Moderates are the new Extremists!

IMHO here's what's moderate:

Find something that shuts everyone up about healthcare. It won't be public option, but won't be to kill the poor. Maybe we can include killing the rich?

Find a middle ground on getting out of all wars, we're not willing to commit to war, so bring out troops home.

Related, kill the number of our troops to minimum, just enough to pretend to defend ourselves. We are not willing to be involved in foreign wars and the constitution prohibits internal, so let it go. Maybe Chamberlain was unto something that failed then and will succeed now!
My suggestion to you is to go NUTS!

Expunge the vile "moderates" from your party!

Go hardcore Right Conservative.

See what that gets you.

I got news for ya dickbrain, that is exactly what is going to happen, as a matter of fact, it is happening as we speak. Moderates in our party are toast! Yes, we will go hardcore right conservative, because over half of the fucking country is hard core right conservative, and only about 20% are kook liberals like yourself. So you keep wishing for that, because that is precisely what you are going to get, in spades, and I have a funny feeling you will wish you'd kept your mouth shut before all is said and done.
thank you, your racist bigotry will get you even larger losses in 2012. Here's a memo for you: republican popularity is in the low teens.
And your answer is to close the lilly white club even further. BRILLIANT

You can call me whatever names makes you feel better about yourself. I am sorry you have such a racist viewpoint you feel compelled to call everyone else a racist, it must be a terrible burden to carry this day and age. Nothing I have said is racist, and there is no rational excuse for you to call me racist, but that is typical of someone projecting.

My answer is to return the GOP to the CONSERVATIVES who make up a MAJORITY of the voters in America. My answer is to cull out people like John McCain and Olympia Snowe, and replace them with TRUE CONSERVATIVES. My answer is to bust you in your stupid smart ass mouths with a well-articulated Ronald Reagan type, and regain control of my country.

I am more worried about the fungus between my toes than your electoral predictions for 2012. Here's a memo for you: Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on!
You can call me whatever names makes you feel better about yourself. I am sorry you have such a racist viewpoint you feel compelled to call everyone else a racist, it must be a terrible burden to carry this day and age. Nothing I have said is racist, and there is no rational excuse for you to call me racist, but that is typical of someone projecting.

My answer is to return the GOP to the CONSERVATIVES who make up a MAJORITY of the voters in America. My answer is to cull out people like John McCain and Olympia Snowe, and replace them with TRUE CONSERVATIVES. My answer is to bust you in your stupid smart ass mouths with a well-articulated Ronald Reagan type, and regain control of my country.

I am more worried about the fungus between my toes than your electoral predictions for 2012. Here's a memo for you: Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on!

Gingrich made a point last night that at first I dismissed as more "finger in the political wind". The race in NY where he has endorsed the republican moderate and Palin et al have endorsed the conservative is one he believes sets a dangerous precedent for our party. His perspective is this: Like Guliani who is a fiscal republican, Scozzafava is too. That she is fiscally responsible and that's who we need in WA. That you cannot elect a social conservative in socially liberal districts. He is basically saying if you begin to cull the party in this fashion you will lose elections and hand the power over to the democrats. He points to his own experience in building coalitions within the party as to why he is right on this.

We are a center right nation. The problem is that there exists pockets of center left districts throughout our country. Many of them large cities. Doesn't Gingrich make a point then?
Damn, it's almost as though we have more than two political schools of thought. Crazy because I thought it was only two. What is this country coming to when I have more than two choices?
Gingrich made a point last night that at first I dismissed as more "finger in the political wind". The race in NY where he has endorsed the republican moderate and Palin et al have endorsed the conservative is one he believes sets a dangerous precedent for our party. His perspective is this: Like Guliani who is a fiscal republican, Scozzafava is too. That she is fiscally responsible and that's who we need in WA. That you cannot elect a social conservative in socially liberal districts. He is basically saying if you begin to cull the party in this fashion you will lose elections and hand the power over to the democrats. He points to his own experience in building coalitions within the party as to why he is right on this.

We are a center right nation. The problem is that there exists pockets of center left districts throughout our country. Many of them large cities. Doesn't Gingrich make a point then?

Interesting poll from Gallup.

The 2009 data are based on 16 separate Gallup surveys conducted from January through September, encompassing more than 5,000 national adults per quarter. Conservatives have been the dominant ideological group each quarter, with between 39% and 41% of Americans identifying themselves as either "very conservative" or "conservative." Between 35% and 37% of Americans call themselves "moderate," while the percentage calling themselves "very liberal" or "liberal" has consistently registered between 20% and 21% -- making liberals the smallest of the three groups.
personally, I think that the dems should have full and unfettered power to destroy the country. that way, we can finally treat them like the nazis that they are and ban them politically, those that don't hang anyway.
They believe that because he isn't insisting on Single Payer he couldn't possibly be "liberal"...
No, that's not the problem. The problem is that Dixie is a far right wing extremist fanatic and compared to him, Barry Goldwater is a pansy assed bleeding heart commie liberal.
Gingrich made a point last night that at first I dismissed as more "finger in the political wind". The race in NY where he has endorsed the republican moderate and Palin et al have endorsed the conservative is one he believes sets a dangerous precedent for our party. His perspective is this: Like Guliani who is a fiscal republican, Scozzafava is too. That she is fiscally responsible and that's who we need in WA. That you cannot elect a social conservative in socially liberal districts. He is basically saying if you begin to cull the party in this fashion you will lose elections and hand the power over to the democrats. He points to his own experience in building coalitions within the party as to why he is right on this.

We are a center right nation. The problem is that there exists pockets of center left districts throughout our country. Many of them large cities. Doesn't Gingrich make a point then?
Absolutely he does! He's also pointing out the essential politcal problem with ideologues (of any stripe). They insist on ideological purity over pragmatic compromise. In our two party winner takes all political system the art of coalition building is absolutely essential for a party to obtain a ruling coalition. The party that is better at building coalitions will be the ruling party.

The present situation is almost comical in that the Democratic party hasn't really been all that impressive at coalition building. Hell I became a Democrat by default. I tried the third party thing first and realised that was a mistake. What is interesting is that the Dems have gained ascendency, more because Republicans have been internally destroying parts of it's party coalition in the name of ideological purity. It's insane and it's political suicide but that is indeed what is happening.
Also, practically the only power the federal government has is over economic issues. It's pointless to vote against someone because of their social views, especially when you're considering the house of representatives, which doesn't have any power over the selection of federal judges.