Moral rot of the FBI?


Well-known member
WOW! Sounds like the fiasco in Michigan was a left handed circle jerk from the very beginning with you know who ending up being the pivot men. And no,....thats NOT egg on their face, it IS runny though! :whoa: :laugh:

"Whitmer fednapping exposes moral rot of FBI.

Shared hotel rooms. Fake militias. Booze and pot. Planted evidence. Phony bomb makers. Criminal FBI informants. Wife-beating wife-swappers.

No, that’s not the latest iteration of the “X Files” but the real-life drama of the FBI-concocted scheme to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. The better-than-television saga is again unfolding in a Grand Rapids courtroom this month as the Department of Justice retries two men charged with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election."

In April, prosecutors failed to win a single conviction in one of the government’s biggest domestic terror investigations in decades. A jury acquitted two men—Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris—on every count after defense attorneys successfully argued their clients were entrapped by the FBI.
Certain posters will avoid this thread like the plague. Thats what makes it even funnier!

I guess it's encouraged to trash the FBI now. Because Trump says so.

Personally, I thank them as a patriotic American, for all of the hard work they've done protecting me and others.
I guess it's encouraged to trash the FBI now. Because Trump says so.

Personally, I thank them as a patriotic American, for all of the hard work they've done protecting me and others.

So we should just hide it and not talk about it when something as keystone kop ridiculous as this happens? How Nazi of you.
So we should just hide it and not talk about it when something as keystone kop ridiculous as this happens? How Nazi of you.

Classic Stone response. Completely fabricates something - something I did NOT say. Then calls me a Nazi for the baseless speculation he makes.
As long as were into telling FAIRY TALES,....we might as well also talk of the lefts longtime track record of love and support of American law enforcement as well. Im positive they will believe you. I mean, calling them PIGS for the last 50 years was meant as a term of endearment Im sure. :rolleyes:

As long as were into telling FAIRY TALES,....we might as well also talk of the lefts longtime track record of love and support of American law enforcement as well. Im positive they will believe you. I mean, calling them PIGS for the last 50 years was meant as a term of endearment Im sure. :rolleyes:


Was the FBI within their legal rights to enter MAL? I will wait for your answer
I guess it's encouraged to trash the FBI now. Because Trump says so.

Personally, I thank them as a patriotic American, for all of the hard work they've done protecting me and others.

What does this have to do with the topic besides NOTHING. You can try to change the conversation all you want,....wont change a damn thing though. ;) :cool:
And then the classic whataboutism.

I could write the text of every one of these threads, and exactly how they'll play out.

Yes....WHY did YOU do that instead of addressing the thread topic? You arent very good at this young grasshopper...
What does this have to do with the topic besides NOTHING. You can try to change the conversation all you want,....wont change a damn thing though. ;) :cool:

In regards to MAL, you have again trashed the FBI for doing their job, but never would you admit that trump had no legal right to have those documents.
Its no different than the officers you trashed on 1/6, who were merely attempting to do their job, while every single rioter, you have defended.
Was the FBI within their legal rights to enter MAL? I will wait for your answer

Another dumb fuck who cant read the thread topic. Michigan/whitmer/ FBI fiasco is the topic. Address it or shut the fuck up ignoramus.
I guess it's encouraged to trash the FBI now. Because Trump says so.

Personally, I thank them as a patriotic American, for all of the hard work they've done protecting me and others.

They did so well on 9/11/2001, amirite? they didn't.

They did so shitty Bush created twice the bullshit agencies the FBI was to do the same job they were assigned to do.

Serious fuckage uppage. What he should have done is cleaned house at the FBI and his Daddy's agency, but noooo...

He expanded government exponentially instead.

I don't get it. We were already paying these motherfuckers to do that job and they failed at it ..bad..

So instead of fixing that, you leave them be and hire twice as many motherfuckers to do the same job they were tasked with and failed at?

It makes no sense. :nono:

Unless there's a Cloward/Piven strategy going on here..
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WOW! Sounds like the fiasco in Michigan was a left handed circle jerk from the very beginning with you know who ending up being the pivot men. And no,....thats NOT egg on their face, it IS runny though! :whoa: :laugh:

"Whitmer fednapping exposes moral rot of FBI.

Shared hotel rooms. Fake militias. Booze and pot. Planted evidence. Phony bomb makers. Criminal FBI informants. Wife-beating wife-swappers.

No, that’s not the latest iteration of the “X Files” but the real-life drama of the FBI-concocted scheme to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. The better-than-television saga is again unfolding in a Grand Rapids courtroom this month as the Department of Justice retries two men charged with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election."

In April, prosecutors failed to win a single conviction in one of the government’s biggest domestic terror investigations in decades. A jury acquitted two men—Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris—on every count after defense attorneys successfully argued their clients were entrapped by the FBI.
The FBI is out of control it's time to rein them back in. Fire Wray and reduce their funding. If the new director cleans house increase their funding.
Another dumb fuck who cant read the thread topic. Michigan/whitmer/ FBI fiasco is the topic. Address it or shut the fuck up ignoramus.

No, the entire FBI is the topic, the organization you despise from top to bottom along with all forms of policing.
How's that candidate of yours doing who is running for governor. What a fucking disaster she is.
No, the entire FBI is the topic, the organization you despise from top to bottom along with all forms of policing.
How's that candidate of yours doing who is running for governor. What a fucking disaster she is.

I started the topic dumb fuck. Read the OP,..NO it is NOT.