Molasses in February?

Well it has been a disaster for me and I am like Cawacko with that ADD thing. Also grind assured me I would be getting instantaneous service on twitter and I tweeted him about 10 hours ago. Have I heard back? No! I am really starting to wonder what the hell I'm paying for.

lol oh shit, i logged out of jpp twitter to my personal twitter. that's why i haven't gotten back to you
Yeah, I know. They're working on it. Somebody is using up more than their share of the processing. They've already stopped one site from doing it, now they have to find another. I guess I should cross my fingers and hope it isn't mine somehow using up all the processing...

i doubt it's us. this site is like 95% raw text.
It lags everywhere, even in the Admin CP where there are no ads, so I don't think that is it either.
There I ran a repair on the searchlog in the dbase. Let's see if that has any effect... This is starting to make me think about getting anrified...
There I ran a repair on the searchlog in the dbase. Let's see if that has any effect... This is starting to make me think about getting anrified...

OK, you've got me!! What the bejesus is "anrified". I hope you are getting some compensation for all your woes??
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Okay, the server has a bad Hard Drive, they are scheduling a replacement. That should resolve this mess.
I finally accessed the site. I've been trying since around 8 pm EST last night and was not able to access the site till just a minute ago.