Money and women advice

Like most women already do to you because of your personality and beliefs

Fuck you whore boy

Stop paying for sex and maybe a real woman will talk to you

That's the problem; men tend to be more visual and less talkative. They have to learn to talk in order to meet intelligent women. The bimbos, not so much. LOL
EE and I do. We both love women and want to see them happy in whatever they choose to do. What we are discussing is the difference between what women want vs the way men are.

Men are visual and not just because of sex although that's part of it. Men are hunters and hunting is a visual thing.

The OP seems to be saying give women money to make them happy.

Also, Chris Evans and Jason Momoa did not get born, get famous, and take their shirts off to have people claiming women aren't visual.
The OP seems to be saying give women money to make them happy.

Also, Chris Evans and Jason Momoa did not get born, get famous, and take their shirts off to have people claiming women aren't visual.

That's the way it seems to me too. Not all women are whores for money and not all men want whores for women. I'm more of a sapiosexual that a whoredog...although I used to be one. LOL

Can't speak for all men but I started to change in my 30s.....which is why it's mostly men who say "Youth is wasted on the young". :)
... take their shirts off to have people claiming women aren't visual.

PS Not saying women aren't visual and that men don't know how to talk. I'm writing about general differences between the sexes, primarily in brain development as the genes kick in. IMO, these differences are to augment the couple; maximizing certain skills in each to increase chance of survival. The more couples who survive and procreate, the strong the tribe.
The cognitive differences between men and women
“These behaviors are essential for survival and propagation,” says Shah, MD, PhD, now a Stanford professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of neurobiology. “They’re innate rather than learned — at least in animals — so the circuitry involved ought to be developmentally hard-wired into the brain. These circuits should differ depending on which sex you’re looking at.”...

...over the past 15 years or so, there’s been a sea change as new technologies have generated a growing pile of evidence that there are inherent differences in how men’s and women’s brains are wired and how they work....

...Halpern and others have cataloged plenty of human behavioral differences. “These findings have all been replicated,” she says. Women excel in several measures of verbal ability — pretty much all of them, except for verbal analogies. Women’s reading comprehension and writing ability consistently exceed that of men, on average. They out*perform men in tests of fine-motor coordination and perceptual speed. They’re more adept at retrieving information from long-term memory.

Men, on average, can more easily juggle items in working memory. They have superior visuospatial skills: They’re better at visualizing what happens when a complicated two- or three-dimensional shape is rotated in space, at correctly determining angles from the horizontal, at tracking moving objects and at aiming projectiles.

Navigation studies in both humans and rats show that females of both species tend to rely on landmarks, while males more typically rely on “dead reckoning”: calculating one’s position by estimating the direction and distance traveled rather than using landmarks.
Grey Matter Matters
There is evidence that women have more grey matter in their brains. Grey matter contains cell bodies that help our bodies process information in the brain and is located with regions of the brain that are involved with muscle control and sensory perception. (Bad news for expecting moms: Grey matter decreases during pregnancy, which helps explain “pregnancy brain.”) That said, women have been found to use more white matter, which connects processing centers, while men use more grey matter. This could explain why men tend to excel at task-focused projects, while women are more likely to excel at language and multitasking.

I don't know about all that. I like men who can lift heavy boxes and keep their whining about their mommies to themselves. Darla has very simple needs, and can financially support herself.
I want to thank you for this thread, it's given me an idea for my latest blog post. Keep em coming apeman!
I get that you are a self-involved loon.

I get you don't know what money does for her...

Second example
When you are talking to people who over and over don't understand what you are saying but over and over keep talking to you and not do something else, do these people over and over make sense? ..and...
...does it make common sense for people to spend time and effort over and over, with people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another, over...and over...and over...or... people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another over and over, over and over waste our time and effort, and we have to ignore them, or we have to deal with them, so that we don't have to spend over and over more time and effort to have fun together?
Stop paying women for sex asshole
Then you might understand the women who don’t want your fucking money

keep imagining stuff player, but on my thread player, not what you imagine happens...
What is it?
You can't imagine it player. Why?!'s something else.

This time try reading it and thinking about what you are reading, if you think you can...

Money reduces the time and effort spend to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

Here's what the problem with money is
Agreed. It's natural. What's not natural is to only consider the meat, not the entire being.

well well well, look at all those perverts who gathered on my thread to they can't make up a party of their on my thread player... gotta argue or we have to spend more time and effort with your imagination...

someone to no one:
Have you ever considered that I am not the one imagining stuff here?

no one to someone:
Have you ever considered that not what you imagine seems to be happening in reality, since the beginning of reality?

Probably not, so think about that also...
EE and I do. We both love women and want to see them happy in whatever they choose to do. What we are discussing is the difference between what women want vs the way men are.

What we are discussing on my thread player is not what you imagine, as then why are we discussing it on my thread and not yours?

Money reduces the time and effort spend to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

Here's what the problem with money is.
That's the way it seems to me too.

read again player and after you do that again player,
...what is it that it seems to you that I am saying below? Why?
Cause these are the words are use below, and I wanna hear back from you what you player imagine I wrote below. Really? Yes player, really.

This is what you are reading again, 5 lines below, then a line gap, then a link.
Money reduces the time and effort spend to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

Here's what the problem with money is.
Try not to spend your time and effort reading and replying if over and over you don't understand, but let's give it another shot, if you still wanna try...

PROLOGUE -What are we talking about here?
When people trade with one another,
In general they do “I do this for you, you do that for me”,
And specifically whatever “this” and “that” is for the specific occasion and instance, so now…
Player do you know what money does…
Money doesn’t do what those who have money say…
Money reduces the time and effort to trade…
Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...
Have you ever really thought of that?

Main Text - I don't get it...

Generally explained…
Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?
First example
Imagine you order take away from the same place many times, and lately it takes longer and longer for the food to arrive, and the food may start getting a bit cold…and it doesn’t seem to be getting better in the future, but the prices don’t change…
…do you start getting a feeling this might be a waste of your time and effort or not?

Second example
When you are talking to people who over and over don't understand what you are saying but over and over keep talking to you and not do something else, do these people over and over make sense? ..and...
...does it make common sense for people to spend time and effort over and over, with people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another, over...and over...and over...or... people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another over and over, over and over waste our time and effort, and we have to ignore them, or we have to deal with them, so that we don't have to spend over and over more time and effort to have fun together?

Epilogue - How do you know?

Money reduces the time and effort spend to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

Here's what the problem with money is.
Like most women already do to you because of your personality and beliefs

Fuck you whore boy

Stop paying for sex and maybe a real woman will talk to you

Thanks for the offer of sex but I'm not interested plus I don't want an STD.