Money and women advice

We have to get women involved when we want to, "fuck with Tradition".

Who is "we"? Certainly not the 50% of Women who are American citizens or those who vote in elections.
I don't demean women!
I just said the best long term solution for women

Shouldn't each woman make that decision on their own? Why are you fear-mongering about women?

It's becoming a women's world,sooner or later, they will liquidate all but a few men who will be kept locked up as sperm donors.They will have to donate sperm to be feed.

Spineless males like AHZ and SotR will become upset by such an idea.
Shouldn't each woman make that decision on their own? Why are you fear-mongering about women?

Spineless males like AHZ and SotR will become upset by such an idea.

see. your simpery has turned you into a genocider.

It's sad you have no true self and only speak to impress women. that's beta.
Your translation is wrong. you're a fucking idiot simp.

Plus, women already have equal rights, douche nozzle.
see. your simpery has turned you into a genocider.

It's sad you have no true self and only speak to impress women. that's beta.

^^^ Incel at work ^^^

The fault in your logic is that I'm both happily married and happily retired. Trying to educate fucking morons like is a hobby.

For you, it's a place to vent your frustrations in your loser life. Get a life, AHZ. Seriously. You'll be happier for it.
^^^ Incel at work ^^^

The fault in your logic is that I'm both happily married and happily retired. Trying to educate fucking morons like is a hobby.

For you, it's a place to vent your frustrations in your loser life. Get a life, AHZ. Seriously. You'll be happier for it.

simp. that's all just a fact.

I don't hate women. Im just willing to call them on their shit. you put them on a pedestal because you have stockholm syndrome.

rise up, slave.
Try not to spend your time and effort reading and replying if over and over you don't understand, but let's give it another shot, if you still wanna try...

PROLOGUE -What are we talking about here?
When people trade with one another,
In general they do “I do this for you, you do that for me”,
And specifically whatever “this” and “that” is for the specific occasion and instance, so now…
Player do you know what money does…
Money doesn’t do what those who have money say…
Money reduces the time and effort to trade…
Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...
Have you ever really thought of that?

Main Text - I don't get it...

Generally explained…
Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?
First example
Imagine you order take away from the same place many times, and lately it takes longer and longer for the food to arrive, and the food may start getting a bit cold…and it doesn’t seem to be getting better in the future, but the prices don’t change…
…do you start getting a feeling this might be a waste of your time and effort or not?

Second example
When you are talking to people who over and over don't understand what you are saying but over and over keep talking to you and not do something else, do these people over and over make sense? ..and...
...does it make common sense for people to spend time and effort over and over, with people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another, over...and over...and over...or... people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another over and over, over and over waste our time and effort, and we have to ignore them, or we have to deal with them, so that we don't have to spend over and over more time and effort to have fun together?

Epilogue - How do you know?

Money reduces the time and effort spend to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

Here's what the problem with money is.

Okay, let's cut through the blather and get down to the nitty gritty (as they use to say):

1. There is no such thing as "money". It does not exist but in the minds of human beings. "Money" is a agreed upon concept by which people exchange goods and labor. Accumulation of "money" evolved from basic trade for labor (you give me that axe and I'll help you build your house) to who could gather the most desired (yet limited or hard to acquire) object like gold or precious stones and trade (I like that necklace for my wife...I'll trade you these stones or make these horse shoes for it). And so on, and so on until physical "money" has become promissory notes beyond I.O.U.'s. Accumulation of those alone give's one the "promise" that they can obtain any type of barter or purchase from anyone for almost anything.

2. I don't know what your issue is with women, but you need to see a therapist. Women can and do earn their own money, ya know.
Okay, let's cut through the blather and get down to the nitty gritty (as they use to say):

1. There is no such thing as "money". It does not exist but in the minds of human beings. "Money" is a agreed upon concept by which people exchange goods and labor. Accumulation of "money" evolved from basic trade for labor (you give me that axe and I'll help you build your house) to who could gather the most desired (yet limited or hard to acquire) object like gold or precious stones and trade (I like that necklace for my wife...I'll trade you these stones or make these horse shoes for it). And so on, and so on until physical "money" has become promissory notes beyond I.O.U.'s. Accumulation of those alone give's one the "promise" that they can obtain any type of barter or purchase from anyone for almost anything.

2. I don't know what your issue is with women, but you need to see a therapist. Women can and do earn their own money, ya know.

My issue with women? You can imagine whatever you like player, but if you want to make claims regarding what I think read my threads first, as here you are just talking nonsense ...
...not that your first point is making sense player...if there is no such thing as money player, then stop talking about it, as if you keep talking about things are not real, then you are imagining unreal things player, what do you expect me to do?

What does economy refer to in your text?
An economy refers to society and what people in it have to do in reality, in order to coordinate their actions in a fun way for them that can happen over and over in reality.

Why is the word economy meaningful to people in reality?
When people are trying to coordinate their actions in reality, they are free to try every way that they imagine, but not all ways take them the same time and effort to follow together over and over in reality, and the ways that take people the least time and effort to do together over and over in reality, is what the word economy is all about in reality.

How does the word economy happen in reality?
When people trying to coordinate their actions in reality, put their time and effort to find a way that takes them the least time and effort to reach their ends, that way has to be happening over and over in reality in a fun way for all people affected by this way playing out as a story in reality, or people end up thinking this way is not fun to happen over and over in reality, and then this way isn't worth their time and effort to follow over and over in reality.

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?
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