Moral rot of the FBI?

The fact that even Democratic presidents kept white Republican males as directors of the FBI is a hint at how conservative the FBI is as an institution.

Agreed. Now trying convincing the idiots in the Pedo Party of that fact. :laugh:
The FBI has been dirty ever since Hoover put them together. If you think Comey was anything other than a RINO you are even crazier than I think you are.

J Edgar Hoover was more than half a century ago, and to the extent the FBI engaged in legally dubious activities it was almost always directed at the political left - spying on MLK, Malcolm X, anti-war protestors, socialist college professors, etc.
The fact that even Democratic presidents kept white Republican males as directors of the FBI is a hint at how conservative the FBI is as an institution.
No it hints at how the Directors weren't conservatives unless you think a Democrat would want a conservative FBI director instead of a Liberal director.:laugh:
The agency are made up of people, like the police force, the CIA, the DOJ, the Congress, the Supreme Court. There are going to be some bad actors, but thankfully, so far, the major are decent people who do their jobs and follow the laws.

A free press is vital as are whistleblowers to bring to light the bad actors.

Good fair minded post. Agree on all points.
The American left has gone just as crazy if not more. Unless you forgot the 4 years of rioting, killing, burning, looting that went on while those on the left not attending the flame party sat silent or worse yet encouraged it. If you dont think THAT is crazy Frank,....then yeah,..all hope is lost.

BTW... much of the rioting didnt even involve BLM if you remember. Much of the rioting involved a bunch of crazy people who could not and would not accept the 2016 election results. TRAITORS! ;)

You are nuts, Stone. That shit never happened.

Hillary Clinton immediately conceded the loss...and congratulated Trump on his victory. NOTHING anything like what the right has done since Trump got his ass royally kicked in 2020...happened from the left.

NEVER in the history of America has a loser done what Trump and his morons have done.

Get out from that sewer.
No it hints at how the Directors weren't conservatives unless you think a Democrat would want a conservative FBI director instead of a Liberal director.:laugh:
So you're saying 60+ years of white Republican leadership at the FBI has been a failure.
J Edgar Hoover was more than half a century ago, and to the extent the FBI engaged in legally dubious activities it was almost always directed at the political left - spying on MLK, Malcolm X, anti-war protestors, socialist college professors, etc.
So you admit the FBI has a long history of dubious activity. :thumbsup:
The FBI has been dirty ever since Hoover put them together. If you think Comey was anything other than a RINO you are even crazier than I think you are.

You assholes think anyone not willing to bow to a RINO.

You people disgust anyone with any feelings of honor.
You are nuts, Stone. That shit never happened.

Hillary Clinton immediately conceded the loss...and congratulated Trump on his victory. NOTHING anything like what the right has done since Trump got his ass royally kicked in 2020...happened from the left.

NEVER in the history of America has a loser done what Trump and his morons have done.

Get out from that sewer.

There werent violent protests after the election of 16? Are you o.k?

You assholes think anyone not willing to bow to a RINO.

You people disgust anyone with any feelings of honor.
And you guys thought Comey was the devil for investigating Hillary until he overstepped his authority exonerating her. It was his job to investigate and present his evidence to the DOJ and it was their job to exonerate or prosecute.
There werent violent protests after the election of 16? Are you o.k?


Of course some people reacted badly to what seemed an incredible win by Trump...but MOST Democrats and Independents ACCEPTED that Hillary had lost and Trump had won.

That is not happening now. YOU, for instance, STILL think that Trump won!
NO MORE BULLSHIT AND LIES! Lying about what went on doesnt change what happened.

Of course some people reacted badly to what seemed an incredible win by Trump...but MOST Democrats and Independents ACCEPTED that Hillary had lost and Trump had won.

That is not happening now. YOU, for instance, STILL think that Trump won!

They were the result of people not accepting the election results. LIKE I SAID.
Leadership by RINOs like Comey and Wray sure have been.

Saying the FBI hasn't had the "right" kind of Republicans since 1970 is about the weakest argument you could attempt to float.

If you claim the FBI has been a corrupt failure for 60+ years, that is a reflection on it's leadership, which has been uniformly Republican for our entire adult lives.

Until the left admits and atones for what it HAS DONE there will be no peace. How could there possibly be?