Moderates are the new Extremists!

To many of you, I am known as a voice of conservatism, or a right-winger, among the many other names I am called. So it may surprise you to learn I was once a moderate. In fact, I still do consider my political world view to be somewhat moderate, even though that is often met with a laugh from the left. Truly, my viewpoints are always based on the premise that mankind is endowed with certain inalienable freedoms, and retains the power of self-governance because of those freedoms. In that regard, matters of legislature should reflect the viewpoint of the people, always. This may contradict my personal viewpoint or opinion at times, but it is okay, because we live in a collective society, where as a group, we all get to decide what rules we live by. From my perspective, that is the epitome of moderate thinking. I also try to remember there are two sides to every issue, and both sides can be worthy of consideration. Again, a moderate trademark. So, I view myself as moderate, and I honestly believe most people view themselves as moderates as well.

This sets up the beginnings of a dichotomy. Everyone wants to be seen as fair and impartial, considerate of both sides, objective and forward thinking about the issues, above party... moderate! But, in reality, very few people can maintain a truly moderate personal perspective. Most of us have our opinions, most of us know what we prefer or which side of an issue we are on, there is no 'moderate' position with regard to our personal preference. Oh sure, on some things, we can act completely moderate... I like strawberry ice cream, so I am not turning down strawberry ice cream because I happen to like chocolate better. I can be 'moderate' and find room for strawberry ice cream in my life, and welcome strawberry ice cream lovers with open arms! I don't support a ban on strawberry ice cream in my home, even though I would personally rather have chocolate. I can be a moderate about it!

Very few aspects of our personal lives, is governed by 'moderate' thinking. Typically, we bounce from one extreme to another, and the predominate factor is our personal wants, needs and desires. Even when we attempt to be moderate in our views, when we really try to overcome the prejudice of our personal view, it still factors into our decision making process, and we subconsciously decide how we feel. We are non-arbitrary, we don't have the ability to override what we feel emotionally, so we can never be a completely fair and impartial judge of any global issue. Nevertheless, this "Moderate" attribute is something we all ultimately strive for and admire in each other. I don't mean to be generalizing here, but this is human psychology, and if it doesn't apply to you, then it probably means you are mentally insane or unstable. These are things that apply to us all, as we are all part of the human species. All humans want to be viewed as fair and impartial, we all want to seem magnanimous, to be considerate of all perspectives... it is human nature to want to be a moderate. It's almost impossible to achieve.

Jumping ahead into politics, one of the more popular recent factions, is that of the Moderate. Typically a Libertarian, or a non-social conservative, but also a few old school democrats. We have several on this forum, including the site administrator and most of the mods. The dirty little secret about political moderates is, they are really isolated extremists. They have a very radical "Ideal World" viewpoint on things, and they stubbornly cling to their personal views, while hiding behind the safe banner of the moderate. On some issues, they identify with the hard left, on other issues, they identify with the hard right, and on some issues, they are completely indifferent. There is absolutely nothing "moderate" about their political viewpoint.

I have often heard libertarians profess a "moderate" conservative view, they agree with conservative fiscal principles, but oppose the conservative social agenda. But there is nothing moderate about that position, except the owner's perception. Did they objectively research the social conservative issues on the agenda? Did they fairly and reasonably evaluate the viewpoints of social conservatives in our society? Do they understand or care about what the other 60% of their fellow citizens think or want? Nope... they have an extremist view which is set in stone, and they will never deviate. They have a prejudiced perception of social conservatism, and it is not a positive one. How can someone with a prejudiced negative view, be a fair and impartial judge? The answer is, they can't! But this is okay, again, because they can safely hide behind the Moderate label!

Another popular "moderate" viewpoint... I don't care for R's or D's, they both believe in Big Government, and I believe in small government! Again we see the 'personal view' coming through. Did this person consider what draconian cuts should be made to the budget, and how that would play out for the rest of society? The effects on the economy to make such cuts? How it would effect our national security and defense? Or did they just shoot from the emotional hip, and reveal their own personal radical extremist view?

Yes, Moderates are the new Extremists. Not only are they extreme in their views, they fully expect to bend the will of the rest of the world, to see things their way. It's almost a Fascist extremism, in that regard. They defiantly refuse to accept the status quot, or compromise in any way, on what they think is "fair."

In this past election, it was ironic, yet revealing. John McCain, the Moderate's Moderate, failed to win the so-called Moderate vote! For the most part, they either cast a worthless third-party vote or stayed home. The "Moderates" refused to support a "Third Bush Term" and thought they saved face by claiming also not to support Obama. However, the end result was McCain, the moderate, lost the election to a radical liberal. This is what Moderates caused to transpire. We were all privy to the same polls, so it's not like these "moderates" didn't know and understand the consequences of their actions, but yet again, they stand firmly and safely behind their banner of "moderate."

Time and time again, we are subjected to this group of people who seem to be more motivated by what others think of them, that they be seen as fair and objective, unbiased and unprejudiced. They can intellectually see both sides and make an informed decision based on all the facts and truths... it's how every human being wants to be seen as... Moderate!
"...McCain, the moderate, lost the election to a radical liberal..."

I wish Obama were more liberal as America has been in a rut for too long. But so far he has been the moderate, I am hoping the voices of reason on the left change his mind on the public option and war. Time we moved away from the conservative republican slide to banana republic status.

"Today's conservatives, resemble the exhumed figures of Pompeii, trapped in postures of frozen flight, clenched in the rigor mortis of a defunct ideology. When a volcano erupts in your face, it is difficult to be reflective." Sam Tanenhaus
"...McCain, the moderate, lost the election to a radical liberal..."

I wish Obama were more liberal as America has been in a rut for too long. But so far he has been the moderate, I am hoping the voices of reason on the left change his mind on the public option and war. Time we moved away from the conservative republican slide to banana republic status.

"Today's conservatives, resemble the exhumed figures of Pompeii, trapped in postures of frozen flight, clenched in the rigor mortis of a defunct ideology. When a volcano erupts in your face, it is difficult to be reflective." Sam Tanenhaus

And you trying to claim Obama is a Moderate, is simply playing to the fact that most self-proclaimed moderates are also reactionary. They will read that you think Obama is moderate, therefore, they must also think of him this way. After all, you are a liberal, and if you don't think Obama is liberal, then he certainly can't be, and he must be a moderate! This is a common tactic, and amazingly enough, one that does work.

You have to understand the psychology of a moderate, what makes them tick. It is merely the need to be accepted and admired by others, regardless of ideology. They can maintain their individual extremist views on any number of issues, yet avoid any negative stigma for their extremism, by claiming they are moderate. For a moderate to agree with you, that Obama is also a moderate, it takes hardly any effort at all, and it serves to garner your respect for them, because you see them being conciliatory and objective. The problem is, only a left-wing loony tune would really think Obama is moderate, the so-called moderates can say whatever they like.
Obama is a flaming moderate

Name one fucking goddamn thing Obama has been moderate on, besides the war in Afghanistan (about the ONLY issue no one is on the fence about)?

Go ahead, make your list....

Healthcare reform? Is Obama moderate?
Taxation? Is Obama moderate?
Abortion? Is Obama moderate?
Spending? Is Obama moderate?
Cap and Trade? Is Obama moderate?

Please.... One of you nitwit pinheads who think they know more than the rest of us, please tell us how in the hell you arrived at the conclusion Obama is a moderate????
Name one fucking goddamn thing Obama has been moderate on, besides the war in Afghanistan (about the ONLY issue no one is on the fence about)?

Go ahead, make your list....

Healthcare reform? Is Obama moderate?
Taxation? Is Obama moderate?
Abortion? Is Obama moderate?
Spending? Is Obama moderate?
Cap and Trade? Is Obama moderate?

Please.... One of you nitwit pinheads who think they know more than the rest of us, please tell us how in the hell you arrived at the conclusion Obama is a moderate????
They believe that because he isn't insisting on Single Payer he couldn't possibly be "liberal"...
Name one fucking goddamn thing Obama has been moderate on, besides the war in Afghanistan (about the ONLY issue no one is on the fence about)?

Go ahead, make your list....

Healthcare reform? Is Obama moderate?
yes a liberal woud be pumping single payer universal hc, what dems want but are to chicken to as
Taxation? Is Obama moderate?
Yes, 95% got a tax cut. I could argue real good he's a supply sider
Abortion? Is Obama moderate?
this issue is for the right wing nut jobs only, the rest of the country has moved on
Spending? Is Obama moderate?
no he's more like a Bush republican
Cap and Trade? Is Obama moderate?
Ahh can someone get him the f*ck out before it passes.

Please.... One of you nitwit pinheads who think they know more than the rest of us, please tell us how in the hell you arrived at the conclusion Obama is a moderate????
Could you give moderates a voice in your retardedly stupid party run by Evangelicals who failed science.:pke:
Could you give moderates a voice in your retardedly stupid party run by Evangelicals who failed science.:pke:

Moderates don't deserve a voice in anything, because they are phony extremists. They get in the way of progress more than they have ever helped. Because of their mental affliction of wanting to be loved by liberals, they have cost the GOP in the past 6 election cycles. It is time we silence the moderates once and for all, and return to solid core conservative principles.
Moderates don't deserve a voice in anything, because they are phony extremists. They get in the way of progress more than they have ever helped. Because of their mental affliction of wanting to be loved by liberals, they have cost the GOP in the past 6 election cycles. It is time we silence the moderates once and for all, and return to solid core conservative principles.

I agree, lets get rid of the fence sitting wanna be loved cowards with their fingers in the political wind!
Moderates don't deserve a voice in anything, because they are phony extremists. They get in the way of progress more than they have ever helped. Because of their mental affliction of wanting to be loved by liberals, they have cost the GOP in the past 6 election cycles. It is time we silence the moderates once and for all, and return to solid core conservative principles.

thank you, your racist bigotry will get you even larger losses in 2012. Here's a memo for you: republican popularity is in the low teens.
And your answer is to close the lilly white club even further. BRILLIANT
Name one fucking goddamn thing Obama has been moderate on, besides the war in Afghanistan (about the ONLY issue no one is on the fence about)?

Go ahead, make your list....

Healthcare reform? Is Obama moderate?
Taxation? Is Obama moderate?
Abortion? Is Obama moderate?
Spending? Is Obama moderate?
Cap and Trade? Is Obama moderate?

Please.... One of you nitwit pinheads who think they know more than the rest of us, please tell us how in the hell you arrived at the conclusion Obama is a moderate????

Three posts to go from the reasonable, rational poster who started this thread back to the same ol rabid, venom spewing chucklehead we all know and love.

And Dix wonders why some people have a problem with him.
Moderates don't deserve a voice in anything, because they are phony extremists. They get in the way of progress more than they have ever helped. Because of their mental affliction of wanting to be loved by liberals, they have cost the GOP in the past 6 election cycles. It is time we silence the moderates once and for all, and return to solid core conservative principles.

My suggestion to you is to go NUTS!

Expunge the vile "moderates" from your party!

Go hardcore Right Conservative.

See what that gets you.
Dixie, could you ever stop writing complaints about libertarians for not be social conservatives? You may as well complain to liberals for not being social conservatives. It's not getting you everywhere. And this is like the billionth thread you've made about the issue. Second in one week.
Moderates don't deserve a voice in anything, because they are phony extremists. They get in the way of progress more than they have ever helped. Because of their mental affliction of wanting to be loved by liberals, they have cost the GOP in the past 6 election cycles. It is time we silence the moderates once and for all, and return to solid core conservative principles.

You couldn't get more than 36% of the vote or so with "solid core conservative principles". The balance of power rests with the moderates. And most moderates just happen to be siding with the Democrats right now. This is intensely annoying to me, as a liberal, since we can't get any real change passed, but I'm not going to pretend that I can do it without them.
Name one fucking goddamn thing Obama has been moderate on, besides the war in Afghanistan (about the ONLY issue no one is on the fence about)?

Go ahead, make your list....

Healthcare reform? Is Obama moderate?
Taxation? Is Obama moderate?
Abortion? Is Obama moderate?
Spending? Is Obama moderate?
Cap and Trade? Is Obama moderate?

Please.... One of you nitwit pinheads who think they know more than the rest of us, please tell us how in the hell you arrived at the conclusion Obama is a moderate????

Didn't you used to argue that Obama is "just like Bush?"