Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

Why would Gaddafi keep his word?

Yet Gaddafi continued to kill civilians, except you said before he didn't, then you said he did, but that they were "collateral damage".

So your narrative keeps changing. Not hard to understand why.

TOPIC = Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

Sure. But Gaddafi was bombing civilians indiscriminately because he associated anyone that was residing in areas controlled by rebels, as rebels themselves.

That's why you started off by saying he didn't kill any civilians, then changed that to say he did kill civilians but they were simply "collateral damage".

It would seem like you're moving goalposts.
un-supported nonsense.
I had to even clue you in on Misrata -the only place where the populace was in danger due to the long nature of the seige
That is a far cry from your charge of "indiscriminate bombing" ( and it was shelling -not bombing!)
you are straining on a word like a gnat.

No, what I'm doing is holding you to the words you say.

So what you did was try to present propaganda; a Russia-centric view of Libya to try an indict Obama somehow. You first said that Gaddafi didn't kill any civilians, then you shifted the goalposts and said that he did, but they were "collateral damage". So that's a pretty significant goalpost shift, going from 0 dead to thousands dead.

How could Gaddafi have determined who was "collateral damage" and who wasn't? The answer is that he couldn't have determined that, which is why his campaign was indiscriminate, targeted populated centers, and resulted in thousands of civilian deaths.
It wasn't made up. You are saying it was because you're also saying that the ICC are western stooges.

So how long have you been working on behalf of Russia on these boards? Since July 2017 when you created your account, right?
That's a sock for anatta. Sometimes he posts to himself
Yet Gaddafi continued to kill civilians, except you said before he didn't, then you said he did, but that they were "collateral damage".

So your narrative keeps changing. Not hard to understand why.
not "continued" just there- and not Bengazi either -and you make no mention of the NTC doing the same in Misrata.

you are severely lacking in understanding of Libyan civil war 2011
But hey. If you want to claim this as some pyrrhic victory after all the misinformation you posted -be my guest
You know nothing more than What Hillary put out as talking points. -her of the "we came we saw he died"
mentality of regime change

Oh stop with your victimhood.

It doesn't bring me joy to correct Russian propagandists on social media.

I hate it, in fact, because it reinforces my belief that Russians and the Conservatives who support them, are liars who can't be trusted to provide a full account of anything.

You omit, you make shit up (like the garbage about how it was US-led when it was France and Britain-led), and you shift the goalposts to redefine what you meant before, when you could have simply been accurate in the first place and saved us all this trouble.

But you just had to interject your Russian propaganda into a thread, didn't you?
not "continued" just there- and not Bengazi either -and you make no mention of the NTC doing the same in Misrata.

Classic whataboutism.

You said something wrong, and have since been trying to redefine what you meant and whatabout as your defense.


Delete your account.

you are severely lacking in understanding of Libyan civil war 2011

You seem to be making shit up as you go.
Despite winning Pennsylvania, Trump lost Philadelphia by a half-million votes-- a half-million votes in one metropolitan area.

How deep is philly rabbit's bunker?

It would be nice if some decent Philadelphians found it soon.
No, what I'm doing is holding you to the words you say.

So what you did was try to present propaganda; a Russia-centric view of Libya to try an indict Obama somehow. You first said that Gaddafi didn't kill any civilians, then you shifted the goalposts and said that he did, but they were "collateral damage". So that's a pretty significant goalpost shift, going from 0 dead to thousands dead.

How could Gaddafi have determined who was "collateral damage" and who wasn't? The answer is that he couldn't have determined that, which is why his campaign was indiscriminate, targeted populated centers, and resulted in thousands of civilian deaths.
absolutely incorrect again!
and agian you fail to understand the nature of a seige as opposed to targeted bombing by NATO -muchless that NTC doing the same.

you are down to 1 talking point,and that is tenuous as best. you didn't even have the timeline correct on Bengazi!
Or Obama saying "Libya was his worse mistake" etc.etc.

get back to me when you do some research other then spoon fed Hiallry campaign disinformation
Classic whataboutism.

You said something wrong, and have since been trying to redefine what you meant and whatabout as your defense.


Delete your account.

You seem to be making shit up as you go.
you have been show to be ignorant as well as willfully ignorant.
Here: I'll help you out -NYTmes

Hillary Clinton, ‘Smart Power’ and a Dictator’s Fall
The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi
left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven.
Oh stop with your victimhood.

It doesn't bring me joy to correct Russian propagandists on social media.

I hate it, in fact, because it reinforces my belief that Russians and the Conservatives who support them, are liars who can't be trusted to provide a full account of anything.

You omit, you make shit up (like the garbage about how it was US-led when it was France and Britain-led), and you shift the goalposts to redefine what you meant before, when you could have simply been accurate in the first place and saved us all this trouble.

But you just had to interject your Russian propaganda into a thread, didn't you?

To blame President Obama.
un-supported nonsense.

Look man, you said before he didn't kill civilians. Then you said he did, but they were "collateral damage". So that would seem to imply you thought that all the people Gaddafi killed were rebelling against him, then you shifted the goalposts after that by saying that there was "collateral damage".

So when you look at it through the prism you established, it appears Gaddafi was just indiscriminately bombing the regions where the opposition had taken root.
anatta got his ass kicked in this thread.

He had a blog on the DCJ site about Libya as if any of that shit he posted was legit.

2000 pages of pure unadulterated BULLSHIT!
Oh stop with your victimhood.

It doesn't bring me joy to correct Russian propagandists on social media.

I hate it, in fact, because it reinforces my belief that Russians and the Conservatives who support them, are liars who can't be trusted to provide a full account of anything.

You omit, you make shit up (like the garbage about how it was US-led when it was France and Britain-led), and you shift the goalposts to redefine what you meant before, when you could have simply been accurate in the first place and saved us all this trouble.

But you just had to interject your Russian propaganda into a thread, didn't you?
now you are going back and lieing. It was shown to be the US LED the NATO coalition (military).
you conflated that to a diplomatic initiative
the thread title you posted was even mistaken ( happens a lot with Libyan revisionism)

forget "joy" - try truth telling -but you need to do much more research before you attempt anything but
Hilary type talking points. You are woefully lacking here.
I had to even clue you in on Misrata -the only place where the populace was in danger due to the long nature of the seige

But you said before Gaddafi didn't kill any civilians. Now you're saying he did. So you see how you shifted the goalposts there?

The next shift is right here:

That is a far cry from your charge of "indiscriminate bombing" ( and it was shelling -not bombing!)

Exactly what I have been talking about this entire time. You said something wrong, and have since had to walk it all back. So your original position was that Gaddafi didn't kill civilians. Then you said that he did, but they were "collateral damage", then you said it wasn't indiscriminate but say that he was "shelling". Shelling what and how? Shelling "strongholds" indiscriminately. But since Gaddafi didn't control these regions, how was he to know where the strongholds were? Of course he didn't, nor did he care because for Gaddafi, anyone residing in the rebel-controlled areas were automatically deemed rebels. That was your perspective until I provided you with enough evidence showing Gaddafi killed thousands of civilians. Then you shifted the goalposts to say it was "collateral damage". Then you shifted the goalposts to say it was "shelling" not "bombing", even though the shelling was indiscriminate since thousands of civilians were killed by it.

So that's two goalpost shifts by you in a matter of just a handful of posts
Look man, you said before he didn't kill civilians. Then you said he did, but they were "collateral damage". So that would seem to imply you thought that all the people Gaddafi killed were rebelling against him, then you shifted the goalposts after that by saying that there was "collateral damage".

So when you look at it through the prism you established, it appears Gaddafi was just indiscriminately bombing the regions where the opposition had taken root.
what? in English please.
hat run on first sentence is non-sensicle and unsupported. Clean up you points and don't tlak about what I "imply" when I take care to be exact. unlike this mish mash.

I never said anything like
"You thought that all the people Gaddafi killed were rebelling against him" -that is just garbage.

Like i said you are down to 1 talking point and that is fading fast, the more you bloviate