Monads are the real atoms of nature.

We know that atomic nuclei participate in fusion and fission, so I guess the loops and strings in String theory must account for the Standard Model that through different vibrations.

Nope. No 'vibration' of magick strings needed.

Fission is the breaking up an the nucleus of an atom to produce a different element (a different nucleus or even two atoms of a different element). It can be initiated by a single neutron for some atoms (such as uranium-235).
Fusion is the combining of lighter nuclei into heavier elements. You can do that with simple acceleration of the nuclei so they bash into each other (overcoming the natural repulsion of nuclei).

No magick strings needed.
Nope. No 'vibration' of magick strings needed.

Fission is the breaking up an the nucleus of an atom to produce a different element (a different nucleus or even two atoms of a different element). It can be initiated by a single neutron for some atoms (such as uranium-235).
Fusion is the combining of lighter nuclei into heavier elements. You can do that with simple acceleration of the nuclei so they bash into each other (overcoming the natural repulsion of nuclei).

No magick strings needed.

Do you wish to comment on the topic of the thread?
Easy. Do not post on my threads. Is this too difficult for you to comprehend?

Here's an idea, trolly trollerson, why don't you just try being a BETTER PERSON? Seems like a plan. Might be hard going for someone like you but I bet you can do it if you try!

you are a very stupid asshole
You are a very stupid person.
You are intellectually a jerkoff moron.
fuck you shit head
go kill yourself you piece of shit
you're an asshole
you are retarded
You are a fucking stupid person.
Are you always drunk or just fucking stupid?!
you are a fucking idiot
You like being an asshole.

I'm not the one telling people to kill themselves.

go kill yourself you piece of shit
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll

THis makes you the asshole. :)
Looks like I need to ban you again.

By all means!

you are a very stupid asshole
You are a very stupid person.
You are intellectually a jerkoff moron.
fuck you shit head
go kill yourself you piece of shit
you're an asshole
you are retarded
You are a fucking stupid person.
Are you always drunk or just fucking stupid?!
you are a fucking idiot
pooh pooh caa caa
I never read your posts Earl because you're a fucking pussy.
Earl the Pussy
Wow, never realized how fucking dumb you people are.
you are lost in jerkdom
You are a boring idiot.
you are a bore
you're a waste
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
you're a fucking idiot
Shut the fuck up you useless troll.
you are a stupid person
You are seriously too stupid to waste time with.
fuck you scumbag
you are very stupid
you are a moron
It is pathetic for Cupressus to stalk people. Truly a wasted life.

Well, Cupressus is not doing this:

you are a very stupid asshole
You are a very stupid person.
You are intellectually a jerkoff moron.
fuck you shit head
go kill yourself you piece of shit
you're an asshole
you are retarded
You are a fucking stupid person.
Are you always drunk or just fucking stupid?!
you are a fucking idiot
pooh pooh caa caa
I never read your posts Earl because you're a fucking pussy.
Earl the Pussy
Wow, never realized how fucking dumb you people are.
you are lost in jerkdom
You are a boring idiot.
you are a bore
you're a waste
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
go kill yourself you worthless troll
you're a fucking idiot
Shut the fuck up you useless troll.
you are a stupid person
You are seriously too stupid to waste time with.
fuck you scumbag
you are very stupid
you are a moron


In the 20th century, Einstein showed that matter and energy were fundamentally interchangeable.
Too funny. Try to understand the science first. Einstein explained the equivalence between mass and energy, not that energy and matter were somehow interchangeable. Einstein did not suggest that if you don't have a glass, to pour your beer into a tall, frosted batch of electromagnetic energy. (hint: they're not interchangeable)

In the late 20th and 21st centuries, supposedly, string theory and it's offshoots supposedly call into question our classical notion of fundamental particles -- which may be just localized perturbations in energy fields.
Nobody cares about String Theory. It's garbage. There is no String Theory science and as such, it has not been used to engineer any technology, ever.

hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
"conversion of energetic light into matter is a direct consequence of Einstein’s famous E=mc2 equation, which states that energy and matter (or mass) are interchangeable."


hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
There is no such thing as an 'accelerating frame of reference'.
Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism

hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
"conversion of energetic light into matter is a direct consequence of Einstein’s famous E=mc2 equation, which states that energy and matter (or mass) are interchangeable."


hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
There is no such thing as an 'accelerating frame of reference'.
Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism


All of your posts consist of egregious errors and you doubling down on stupid. All of my responses to you consist of pointing out your egregious errors and explaining why third-graders have a better grasp on science than you do. Let's get on with correcting more of your rookie errors.

conversion of energetic light into matter is a direct consequence of Einstein’s famous E=mc2 equation,
Energy has never been converted to matter. Yes, matter has been converted to thermal energy, but matter has never been created from energy.

which states that energy and matter (or mass) are interchangeable

Too funny. Only a scientific illiterate would equate mass with matter as you do. It must really suck to be relegated to regurgitating the stupidest errors the internet has to offer.

Once again, Einstein showed an equivalence between mass and energy, but never claimed that matter and energy are somehow interchangeable. I gave you an example, but you are nonetheless required to deny reality in deference to misinformation that you lifted off Quora. Would you like to triple-down on stupid?

In fact, please post a video of you drinking your favorite beverage while you freely interchange your glass with an electromagnetic field.
