Moderates are the new Extremists!

Absolutely he does! He's also pointing out the essential politcal problem with ideologues (of any stripe). They insist on ideological purity over pragmatic compromise. In our two party winner takes all political system the art of coalition building is absolutely essential for a party to obtain a ruling coalition. The party that is better at building coalitions will be the ruling party.

The present situation is almost comical in that the Democratic party hasn't really been all that impressive at coalition building. Hell I became a Democrat by default. I tried the third party thing first and realised that was a mistake. What is interesting is that the Dems have gained ascendency, more because Republicans have been internally destroying parts of it's party coalition in the name of ideological purity. It's insane and it's political suicide but that is indeed what is happening.

Talk about comical... Mott, to hear you tell it, it's almost like the Republicans never nominated John McCain, a Senator who became legendary for bucking his party and principles, and pragmatically compromising with liberals to co-sponsor numerous pieces of legislation in bipartisan fashion. It's almost as if the election of 2008 never happened! Instead, we nominated Pat Robertson, and the Social Conservatives were handed their asses. So, now, we must move away from those terrible social conservatives and evangelicals, and nominate someone who is more moderate!

Mott, it's like you don't even live in the same reality as the rest of us. You are essentially saying the GOP should repeat the mistake of nominating a wishy-washy moderate goober again, because that is clearly what the nation is clamoring for! You are beyond insane.
Talk about comical... Mott, to hear you tell it, it's almost like the Republicans never nominated John McCain, a Senator who became legendary for bucking his party and principles, and pragmatically compromising with liberals to co-sponsor numerous pieces of legislation in bipartisan fashion. It's almost as if the election of 2008 never happened! Instead, we nominated Pat Robertson, and the Social Conservatives were handed their asses. So, now, we must move away from those terrible social conservatives and evangelicals, and nominate someone who is more moderate!

Mott, it's like you don't even live in the same reality as the rest of us. You are essentially saying the GOP should repeat the mistake of nominating a wishy-washy moderate goober again, because that is clearly what the nation is clamoring for! You are beyond insane.
Go ahead! There's a reason why the Republican party nominated a true conservative like McCain but hell I'm not a Republican anymore so I don't have a dog in that fight. Go ahead and nominate a right wingnut extremist like Bush again and see what happens this time.

The only chance I see for the Republcian party, on the horizon, to regain the White House is if they nominate Mitt Romney but hell if ya'll want Mike Huckabee or Sarah Palin, have at it pal! LOL
No, that's not the problem. The problem is that Dixie is a far right wing extremist fanatic and compared to him, Barry Goldwater is a pansy assed bleeding heart commie liberal.

And you can pop off any accusation you like, this one is tame compared to some of the things said about me. I am used to it, believe me. One downside to being forthright and speaking the truth, your adversaries try to destroy your integrity and credibility every time.

I defy you or any liberal here, to post a list of things I am "extreme" on, and I will bet you that I am either mischaracterized or misquoted in every instance. I am NOT extreme in my views. In most EVERY case, I believe in the right of individual self-determination, and do not seek to force MY will on everyone else. In some cases, my personal morals and ethics play a role in what I actively support or oppose, but that doesn't make someone an extremist. As long as my side is given a voice and heard, and the people get to decide, I am fine with whatever the outcome. I can live with the will of the people. I may not agree with it, I may speak out against it, I may bitch and complain about it, but I can live with it. Extremists can't live with it, they can't stand that the rest of us don't agree with them, and they will go to any means to insist we go along with them, including judicial fiat, including dismissal of the will of the people, lying, cheating, and eventually oppressing any opposition to their extremist view.

This is what you and the left are about, imposing your liberal will on society, whether we like it or not. Health care reform... a vast majority of this country is fine with the current system and don't want a universal government run system. That has been made abundantly clear at town hall meetings, and in polling data. Still, we have the liberal Harry Reid, telling us that we are going to get nationalized health care, like it or not. The LIBERALS in charge of every aspect of our government at this time, are EXTREMISTS... Imposing their will on us through any means necessary.

...and because I am vehemently opposed to this shit, Mott says I am an "extremist!" .....LMFAO!
Also, practically the only power the federal government has is over economic issues. It's pointless to vote against someone because of their social views, especially when you're considering the house of representatives, which doesn't have any power over the selection of federal judges.

can you explain gun free school zones? NFA of 34? GCA of 68? FOPA and 922(o)? what do those have to do with economic issues?