a matter of just a handful of posts
you don't even understand me correcting your misnomer is not "goal post shifting".

You are reliant on this singularity,and can't even get that correct -you have failed every aspect of this discussion .
read the NYTimes link - you need a much larger perspective to discuss this
you have been show to be ignorant as well as willfully ignorant.

Now you're just resorting to spamming the board with random links to try and save face.

Fact is, you said something wrong (Gaddafi didn't kill civilians), then said something else wrong (He wasn't indiscriminately attacking when he was), then lied about what Obama said (his biggest regret was not deposing Gaddafi, but rather not having a coherent plan for the aftermath), all so you could push your Russian propaganda on an anonymous message board.

Delete your account, troll.
now you are going back and lieing. It was shown to be the US LED the NATO coalition (military).


France and Britain Lead Military Push on Libya
MARCH 18, 2011
France and Britain continued to press their hawkish position on Libya on Friday, saying they intend to take the lead in enforcing a no-flight zone.

Delete your account, troll.
you conflated that to a diplomatic initiativ

Conflating is what you did when you first said Gaddafi didn't kill civilians, then changed your position to say he did, but that they were "collateral damage". Then you also tried to say that shelling population centers wasn't indiscriminate when that's the very point of shelling population centers, which is what both Gaddafi did and Assad continues to do.

You're here pushing a pro-Russia position.

You're not even an American, are you?
what? in English please. hat run on first sentence is non-sensicle and unsupported. Clean up you points and don't tlak about what I "imply" when I take care to be exact. unlike this mish mash.

Nope. Not a run-on sentence at all.

English isn't your first language, is it?
So here's another example of you employing Russian Active Measures!

You're making this so easy for me.

Obama didn't say "Libya was his worse (sic) mistake", he said not planning for the aftermath of Gaddafi's deposing was the big mistake. You even posted a link where the first sentence of the link literally says he thought the biggest mistake was not planning for the aftermath, not that he deposed Gaddafi.

So what you did was lie about what Obama said in order to craft a false narrative that blames him for the civilian deaths caused by Gaddafi's indiscriminate bombing -er,um shelling- of civilians in rebel-controlled areas.

That's a Russian Active Measure.

You're a Russian, aren't you?
Obama isn't going to say his POLICY is a mistake -he shifts the blame to Cameron instead-
and if you had ANY CLUES you'd understand it was impossible for western nationbuilding after the war
because Libya was a failed state run by militia rule.

Obama shifted the blame. It was his worse mistake. It turned the Maghreb into a full link terrorsits groups.

I gotta run. you are boring, pendantic,and grossly uninformed on this. read the link
Conflating is what you did when you first said Gaddafi didn't kill civilians, then changed your position to say he did, but that they were "collateral damage". Then you also tried to say that shelling population centers wasn't indiscriminate when that's the very point of shelling population centers, which is what both Gaddafi did and Assad continues to do.

You're here pushing a pro-Russia position.

You're not even an American, are you?

You haven't seen anything yet.

Not only does he blame President Obama, but he says Hilary and Susan Rice talked President Obama into doing it. Airgo.......he can blame all 3 of them.......LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Funniest shit I ever heard.
I never said anything like"You thought that all the people Gaddafi killed were rebelling against him" -that is just garbage.

You said that Gaddafi didn't kill civilians. So that means you thought all the people Gaddafi killed weren't civilians. Then when I gave you a couple of links that were hard for you to deny, you suddenly changed your position to say that civilians were killed, but that they were "collateral damage". Then you tried to make a distinction without difference between bombing and shelling when it came to indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population centers. But here's the thing; shelling is indiscriminate, bombing isn't (unless you're talking about carpet bombing).

So you got caught trying to spin a web of Russian-backed propaganda, and I want to know why?
Obama isn't going to say his POLICY is a mistake -he shifts the blame to Cameron instead-
and if you had ANY CLUES you'd understand it was impossible for western nationbuilding after the war
because Libya was a failed state run by militia rule.

Obama shifted the blame. It was his worse mistake. It turned the Maghreb into a full link terrorsits groups.

I gotta run. you are boring, pendantic,and grossly uninformed on this. read the link

This always happens when your getting you're ass kicked.

All them Libya post shattered in a matter of minutes.........LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at you!
I instructed you on the Siege of Misrata -that nature of a seige is that civiliains do die - once again you fail to mention the NTC was in that seige

So this is another goalpost shift.

So now you're saying that NTC was the focus of Gaddafi's "siege" of Misrata; a siege where Gaddafi shelled the population center indiscriminately, killing thousands. If Gaddafi wasn't trying to kill civilians, then he wouldn't have shelled the city indiscriminately and kill thousands of them.

So how is this helping your argument? It's not. It's showing that Gaddafi really didn't care about civilian casualties because he thought anyone residing in opposition-controlled territory was in fact the opposition. It's exactly the same justification Assad uses in Syria every day.

Funny how you're defending it, because your position and Russia's position on it are exactly the same. Almost as if...they're coordinated.
you called it "bombing" i corrected your mistake to "shelling" (Qadafi could not put up any air force with NATO around.

Great, so you ended up making a distinction that ends up hurting your case; because shelling is indiscriminate. So Gaddafi was indiscriminately shelling his own people to try and kill the opposition, which he considered anyone who resided in opposition-controlled territories.
You are reliant on this singularity,and can't even get that correct -you have failed every aspect of this discussion .
read the NYTimes link - you need a much larger perspective to discuss this

I can smell the stink of your vodka from here, Vasily.
We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.


Sure they are.

62% disapproval rating by independents. Low 40% overall.

Where's the fucking flocking?
You said that Gaddafi didn't kill civilians. So that means you thought all the people Gaddafi killed weren't civilians. Then when I gave you a couple of links that were hard for you to deny, you suddenly changed your position to say that civilians were killed, but that they were "collateral damage". Then you tried to make a distinction without difference between bombing and shelling when it came to indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population centers. But here's the thing; shelling is indiscriminate, bombing isn't (unless you're talking about carpet bombing).

So you got caught trying to spin a web of Russian-backed propaganda, and I want to know why?
Russians don't care about our role in Libya, they are too busy cultivating the existing governments.
NATO destroys Libya. Russia gives them expertise and money to rebuild, in exchange for future influence.
Their soft power is much more effective there then our war.

*Yawn* the rest of your dribbling is discussing the same old point. Which clearly shows you are completely lacking understanding Libyan war 2011, and the new Libyan civil war of 2014.

It's akin to arguing with a teenage girl with you .. "but you said" over and over without advancing any ideas.

I'll do it for you. here's the Big Idea:
1 the Libyan war was built on a pack of lies, and spread internationally by Hillary.
2.It resulted in a failed terrorist state to this day.
3. Qadafi was not bombing civilian in Bengazi as claimed. Nor did he target civilians in the ensuing civil war.

now it's you turn for more inane "points" *yawn again*