Money and women advice

So your saying that since capitalism promotes competition (for limited resources and opportunities) with little or no concern for those that don't win, it promotes immorality. Where as a socialist system does not. Have I got that right?
It depends. What do you mean by immorality? We have a First Amendment.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So your saying that since capitalism promotes competition (for limited resources and opportunities) with little or no concern for those that don't win, it promotes immorality. Where as a socialist system does not. Have I got that right?

It depends. What do you mean by immorality? We have a First Amendment.

Danny, stop the BS. The chronology of the posts shows you making a definitive, declarative statement that I addressed. Now suddenly you don't know the definitions and implications of the very words you used? Then you throw in another referral as if it's not a slight divergence. All because you can't logically or factually disprove my earlier response 100%? C'mon man, it's an anonymous format...conceding a point won't cost you a thing. Post #172, 174 to present.
Danny, stop the BS. The chronology of the posts shows you making a definitive, declarative statement that I addressed. Now suddenly you don't know the definitions and implications of the very words you used? Then you throw in another referral as if it's not a slight divergence. All because you can't logically or factually disprove my earlier response 100%? C'mon man, it's an anonymous format...conceding a point won't cost you a thing. Post #172, 174 to present.
Our First Amendment applies. What do you mean by morals? You can only resort to secular ethics not morals.
hmm...the usual sad jokers gathered, let's start over so that they can read again, and hopefully put some time and effort to think

What are we talking about here?
I am saying that people don't know what money does, and make up stories to explain what they think money does, which take us more time and effort to follow in reality. Why?
The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.

Who are the sad jokers?
Those who use their will to spread their sadness are sad jokers,
cause they take the mind of all the joy...
...that something else than sadness comes.

Why something else?
When one imagines something, something else is happening around one in reality...or else... doesn't seem to me where inside one really imagines something..


try not to spend your time and effort reading and replying if over and over you don't understand, but let's give it another shot, if you still wanna try...

PROLOGUE -What are we talking about here?
When people trade with one another,
In general they do “I do this for you, you do that for me”,
And specifically whatever “this” and “that” is for the specific occasion and instance, so now…
Player do you know what money does…
Money doesn’t do what those who have money say…
Money reduces the time and effort to trade…
Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...
Have you ever really thought of that?

Main Text - I don't get it...

Generally explained…
Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?
First example
Imagine you order take away from the same place many times, and lately it takes longer and longer for the food to arrive, and the food may start getting a bit cold…and it doesn’t seem to be getting better in the future, but the prices don’t change…
…do you start getting a feeling this might be a waste of your time and effort or not?

Second example
When you are talking to people who over and over don't understand what you are saying but over and over keep talking to you and not do something else, do these people over and over make sense? ..and...
...does it make common sense for people to spend time and effort over and over, with people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another, over...and over...and over...or... people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another over and over, over and over waste our time and effort, and we have to ignore them, or we have to deal with them, so that we don't have to spend over and over more time and effort to have fun together?

Epilogue - How do you know?

Money reduces the time and effort spent to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

wake up players...
Here's what the problem with money is
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Danny, stop the BS. The chronology of the posts shows you making a definitive, declarative statement that I addressed. Now suddenly you don't know the definitions and implications of the very words you used? Then you throw in another referral as if it's not a slight divergence. All because you can't logically or factually disprove my earlier response 100%? C'mon man, it's an anonymous format...conceding a point won't cost you a thing. Post #172, 174 to present.

Our First Amendment applies. What do you mean by morals? You can only resort to secular ethics not morals.

Yeah, just as I thought....more detour BS from you with some added accusations to cover your ass. My previous post stands. GTFU, Danny.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yeah, just as I thought....more detour BS from you with some added accusations to cover your ass. My previous post stands. GTFU, Danny.

lol. No, it doesn't. You have no valid arguments or you would have posted them already.

Ahh, the lame retort of a BS artist who can't BS anymore.

If I had no valid arguments, then why respond to the ones I did put forth to this point?

You're such a pitiful right wing dumb ass at times, Danny. You devolve into this reality denial tract that the chronology of the posts doesn't support. But jokers like you are a insipidly stubborn lot, so you'll you keep parroting the SOS. Sad, but entertaining. Carry on.
Hi all,

Money reduces the time and effort spend to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

Here's what the problem with money is

Why are you worried about the woman who doesn't produce anything?
Ahh, the lame retort of a BS artist who can't BS anymore.

If I had no valid arguments, then why respond to the ones I did put forth to this point?

You're such a pitiful right wing dumb ass at times, Danny. You devolve into this reality denial tract that the chronology of the posts doesn't support. But jokers like you are a insipidly stubborn lot, so you'll you keep parroting the SOS. Sad, but entertaining. Carry on.
Equal protection of our own at-will employment laws can solve most of our social problems. Why not be Legal to our own Laws?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Ahh, the lame retort of a BS artist who can't BS anymore.

If I had no valid arguments, then why respond to the ones I did put forth to this point?

You're such a pitiful right wing dumb ass at times, Danny. You devolve into this reality denial tract that the chronology of the posts doesn't support. But jokers like you are a insipidly stubborn lot, so you'll you keep parroting the SOS. Sad, but entertaining. Carry on.

Equal protection of our own at-will employment laws can solve most of our social problems. Why not be Legal to our own Laws?

The chronology of the posts shows how you REFUSE to acknowledge your insipid stubbornness to conceding a point on terminology THAT YOU YOURSELF INTRODUCED AND DEFINED. Instead, you just blurt out one moot point after another, and try to start a new point of discussion as if it's a support of your previous folly. Hint: it doesn't.

You're not fooling anyone but MAGA minions and right wing wonks, Danny. I don't care if you publicly concede the initial point or not....I just expose to the reading audience the sheer stupidity of your actions on an anonymous forum. Your pathetic in this regards, Danny. Now, prattle the last BS dodge, accusation, self aggrandizing clap trap, false accusations and whatever....having the last word regardless of it's worthlessness seems very important to you types. I'm moving on from you on this point. Carry on.
The chronology of the posts shows how you REFUSE to acknowledge your insipid stubbornness to conceding a point on terminology THAT YOU YOURSELF INTRODUCED AND DEFINED. Instead, you just blurt out one moot point after another, and try to start a new point of discussion as if it's a support of your previous folly. Hint: it doesn't.

You're not fooling anyone but MAGA minions and right wing wonks, Danny. I don't care if you publicly concede the initial point or not....I just expose to the reading audience the sheer stupidity of your actions on an anonymous forum. Your pathetic in this regards, Danny. Now, prattle the last BS dodge, accusation, self aggrandizing clap trap, false accusations and whatever....having the last word regardless of it's worthlessness seems very important to you types. I'm moving on from you on this point. Carry on.
No reason only right-wing fantasy?

Equal protection of our own at-will employment laws can solve most of our social problems. Why not be Legal to our own Laws?
...did your…
…NOT you!.. just to not offend you, but YOUR “god”?.. and I DARE your…

…if your “god” is a MAN!!!