Moral rot of the FBI?

Point blank....the left MUST admit and atone for what they have done. If not they will be MADE TO. The choice belongs to the left we on the right could care less how its done. In fact many would prefer it be force fed down their throats as it is rapidly coming to that time where it is too late to apologize. Do what you will we.

Apologize to traitors and insurrectionists???

That is insanity.

Do what you will. None of you care about your continue your attempts to take it down with you. We who oppose you will continue to do so...and will continue to attempt to contain the damage you are doing.
Point blank....the left MUST admit and atone for what they have done. If not they will be MADE TO. The choice belongs to the left we on the right could care less how its done. In fact many would prefer it be force fed down their throats as it is rapidly coming to that time where it is too late to apologize. Do what you will we.

Forced how, blockhead? No Christmas card? Spell it out.
Apologize to traitors and insurrectionists???

That is insanity.

Do what you will. None of you care about your continue your attempts to take it down with you. We who oppose you will continue to do so...and will continue to attempt to contain the damage you are doing.

you hate trump because he DID love the country and americans and didn't put china first like dems do.
you hate trump because he DID love the country and americans and didn't put china first like dems do.

That's actually Trump's biggest con.

Trump didn't care about America. Not a bit. He's a pure narcissist.

The only lesson Americans really need to learn: Trump ONLY cares about Trump. That is it. It is absolute.
That's actually Trump's biggest con.

Trump didn't care about America. Not a bit. He's a pure narcissist.

The only lesson Americans really need to learn: Trump ONLY cares about Trump. That is it. It is absolute.

the tariffs were real.

so was the wall.

so was remain in mexico.

I would be happy for a dem to take these issues away from republicans by being more anti-globalist..

A simple search warrant? Upholding the law? Treating all American citizens the same?

Please provide details.

How? First, bureaucratic inertia allowed rot to set in at the top. The typical field agent not in Dirty City isn't this sort, but the political climbers within the agency have moved up and chosen sides. Carter and Strozk are perfect examples of this revealed in full. These are agents and managers within the agency in Dirty City, and some other places, that see their duty more as being on the correct side of politics for more social climbing and bigger budgets.

They don't want to uphold the law. They want to further their careers and climb the corporate ladder, so-to-speak.

So, they have no problems lying, fudging evidence, bringing false charges, or anything else. They are tight with like-minded federal prosecutors and judges. It's a version of the Good Old Boys. There really is zero difference between them and say what similar agents did under J. Edgar Hoover, only now they command a much larger and more powerful agency than Hoover did.
WOW! Sounds like the fiasco in Michigan was a left handed circle jerk from the very beginning with you know who ending up being the pivot men. And no,....thats NOT egg on their face, it IS runny though! :whoa: :laugh:

"Whitmer fednapping exposes moral rot of FBI.

Shared hotel rooms. Fake militias. Booze and pot. Planted evidence. Phony bomb makers. Criminal FBI informants. Wife-beating wife-swappers.

No, that’s not the latest iteration of the “X Files” but the real-life drama of the FBI-concocted scheme to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. The better-than-television saga is again unfolding in a Grand Rapids courtroom this month as the Department of Justice retries two men charged with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election."

In April, prosecutors failed to win a single conviction in one of the government’s biggest domestic terror investigations in decades. A jury acquitted two men—Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris—on every count after defense attorneys successfully argued their clients were entrapped by the FBI.

The GOP and the people still defending Trump, Rudolph Giuliani, Sydney Powell...and the rest of that traitorous garbage dump...

...are an insult to our Republic. They should simply burrow under that rock whence they came...and allow our nation to heal.

Obviously they won't. They want to smear more shit on our country.
Nyet, comrade. America's core strength is people who appreciate their freedom, not some pedophile dictator like Putin or Trump.

and you want to throw the freedom lovers in jail.

you've continually called trump's anti-globalism totalitarianism, while it's just good economic policy.

you won't even have the discussio about anti-gobalism, so you pretend trump has no message.

many globalists don't want to have the discussion, so they also act stupid on purpose, pretending that words don't mean things. into the night, im looking at you.
and you want to throw the freedom lovers in jail.

you've continually called trump's anti-globalism totalitarianism, while it's just good economic policy.

you won't even have the discussio about anti-gobalism, so you pretend trump has no message.

many globalists don't want to have the discussion, so they also act stupid on purpose, pretending that words don't mean things. into the night, im looking at you.

Poor, poor Fredo. Gets up and hates the world every fucking day. Sad.

Fredo, if you want to have a conversation, you'll have to stop ranting and start explaining. What do you mean by "deep state" and "globalist"? Besides the Jews, I mean.
WOW! Sounds like the fiasco in Michigan was a left handed circle jerk from the very beginning with you know who ending up being the pivot men. And no,....thats NOT egg on their face, it IS runny though! :whoa: :laugh:

"Whitmer fednapping exposes moral rot of FBI.

Shared hotel rooms. Fake militias. Booze and pot. Planted evidence. Phony bomb makers. Criminal FBI informants. Wife-beating wife-swappers.

No, that’s not the latest iteration of the “X Files” but the real-life drama of the FBI-concocted scheme to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. The better-than-television saga is again unfolding in a Grand Rapids courtroom this month as the Department of Justice retries two men charged with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election."

In April, prosecutors failed to win a single conviction in one of the government’s biggest domestic terror investigations in decades. A jury acquitted two men—Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris—on every count after defense attorneys successfully argued their clients were entrapped by the FBI.
