Molasses in February?

It's back and forth. According to the server dudes there is something pressing a load on the site, it isn't an attempt at hacking like last time, but something is dragging us down. Probably on some other site on the VPS server. While we have less of that kind of thing we're not entirely protected from usage issues from other sites.
It's back and forth. According to the server dudes there is something pressing a load on the site, it isn't an attempt at hacking like last time, but something is dragging us down. Probably on some other site on the VPS server. While we have less of that kind of thing we're not entirely protected from usage issues from other sites.

It was really shit yesterday, I posted a tweet about it.
I thought it was just me, but the board's really been slowing down.


Yaay. We had a bit load somewhere on the server, I think it is starting to clear up finally. Hopefully they found the site that was causing it and sequestered them somewhere...
Is it just my computer or is this site slow today?

sometimes it is ok and other times it sucks

sometimes what i do is close the tab and reopen the forum and that seems to work...i do not know why, it is like rebooting your computer when it gets clogged up

oh well
Yeah, I know. They're working on it. Somebody is using up more than their share of the processing. They've already stopped one site from doing it, now they have to find another. I guess I should cross my fingers and hope it isn't mine somehow using up all the processing...
Well it has been a disaster for me and I am like Cawacko with that ADD thing. Also grind assured me I would be getting instantaneous service on twitter and I tweeted him about 10 hours ago. Have I heard back? No! I am really starting to wonder what the hell I'm paying for.
Damo I noticed you locked bravo's thread before anyone had a chance to answer it. Or the desire to. Can that be a thing now? Just go ahead and lock them all soon as he hits send. Good work.