Money and women advice

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, let's cut through the blather and get down to the nitty gritty (as they use to say):

1. There is no such thing as "money". It does not exist but in the minds of human beings. "Money" is a agreed upon concept by which people exchange goods and labor. Accumulation of "money" evolved from basic trade for labor (you give me that axe and I'll help you build your house) to who could gather the most desired (yet limited or hard to acquire) object like gold or precious stones and trade (I like that necklace for my wife...I'll trade you these stones or make these horse shoes for it). And so on, and so on until physical "money" has become promissory notes beyond I.O.U.'s. Accumulation of those alone give's one the "promise" that they can obtain any type of barter or purchase from anyone for almost anything.

2. I don't know what your issue is with women, but you need to see a therapist. Women can and do earn their own money, ya know.

My issue with women? You can imagine whatever you like player, but if you want to make claims regarding what I think read my threads first, as here you are just talking nonsense ...
...not that your first point is making sense player...if there is no such thing as money player, then stop talking about it, as if you keep talking about things are not real, then you are imagining unreal things player, what do you expect me to do?

What does economy refer to in your text?
An economy refers to society and what people in it have to do in reality, in order to coordinate their actions in a fun way for them that can happen over and over in reality.

Why is the word economy meaningful to people in reality?
When people are trying to coordinate their actions in reality, they are free to try every way that they imagine, but not all ways take them the same time and effort to follow together over and over in reality, and the ways that take people the least time and effort to do together over and over in reality, is what the word economy is all about in reality.

How does the word economy happen in reality?
When people trying to coordinate their actions in reality, put their time and effort to find a way that takes them the least time and effort to reach their ends, that way has to be happening over and over in reality in a fun way for all people affected by this way playing out as a story in reality, or people end up thinking this way is not fun to happen over and over in reality, and then this way isn't worth their time and effort to follow over and over in reality.

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?

My goodness, but you are quite the pompous gas bag, ain't ya bunky?

YOU open this thread bringing women into statements/and assertions that essentially only makes sense to you and the smiling joker you see in the mirror. Your screed is chock full of pretentious, pseudo-intellectual clap trap that signifies nothing. You seem to have an axe to grind about money and women, but mental constipation prevents you from adequately explaining yourself. And since you see yourself as mentally superior to all others, no critique is worth considering a true debate.

Now to anyone with a G.E.D that has a little life experience and pays attention to more than one daily news source, they clearly see there is nothing wrong with my assessment as to what is considered money and how it comes about in our society.

Since you can't fault that, you proceed to blather on about the economy and money without really saying anything of worth in terms of definitions or assessment. Essentially, you seem to think a condescending attitude and a lot of questions is a substitute for actual commitment to a conclusion or a declarative statement that has a logical point. In that respect, you're wrong ... you just come off as some joker who's a little crispy around the old cranium.

But hope springs eternal. A little schooling for you from Merriam-Webster:

Definition of economy (Entry 1 of 2)
1: the structure or conditions of economic life in a country, area, or period
also : an economic system
2a: thrifty and efficient use of material resources : frugality in expenditures
also : an instance or a means of economizing : SAVING
b: efficient and concise use of nonmaterial resources (such as effort, language, or motion)
3a: the arrangement or mode of operation of something : ORGANIZATION
b: a system especially of interaction and exchange
an economy of information
4archaic : the management of household or private affairs and especially expenses

Definition of money:
something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment

Now, if you actually want to join the rest of us in this reality and discuss my earlier post in relation to these definitions, fine. But if you just want to continue to babble and tout yourself as "intelligent" via your condescending attitude, I won't waste any more time responding to you.

Oh, and just so you know...your touting your FaceBook presence along with a Metro card will get you on the bus. Millions of people do blogs and such, and among the millions more on the web, they are bound to get an audience. You're not unique, matter what the guy in the mirror whispers to you.

Now, cut the BS and get some therapy to get over your issues with women. Play on, bunky.
I don't know about all that. I like men who can lift heavy boxes and keep their whining about their mommies to themselves. Darla has very simple needs, and can financially support herself.

Essentially, this thread has to jokers with some serious ingrained misogyny .. so much so that they are convinced that their intellectual prowess validates that misogyny. Pathetic, but sadly it's like the common cold in our never truly goes away.
My goodness, but you are quite the pompous gas bag, ain't ya bunky?

YOU open this thread bringing women into statements/and assertions that essentially only makes sense to you and the smiling joker you see in the mirror. Your screed is chock full of pretentious, pseudo-intellectual clap trap that signifies nothing. You seem to have an axe to grind about money and women, but mental constipation prevents you from adequately explaining yourself. And since you see yourself as mentally superior to all others, no critique is worth considering a true debate.

Now to anyone with a G.E.D that has a little life experience and pays attention to more than one daily news source, they clearly see there is nothing wrong with my assessment as to what is considered money and how it comes about in our society.

Since you can't fault that, you proceed to blather on about the economy and money without really saying anything of worth in terms of definitions or assessment. Essentially, you seem to think a condescending attitude and a lot of questions is a substitute for actual commitment to a conclusion or a declarative statement that has a logical point. In that respect, you're wrong ... you just come off as some joker who's a little crispy around the old cranium.

But hope springs eternal. A little schooling for you from Merriam-Webster:

Definition of economy (Entry 1 of 2)
1: the structure or conditions of economic life in a country, area, or period
also : an economic system
2a: thrifty and efficient use of material resources : frugality in expenditures
also : an instance or a means of economizing : SAVING
b: efficient and concise use of nonmaterial resources (such as effort, language, or motion)
3a: the arrangement or mode of operation of something : ORGANIZATION
b: a system especially of interaction and exchange
an economy of information
4archaic : the management of household or private affairs and especially expenses

Definition of money:
something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment

Now, if you actually want to join the rest of us in this reality and discuss my earlier post in relation to these definitions, fine. But if you just want to continue to babble and tout yourself as "intelligent" via your condescending attitude, I won't waste any more time responding to you.

Oh, and just so you know...your touting your FaceBook presence along with a Metro card will get you on the bus. Millions of people do blogs and such, and among the millions more on the web, they are bound to get an audience. You're not unique, matter what the guy in the mirror whispers to you.

Now, cut the BS and get some therapy to get over your issues with women. Play on, bunky.

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
What about; Polygamy, so every woman can marry a nice guy?

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
Essentially, this thread has to jokers with some serious ingrained misogyny .. so much so that they are convinced that their intellectual prowess validates that misogyny. Pathetic, but sadly it's like the common cold in our never truly goes away.

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
Yes. well put. institutions have become simp cuck stockholm syndrome friend zone fags.

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
I can't even decipher what he's trying to say?

It must lose something in the translation from Russian

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?

slapping you around would be fun over and over again.

wanna make a for profit video?
slapping you around would be fun over and over again.

wanna make a for profit video?

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
Still can't type this in English?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
My goodness, but you are quite the pompous gas bag, ain't ya bunky?

YOU open this thread bringing women into statements/and assertions that essentially only makes sense to you and the smiling joker you see in the mirror. Your screed is chock full of pretentious, pseudo-intellectual clap trap that signifies nothing. You seem to have an axe to grind about money and women, but mental constipation prevents you from adequately explaining yourself. And since you see yourself as mentally superior to all others, no critique is worth considering a true debate.

Now to anyone with a G.E.D that has a little life experience and pays attention to more than one daily news source, they clearly see there is nothing wrong with my assessment as to what is considered money and how it comes about in our society.

Since you can't fault that, you proceed to blather on about the economy and money without really saying anything of worth in terms of definitions or assessment. Essentially, you seem to think a condescending attitude and a lot of questions is a substitute for actual commitment to a conclusion or a declarative statement that has a logical point. In that respect, you're wrong ... you just come off as some joker who's a little crispy around the old cranium.

But hope springs eternal. A little schooling for you from Merriam-Webster:

Definition of economy (Entry 1 of 2)
1: the structure or conditions of economic life in a country, area, or period
also : an economic system
2a: thrifty and efficient use of material resources : frugality in expenditures
also : an instance or a means of economizing : SAVING
b: efficient and concise use of nonmaterial resources (such as effort, language, or motion)
3a: the arrangement or mode of operation of something : ORGANIZATION
b: a system especially of interaction and exchange
an economy of information
4archaic : the management of household or private affairs and especially expenses

Definition of money:
something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment

Now, if you actually want to join the rest of us in this reality and discuss my earlier post in relation to these definitions, fine. But if you just want to continue to babble and tout yourself as "intelligent" via your condescending attitude, I won't waste any more time responding to you.

Oh, and just so you know...your touting your FaceBook presence along with a Metro card will get you on the bus. Millions of people do blogs and such, and among the millions more on the web, they are bound to get an audience. You're not unique, matter what the guy in the mirror whispers to you.

Now, cut the BS and get some therapy to get over your issues with women. Play on, bunky.

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?

As to your first paragraph: you want to discuss the foibles of mass production and its effects on an economy, fine. Essentially, we've seen the historical flaws in this, as its almost certain to produce a surplus (or leftovers) that are not used (do not sell) sufficiently to cover the cost of production. Selling surplus to a foreign market can relieve financial distress to a company, but only a little unless your product price in the foreign exchange covers shipping, taxes, etc. Therefore, the solution would be a more efficient take of how your product sells...that way you can keep a stock that at the end of the day wouldn't kill your bottom line. But as you and I both know, current business models don't do this (at least not the majority of businesses), and thus the problems continue

To put it simply, it's all about the Benjamins (aka 'money'). Nothing fun or funny about that.

As to the rest of your self-aggrandizing riddled screed ... you're doing this because you have an axe to grind and you want attention. The sheer absurdity of your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs cannot be taken seriously, as it's nothing more than a convoluted scenarios filled with supposition and conjecture posing as some type of deep thought process. This doesn't make a decent question(s) in so much as it's just blather for reaction so you can "teach" the responder your self perceived great analytical answer.

As the chronology of the posts shows, you just ignore what you don't like (i.e., historically valid and documented definitions of money and economy) and blather on with your flawed contrivances. Hell, you couldn't even muster up the bull horn to rationally or logically explain/defend your nonsensical attempt to bridge your attitude about women into this topic.

If you have some neologist definitions regarding money and the economy and how it relates to women, then feel free to blog away on FaceBook and tally your readers. But don't have a hissy fit if someone takes you to task logically using FACTS and your responses are not up to snuff. No one said life was easy.

You're not a "player", you're just punked. Carry on.
Last edited:
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Essentially, this thread has to jokers with some serious ingrained misogyny .. so much so that they are convinced that their intellectual prowess validates that misogyny. Pathetic, but sadly it's like the common cold in our never truly goes away.

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?

See the following response to your parroted drivel:

Look toodles, it ain't my fault that Greece totally fucked up by contracting an American company to help them "cook the books" so they could join the E.U. When the Piper came do, Greece got financially screwed and damned near took the E.U. with it (A plot by the American financial community that was worthy of Machiavelli, if you ask me.). So grow up and deal with that and spare us all your BS.
The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
My argument; Polygamy, so every woman can marry a nice guy, can be a serious as you want. You seem to have no valid rebuttal regardless of alleging you want a serious argument.
My argument; Polygamy, so every woman can marry a nice guy, can be a serious as you want. You seem to have no valid rebuttal regardless of alleging you want a serious argument.

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
See the following response to your parroted drivel:

Look toodles, it ain't my fault that Greece totally fucked up by contracting an American company to help them "cook the books" so they could join the E.U. When the Piper came do, Greece got financially screwed and damned near took the E.U. with it (A plot by the American financial community that was worthy of Machiavelli, if you ask me.). So grow up and deal with that and spare us all your BS.

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
As to your first paragraph: you want to discuss the foibles of mass production and its effects on an economy, fine. Essentially, we've seen the historical flaws in this, as its almost certain to produce a surplus (or leftovers) that are not used (do not sell) sufficiently to cover the cost of production. Selling surplus to a foreign market can relieve financial distress to a company, but only a little unless your product price in the foreign exchange covers shipping, taxes, etc. Therefore, the solution would be a more efficient take of how your product sells...that way you can keep a stock that at the end of the day wouldn't kill your bottom line. But as you and I both know, current business models don't do this (at least not the majority of businesses), and thus the problems continue

To put it simply, it's all about the Benjamins (aka 'money'). Nothing fun or funny about that.

As to the rest of your self-aggrandizing riddled screed ... you're doing this because you have an axe to grind and you want attention.

Did you get your attention on my thread thread writing your money stories idiot?

The sheer absurdity of your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs cannot be taken seriously, as it's nothing more than a convoluted scenarios filled with supposition and conjecture posing as some type of deep thought process. This doesn't make a decent question(s) in so much as it's just blather for reaction so you can "teach" the responder your self perceived great analytical answer.

This isn't an argument idiot....

you are still wasting my time and effort with...

...what is just like your opinion man...

...but you need to argue your opinion idiot...

...and you, haven't done that here yet.

As the chronology of the posts shows, you just ignore what you don't like (i.e., historically valid and documented definitions of money and economy) and blather on with your flawed contrivances. Hell, you couldn't even muster up the bull horn to rationally or logically explain/defend your nonsensical attempt to bridge your attitude about women into this topic.
As the time and effort you are putting into reading my posts shows,

you have no arguments,

just your opinions idiot.

Still wasting my time and effort with your "money stories" wanker...

If you have some neologist definitions regarding money and the economy and how it relates to women, then feel free to blog away on FaceBook and tally your readers. But don't have a hissy fit if someone takes you to task logically using FACTS and your responses are not up to snuff. No one said life was easy.

You're not a "player", you're just punked. Carry on.

Life is easy idiot when you are making sense.
When you are not making sense idiot,
you spend your time and effort on threads that you didn't start and are nonsense to you, reading and replying over and over idiot.
Do you idiot think you are making sense here?!

When people trade with one another,
In general they do “I do this for you, you do that for me”,
And specifically whatever “this” and “that” is for the specific occasion and instance, so now…
Player do you know what money does…
Money doesn’t do what those who have money say…
Money reduces the time and effort to trade…
Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...
Have you ever really thought of that?

Money reduces the time and effort spend to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

wake up players...
The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
My rebuttal to that is, I can "blame the right-wing" for my manual work ethic from the Age of Iron. Because of the Right-Wing, I learned how to use not Only a Hammer but also a Sickle.