Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

The Benghazi investigations were a fraud .. we never sought the truth.

We didn't assassinate Qaddafi - we assassinated Saddam, though.
The Muslim Brotherhood was going to step in no matter where there's conflict
"Sorts of bad players" - vague nonsense
You're chasing them around the region already and have been doing so since November 2001.

No Conservative has said what they would have done differently in Libya.

:lolup:Brain dead pathological lying liberal moron doesn't think the deposing of Qaddafi led to his murder. :rofl2:

Then, the same brain dead pathological lying liberal moron dishonestly tries to move the goalposts onto Iraq. :rofl2:

They have been blaming President Obama for this for years. anatta feels extra special because a Black man agrees with him on this Libya lie.

:lolup:Race hustling lying liberal moron thinks Obama wasn't President for eight years. :rofl2:
Demonstrably untrue.

Exclusive: Gaddafi pre-planned attacks on civilians: prosecutor

Libya: Muammar Gaddafi fires on his own people
Libya’s major cities were in the hands of opposition forces on Monday night as Col Muammar Gaddafi, for so long feared at home and loathed abroad, turned his air force on his people in a last-ditch bid to stay in power.

One must ask; why would someone come on an anonymous political message board and try and spread a pro-Gaddafi position? Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Libya and Russia were close friends, and in Russia's informational and propaganda campaign, the objective is to discredit actions of Russia's geopolitical adversaries in order to equate whatever NATO did in Libya with what Russia did to us and others.

So how long have you been working on behalf of Russia?
not 1 mention of the National Transition Council -the "rebels" from the east that started the Libya civil war.
Do you even know those characters?

All you can parrot is "Qadafi killed his own people" - he killed the revolutionaries.
He was defending his regime. He was in good standing with the world community as well.

Russia was protesting NATO's regime change -just like Iraq.
not 1 mention of the National Transition Council -the "rebels" from the east that started the Libya civil war.
Do you even know those characters

The point is that the civilians Gaddafi attacked were lumped in with the "rebels". That's why Britain and France were so hawkish on attacking them, and why they led the air campaign.

All you can parrot is "Qadafi killed his own people" - he killed the revolutionaries.

No, he killed civilians that he called "revolutionaries" simply because they were living in the areas these rebels controlled and held. Like how Assad killed civilians in Syria by pretending they were rebels or ISIS.

He was defending his regime. He was in good standing with the world community as well.

No he wasn't.

Russia was protesting NATO's regime change -just like Iraq.

Because Russia was arming and supporting Gaddafi.
Deposing him isn't assassinating him.

Words have meanings.

Yo, pathological lying moron; if he had not been deposed, he would not have been murdered after his convoy was attacked by US warplanes.


Grow a fucking brain you loon. :rofl2:
Exactly...a NATO coalition that had the backing of the UNSC. If it was purely those three, then they wouldn't have secured the NATO coalition, nor would they have the backing of the UN Security Council.

The Arab Spring protests in Libya were met with military force, the same way it was done in Syria. Gaddafi was killing his own people and we had to put a stop to that. The alternative of "doing nothing" wasn't an option. These Arab Spring protests started because of our stupid invasion of Iraq and continued reliance on fossil fuels that caused droughts and famine in these countries.

Please provide the context for this, because I suspect you're rigging it. You're not a trustworthy enough poster to be able to say these things without providing context.

Here's a video of Gaddafi being killed by his own people...nary a Predator Drone or Mirage to be seen:

by noise
Obama has said it was the biggest mistake of his presidency-take his word on it

President Obama Admits the 'Worst Mistake' of His Presidency

Here's a video of Gaddafi being killed by his own people...nary a Predator Drone or Mirage to be seen:
Col Gaddafi killed: convoy bombed by drone flown by pilot in Las Vegas
Col Muammar Gaddafi’s convoy was bombed by an American Predator drone and then attacked by French jets before the deposed dictator was killed by rebel fighters, defence sources disclosed.

the only thing worse then being 100% ignorant on foreign affairs is knowing only 1/2 the truths.
It's why "we are at war with Russia" ( when we are not)
you need to study up
President Obama Admits the 'Worst Mistake' of His Presidency

First paragraph: President Barack Obama said the worst mistake of his presidency was failing to prepare for the aftermath Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi’s ousting.

Preparing for the aftermath, not the act of deposing Gaddafi in the NATO-led campaign. And I'd agree that they needed a coherent plan for what to do after deposing Gaddafi.
Col Gaddafi killed: convoy bombed by drone flown by pilot in Las Vegas

Right, but you said he was assassinated. But he wasn't assassinated by the drone. He was killed by his own people who grabbed him after the strike on his convoy.

This bothers you, why?
So they didn't kill him, then. He was killed by his own people. And this bothers you, why?

First paragraph: President Barack Obama said the worst mistake of his presidency was failing to prepare for the aftermath Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi’s ousting.

Preparing for the aftermath, not the act of deposing Gaddafi in the NATO-led campaign. And I'd agree that they needed a coherent plan for what to do after deposing Gaddafi.

Right, but you said he was assassinated. But he wasn't assassinated by the drone. He was killed by his own people who grabbed him after the strike on his convoy.

This bothers you, why?

We are at war.

Russia attacked us. Putin ordered the attack.

Do countries not at war attack each other?

The broken record of ignorance continues.....

The point is that the civilians Gaddafi attacked were lumped in with the "rebels". That's why Britain and France were so hawkish on attacking them, and why they led the air campaign.
incorrect. The populace never joined the NTC - it was strictly the beasts from the east.
It was not a populist revolution at all -they picked up no support other then their own

No, he killed civilians that he called "revolutionaries" simply because they were living in the areas these rebels controlled and held.
there is a difference between targeting a populace and "collateral damage"-
AT NO TIME did Qadafi target civilians- the whole lie that got us involved to begin with.
Qadafi even offered safe passage to the NTC from Bengazi thru Egypt if they laid down their arms.

No he wasn't.
lol.. he was due a humanitarian award from the UN.
He came and gave speeches to the UN -one shortly before we turned on him
Because Russia was arming and supporting Gaddafi.
Soviet era weapons -not "Russia"
We are at war.

Russia attacked us. Putin ordered the attack.

Do countries not at war attack each other?
are we at war with China? they hack the heck out of us.
Your words are loose and dangerous - just like Mccain.

Dems have become uber-hawks/warpigs - joining Max Boot and such
incorrect. The populace never joined the NTC - it was strictly the beasts from the east.
It was not a populist revolution at all -they picked up no support other then their own

Which was why bombing the civilians as Gaddafi did prompted France and the UK to call for the no-fly zone. Gaddafi bombed civilians and called them "the NTC", like how Assad bombs civilians and calls them ISIS or rebels.

It's astonishing to me that you think anyone killed by Gaddafi wasn't a civilian when thousands were killed by him.
Which was why bombing the civilians as Gaddafi did prompted France and the UK to call for the no-fly zone. Gaddafi bombed civilians and called them "the NTC", like how Assad bombs civilians and calls them ISIS or rebels.

It's astonishing to me that you think anyone killed by Gaddafi wasn't a civilian when thousands were killed by him.

More repetitious bloviating; thar she blows!

theer is a difference between targeting a populace and "collateral damage"-
AT NO TIME did Qadafi target civilians- the whole lie that got us involved to begin with

Wait, wait, wait...

So now you're shifting the goalposts.

First you said Gaddafi didn't kill civilians.

Now you're saying he did, but they were "collateral damage". But that's in conflict with what you said before, that Gaddafi didn't kill any civilians and the ICC were "western stooges".

So that's one goalpost shift.

You're a Russian, aren't you?