Moderators question? Locked out?

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I am unable to reply to several questions in Above Plain Politics Forum in threads I started? Please check into this and clear it up. I'd like an explanation. Thanks.


Member since 2007.
I think his point is that he has been regularly posting on APP, and now he suddenly can't. This isn't about his desiring to gain access for the first time.
I think his point is that he has been regularly posting on APP, and now he suddenly can't. This isn't about his desiring to gain access for the first time.
She broke the rules. Very simple.

APP - Rules for this Forum (Read before Posting)
** NOTE: APP access is not enabled by default. If you wish to post here, message any of the mods and we'll grant you access **

This subforum has been created to encourage a higher level of conversation and debate. This subforum inherits all site wide rules, and has some additional caveats:

1. No racism, sexism, homophobia, general bigotry
2. No insults directed at specific individuals
3. No trolling
4. No flaming
5. No "Message Board Wars," please check personal vendettas at the door
6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.

You should aim to be courteous, kind, patient, intelligent and receptive to one another.

Please report violations of the above, preferably with what rule you believe was violated. It makes everything easier.
__________________________________________________ _________________

Other Stuff:

1. You should assume that breaking any of the rules will lead to your access of APP being revoked. Minor slip-ups may be given a pass, but that is not a guarantee. Everyone knows what they are signing up for when posting here, this forum is stricter. Post with that knowledge in mind. If you show blatant disregard for the criteria or are particularly nasty you'll be removed on first offense with zero warning.

2. As a reminder, Thread Derailment is a rule too! (Rule 6). APP is about a higher level of debate, and while being off topic and derailing threads may not come off as mean, it is still distracting and not in line with the spirit of the forum. Thread derailing will lead to being removed from APP just like the other rules. STAY ON TOPIC.

3. If you can help it, try avoiding thread banning people. This forum already has a higher standard, and if someone breaks that standard in your thread they will be gone anyway. Give people a chance to prove themselves in a more mature context. If you absolutely know the person is hopeless, by all means, continue to threadban them, but if you think there is a chance that they can behave, give them the opportunity.

4. DO NOT QUOTE POSTS THAT BREAK THE RULES. In the course of modding this subforum you'll get someone throwing a personal insult and then 2 responses to the personal insult. Which doesn't add to the conversation. APP is above petty fighting, and even if you don't start it, responding/paying attention to the stuff still defeats the purpose of this subforum. Look at the rules listed, if you see a rule being broken, report the post and we will get to it ASAP. Posts that respond to the insults will also be deleted because there is no point to them; if a problem post is deleted then your post would be responding to thin air. Report, don't Respond.

5. Losing access to APP is indefinite. If you wish to be able to return, message the mods after you feel an appropriate time has gone by, and we'll consider letting you come back.

( reserves the right to alter the rules at any time, by revising this post.)
Last edited by Literal Vampire Potbelly Goblin; 08-27-2013 at 01:27 PM.
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LOL Broke what rule? Unless that ban is removed I will not be posting on JPP. Some will cheer! Censorship is fascism in action, it doesn't serve freedom of speech to ban alternative viewpoints. There are lots of other sites I post on and FB and Twitter as well. I'm also interested in posting on Breitbart, I want to challenge their MAGA meme. They too will ban me someday but so it goes.

For friends its been fun, I still miss the old crowd at politics dot com, Dixie, Stories4u, Care4all, so many more. Care is on USMB still. Threedee will miss my nutshells and you gonna have to remove my quote from your Sig. I was amazed my personal page had over ten thousand views and many threads were in the thousands. Ten years wow.

Adieu, we've fought but maybe learned too. mid

"Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,
Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,
Strong and content I travel the open road."

Walt Whitman 'Song of the Open Road'
That didn't take me long. I pwned MidCan to the point that he broke the rules in frustration. Just like any other good little liberal, he reacted emotionally instead of rationally.
That didn't take me long. I pwned MidCan to the point that he broke the rules in frustration. Just like any other good little liberal, he reacted emotionally instead of rationally.

and i notice he lied about the reezun he wuz banned 2 :rofl2:

this wuz my t rich wuznt it?

Censorship is fascism in action, it doesn't serve freedom of speech to ban alternative viewpoints.

have any libz mentioned this fine sentiment 2 antifa? :dunno:
That didn't take me long. I pwned MidCan to the point that he broke the rules in frustration. Just like any other good little liberal, he reacted emotionally instead of rationally.

As a liberal elitist she apparently thought the APP forum was her personal playground to troll. Of course she's welcome to troll around here with the rest of us but, well, she's too elite for that I guess.
I'm guessing this was the post that banned him:
Right and Aloysious

Right, You guys are too funny. You found a black republican site that knows or understands history as well as you do, or is anti Democratic party as much as you? I wouldn't hold that up as an accomplishment, since the southern strategy was acknowledged by several republicans - if that isn't proof I can't help you. The democrats haven't won the white vote since civil rights, the southern strategy worked and works still.

Aloysious, Why is it necessary to reply to every line? This makes a mess and maybe that is your purpose? I am glad you are honest enough to admit you vote alt-right, which appears to be a modern update to the southern strategy. I give you credit for acknowledging your racism. And in the future please reply with your words only.

And Paul and Johnson are about as silly as Trump without his bluster.

I'll gladly share this victory with Aloysious. :D
I'm guessing this was the post that banned him:
Quote Originally Posted by midcan5 View Post
Right and Aloysious

Right, You guys are too funny. You found a black republican site that knows or understands history as well as you do, or is anti Democratic party as much as you? I wouldn't hold that up as an accomplishment, since the southern strategy was acknowledged by several republicans - if that isn't proof I can't help you. The democrats haven't won the white vote since civil rights, the southern strategy worked and works still.

Aloysious, Why is it necessary to reply to every line? This makes a mess and maybe that is your purpose? I am glad you are honest enough to admit you vote alt-right, which appears to be a modern update to the southern strategy. I give you credit for acknowledging your racism. And in the future please reply with your words only.

And Paul and Johnson are about as silly as Trump without his bluster.

I'll gladly share this victory with Aloysious. :D
It was more than that one but that was for sure a factor. A mod deleted a post or two from the thread. She couldn't stop 'proving' I was a racist for advocating a healthy diet which of course had nothing to do with the thread topic Go figure. :confused:
LOL Broke what rule? Unless that ban is removed I will not be posting on JPP. Some will cheer! Censorship is fascism in action, it doesn't serve freedom of speech to ban alternative viewpoints. There are lots of other sites I post on and FB and Twitter as well. I'm also interested in posting on Breitbart, I want to challenge their MAGA meme. They too will ban me someday but so it goes.

For friends its been fun, I still miss the old crowd at politics dot com, Dixie, Stories4u, Care4all, so many more. Care is on USMB still. Threedee will miss my nutshells and you gonna have to remove my quote from your Sig. I was amazed my personal page had over ten thousand views and many threads were in the thousands. Ten years wow.

Adieu, we've fought but maybe learned too. mid

"Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,
Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,
Strong and content I travel the open road."

Walt Whitman 'Song of the Open Road'

Before you make that move, have you talked to the Admin about the sitch?? What do you have to lose doing so??
It was more than that one but that was for sure a factor. A mod deleted a post or two from the thread. She couldn't stop 'proving' I was a racist for advocating a healthy diet which of course had nothing to do with the thread topic Go figure. :confused:

I wish the mods wouldn't erase posts like that. It's awesome to revisit posts that prove liberals inability to think rationally or show reasonable respect for folks that are trying to debate them.

FYI I believe that Midcan is a man. He uses a thirty year old photo-shopped picture of Hillary as his avatar, pointing to the delusional nature of his worship of the most corrupt, power-hungry woman in American political history.
I've already addressed this. For purposes of this board and as far as I'm concerned midcan is transgender and I'll respectfully refer to her as a 'she'.

That's your prerogative. I still address those with that, or any other mental instability, in accordance with their God-given pronoun.
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