Moral rot of the FBI?

They did so well on 9/11/2001, amirite? they didn't.

They did so shitty Bush created twice the bullshit agencies the FBI was to do the same job they were assigned to do.

Serious fuckage uppage. What he should have done is cleaned house at the FBI and his Daddy's agency, but noooo...

He expanded government exponentially instead.


Holy fuck.

Trumpers don't deserve the FBI. What a pathetic, pathetic response.
It is because you despise the entire organization and want it disbanded.
Now how's that republican candidate for Mich governor doing?

I dont despise them at all. I think most are quite good. In fact I have a close acquaintance that works for them as an agent out west.
I dont despise them at all. I think most are quite good. In fact I have a close acquaintance that works for them as an agent out west.

Explain why Trump had those documents in MAL, in the first place, and why it was wrong for the FBI to search.
BUSH got the memo that OBL was going to strike the U.S. He IGNORED it.


The foreigners that overstayed their visas and did that were reported to the FBI.

The FBI dropped the ball. Same thing in Broward county, where all 3 levels of government failed to stop that crazy boy that should have been in Chattahoochee.

Let's be real: Depending on the government for protection is stupid. You are responsible for your own self protection. Everybody is, the Founding Fathers knew that.

When you only have seconds, the police are just minutes away. They'll come scrape your carcass up and half-ass try to figure out what happened to ya..maybe.
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"Reporting on the kidnapping story fizzled after Election Day. And after BuzzFeed (yes BuzzFeed) published a bombshell investigation exposing the FBI’s deep involvement, including the use of at least a dozen undercover FBI agents and informants, interest in the story among once-enraged politicians and journalists evaporated.

But that didn’t stop defense attorneys representing six men facing federal kidnapping charges from digging into what really happened. And what they uncovered is one of the most egregious cases of FBI entrapment and election interference in the bureau’s history. “The government’s agents actively planned and coordinated its efforts to induce the defendants to engage in incriminating behavior and statements, even going so far as designing the objective and structural components of the conspiracy alleged in the indictment,” defense attorneys wrote."

The foreigners that overstayed their visas and did that were reported to the FBI.

The FBI dropped the ball. Same thing in Broward county, where all 3 levels of government failed to stop that crazy boy that should have been in Chattahoochee.

Tell yourself whatever you want. Your guy Bush blew it.

As for the latter - I could name 100 instances where the FBI saved lives and protected Americans for every 1 that slipped through. Do you think ANY law enforcement agency, anywhere, has a 100% track record?

Pathetic responses, MD. You are not a real American.
Tell yourself whatever you want. Your guy Bush blew it.

As for the latter - I could name 100 instances where the FBI saved lives and protected Americans for every 1 that slipped through. Do you think ANY law enforcement agency, anywhere, has a 100% track record?

Pathetic responses, MD. You are not a real American.

Bush was never "my guy", and yes, he did blow it, but the FBI and CIA blew it too.

The ragheads were overt with their intentions.

"Reporting on the kidnapping story fizzled after Election Day. And after BuzzFeed (yes BuzzFeed) published a bombshell investigation exposing the FBI’s deep involvement, including the use of at least a dozen undercover FBI agents and informants, interest in the story among once-enraged politicians and journalists evaporated.

But that didn’t stop defense attorneys representing six men facing federal kidnapping charges from digging into what really happened. And what they uncovered is one of the most egregious cases of FBI entrapment and election interference in the bureau’s history. “The government’s agents actively planned and coordinated its efforts to induce the defendants to engage in incriminating behavior and statements, even going so far as designing the objective and structural components of the conspiracy alleged in the indictment,” defense attorneys wrote."


Tell yourself whatever you want. Your guy Bush blew it.

As for the latter - I could name 100 instances where the FBI saved lives and protected Americans for every 1 that slipped through. Do you think ANY law enforcement agency, anywhere, has a 100% track record?

Pathetic responses, MD. You are not a real American.

Anything to say on the ACTUAL thread topic at all? Or are you content to just run interference like a good little goosestepping NAZI?
Can someone give Stoney a lesson on how to write a thread title? Because I'm pretty sure this one doesn't say ANYTHING about Michigan, or Whitmer. It is a thread about 'The moral rot of the FBI?'

Stioney is so fucking stupid at this point that a pet rock could make superior posts.
WOW! Sounds like the fiasco in Michigan was a left handed circle jerk from the very beginning with you know who ending up being the pivot men. And no,....thats NOT egg on their face, it IS runny though! :whoa: :laugh:

"Whitmer fednapping exposes moral rot of FBI.

Shared hotel rooms. Fake militias. Booze and pot. Planted evidence. Phony bomb makers. Criminal FBI informants. Wife-beating wife-swappers.

No, that’s not the latest iteration of the “X Files” but the real-life drama of the FBI-concocted scheme to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. The better-than-television saga is again unfolding in a Grand Rapids courtroom this month as the Department of Justice retries two men charged with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election."

In April, prosecutors failed to win a single conviction in one of the government’s biggest domestic terror investigations in decades. A jury acquitted two men—Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris—on every count after defense attorneys successfully argued their clients were entrapped by the FBI.

More cop hate from the right, and to imagine at one time they billed themselves as the party of law and order