Money and women advice

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
See the following response to your parroted drivel:

Look toodles, it ain't my fault that Greece totally fucked up by contracting an American company to help them "cook the books" so they could join the E.U. When the Piper came do, Greece got financially screwed and damned near took the E.U. with it (A plot by the American financial community that was worthy of Machiavelli, if you ask me.). So grow up and deal with that and spare us all your BS.

The most economical way to produce something is the way that it is fun over and over to produce it. Why?
Because if the way is more fun over and over to produce than the people producing it can handle, then sooner or later people can't produce that way at best, or hurt themselves over and over and end up being less productive over time.
And if the way if less fun over and over to produce than the people producing it want, then sooner or later people want to do something else, and end up being less productive over time.


Argue or get lost .

Here's what an argument regarding what money does looks like ...

Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

But why is the above an argument regarding what money does ?
Let's see if all here read and understand WHY I AM DOING THIS? Why is that?
To show you how many idiots around you think they know what money does...
...and keep wasting our time and effort with their endless "money" stories.

Do you understand that players here?
Yes players, really...WHAT PLAYERS?!

How is it that I know that people are reading what I write ?

As the smart, rational and objective reader can tell by the chronology of the posts, old Alex here is just a self deluded parrot with nothing of substance to offer once properly challenged. He just ignores what he doesn't like, never owns up to the logical conclusions of his assertions (aka an intellectual coward), and then constantly tells us all how smart he is with his convoluted clap trap.

He's a joke folks, a crank who's a little crispy around the mental edges as he regurgitates versions of his drivel. I'm done wasting time on him.
As the smart, rational and objective reader can tell by the chronology of the posts, old Alex here is just a self deluded parrot with nothing of substance to offer once properly challenged. He just ignores what he doesn't like, never owns up to the logical conclusions of his assertions (aka an intellectual coward), and then constantly tells us all how smart he is with his convoluted clap trap.

He's a joke folks, a crank who's a little crispy around the mental edges as he regurgitates versions of his drivel. I'm done wasting time on him.

Then put him on ignore like everyone else who destroys your pathetic ass! Pussy...
As the smart, rational and objective reader can tell by the chronology of the posts, old Alex here is just a self deluded parrot with nothing of substance to offer once properly challenged. He just ignores what he doesn't like, never owns up to the logical conclusions of his assertions (aka an intellectual coward), and then constantly tells us all how smart he is with his convoluted clap trap.

He's a joke folks, a crank who's a little crispy around the mental edges as he regurgitates versions of his drivel. I'm done wasting time on him.

Then put him on ignore like everyone else who destroys your pathetic ass! Pussy...
Did you get your attention on my thread thread writing your money stories idiot?

This isn't an argument idiot....

you are still wasting my time and effort with...

...what is just like your opinion man...

...but you need to argue your opinion idiot...

...and you, haven't done that here yet.

As the time and effort you are putting into reading my posts shows,

you have no arguments,

just your opinions idiot.

Still wasting my time and effort with your "money stories" wanker...

Life is easy idiot when you are making sense.
When you are not making sense idiot,
you spend your time and effort on threads that you didn't start and are nonsense to you, reading and replying over and over idiot.
Do you idiot think you are making sense here?!

When people trade with one another,
In general they do “I do this for you, you do that for me”,
And specifically whatever “this” and “that” is for the specific occasion and instance, so now…
Player do you know what money does…
Money doesn’t do what those who have money say…
Money reduces the time and effort to trade…
Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...
Have you ever really thought of that?

Money reduces the time and effort spend to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

wake up players...

As the objective reader can clearly see in the chronology of the posts, old Alex has NOTHING but denial, name calling and the childishly absurd tactic of accusing anyone who accurately challenges his drivel as not being able to comprehend it.


Then the topper is his using the time honored idiocy of all defeated wonks...claiming that my posts are not worth his time responding or reading...a claim/accusation that he counters with days of responses (not very good responses, but wordy none the less).

A bit schizoid that, Alex old boy. Best you get some therapy about this obsession you have with the last word.

Alex is just a joke folks, a crank with delusions of grandeur seeking attention, who's a little crispy around the mental edges as he regurgitates versions of his drivel. I'm done wasting time on him.
As the objective reader can clearly see in the chronology of the posts, old Alex has NOTHING but denial, name calling and the childishly absurd tactic of accusing anyone who accurately challenges his drivel as not being able to comprehend it.


Then the topper is his using the time honored idiocy of all defeated wonks...claiming that my posts are not worth his time responding or reading...a claim/accusation that he counters with days of responses (not very good responses, but wordy none the less).

A bit schizoid that, Alex old boy. Best you get some therapy about this obsession you have with the last word.

Alex is just a joke folks, a crank with delusions of grandeur seeking attention, who's a little crispy around the mental edges as he regurgitates versions of his drivel. I'm done wasting time on him.

Did you get your attention on my thread thread writing your money stories idiot?
Here's something that even you idiot can understand...

When people trade with one another,
In general they do “I do this for you, you do that for me”,
And specifically whatever “this” and “that” is for the specific occasion and instance, so now…
Player do you know what money does…
Money doesn’t do what those who have money say…
Money reduces the time and effort to trade…
Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort, with their endless money stories...
Have you ever really thought of that?

Money reduces the time and effort spend to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?

wake up players...
As the smart, rational and objective reader can tell by the chronology of the posts, old Alex here is just a self deluded parrot with nothing of substance to offer once properly challenged. He just ignores what he doesn't like, never owns up to the logical conclusions of his assertions (aka an intellectual coward), and then constantly tells us all how smart he is with his convoluted clap trap.

He's a joke folks, a crank who's a little crispy around the mental edges as he regurgitates versions of his drivel. I'm done wasting time on him.

Here's a song for you idiot to understand....

When you are talking to people who over and over don't understand what you are saying but over and over keep talking to you and not do something else, do these people over and over make sense? ..and...
...does it make common sense for people to spend time and effort over and over, with people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another, over...and over...and over...or... people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another over and over, over and over waste our time and effort, and we have to ignore them, or we have to deal with them, so that we don't have to spend over and over more time and effort to have fun together?

Money reduces the time and effort spent to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?
Women always seem to love me more under Capitalism when I have a petty cash fund for that purposes. We subscribe to Capitalism

I hope you're being sarcastic, because that really doesn't say much for you as a person ... a good and decent man can attract women under any economic system and cultural rules. Case in point, the consternation of successful, "handsome" and athletic men who lose women to guys who do not fit his criteria. No one said life was easy.
I hope you're being sarcastic, because that really doesn't say much for you as a person ... a good and decent man can attract women under any economic system and cultural rules. Case in point, the consternation of successful, "handsome" and athletic men who lose women to guys who do not fit his criteria. No one said life was easy.
We subscribe to Capitalism where "greed is good".

Social morals for free requires Socialism not capitalism.
We subscribe to Capitalism where "greed is good".

Social morals for free requires Socialism not capitalism.

Social morals can and often are independent of an economic system....Shaolin temple in monarchial and now communist China. Religious based charities by various faiths in America. Etc., etc.
Here's a song for you ....
the problem with money is that you idiots don't know what money does...
apparently you can't handle the sound of that...
...well sometimes it is more fun than what you can handle at that moment in your life.
"Hey wait, but sometimes it is less fun than what I want at that moment in my life"
Yes, but when you are having a good time, eh then it is just the right amount of fun.
...and to find those times, I am afraid... need patience to have fun.

When you are talking to people who over and over don't understand what you are saying but over and over keep talking to you and not do something else, do these people over and over make sense? ..and...
...does it make common sense for people to spend time and effort over and over, with people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another, over...and over...and over...or... people who increase the time and effort that we have to spend to trade with one another over and over, over and over waste our time and effort, and we have to ignore them, or we have to deal with them, so that we don't have to spend over and over more time and effort to have fun together?

Money reduces the time and effort spent to trade or
try telling anything else to a woman when you give her money, and the way that you do it...
...increases visibly for her the time and effort she has to spend to have fun, as then sad joker... don't seem to know what money does for her.
Get it sad jokers?
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Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Elucidate, my son, elucidate.

Our Commerce Clause implies Capitalism in public policy. I believe financial engineers should arrive at Pareto Optimalities for any given policy public.

So your saying that since capitalism promotes competition (for limited resources and opportunities) with little or no concern for those that don't win, it promotes immorality. Where as a socialist system does not. Have I got that right?