Moral rot of the FBI?

You are nuts, Stone. That shit never happened.

Hillary Clinton immediately conceded the loss...and congratulated Trump on his victory. NOTHING anything like what the right has done since Trump got his ass royally kicked in 2020...happened from the left.

NEVER in the history of America has a loser done what Trump and his morons have done.

Get out from that sewer.
But did she really??

WOW! Sounds like the fiasco in Michigan was a left handed circle jerk from the very beginning with you know who ending up being the pivot men. And no,....thats NOT egg on their face, it IS runny though! :whoa: :laugh:

"Whitmer fednapping exposes moral rot of FBI.

Shared hotel rooms. Fake militias. Booze and pot. Planted evidence. Phony bomb makers. Criminal FBI informants. Wife-beating wife-swappers.

No, that’s not the latest iteration of the “X Files” but the real-life drama of the FBI-concocted scheme to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. The better-than-television saga is again unfolding in a Grand Rapids courtroom this month as the Department of Justice retries two men charged with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election."

In April, prosecutors failed to win a single conviction in one of the government’s biggest domestic terror investigations in decades. A jury acquitted two men—Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris—on every count after defense attorneys successfully argued their clients were entrapped by the FBI.

The "moral rot" is all about your failed leadership and lack of any platform other than, "obliterate the libs"!

That's all you are about. Just rage and hate and despair about your failed life.

Anyway. trump committed crimes. He was caught. He's being investigated. All was done above board.

Deal with it.
Yep. The leadership is rotten to the core. There was a time when we had journalism in this country they would expose it. Today they cheer it. Sad. :palm:

Leadership's only rotten to you when you're criminal idols are being held to account for their criminal bullshit.

Good morning, asswipe.
So we should just hide it and not talk about it when something as keystone kop ridiculous as this happens? How Nazi of you.

Everything was done carefully, legally and was for a real purpose. It's not like Benghazi - a true witch hunt. And the witch got away, you loser.
Saying the FBI hasn't had the "right" kind of Republicans since 1970 is about the weakest argument you could attempt to float.

If you claim the FBI has been a corrupt failure for 60+ years, that is a reflection on it's leadership, which has been uniformly Republican for our entire adult lives.
And the swamp does what the swamp does. Big surprise there. :laugh: These guys first allegiance is to their own personal job not doing the right thing. That is the reason they have climbed the political ladder to become the Director of the FBI.
The left seems to think that they can demand the right atone for their mistakes while PRETENDING that they made none. Even though the LW violence lasted for YEARS. In what reality is that o.k? Does anyone in their right fucking mind REALLY believe the right would ever even think about moving forward under those conditions. NOT A FUCKING CHANCE. The right will crush your fucking asses,...whenever they feel like it. In fact,...if this absurd denial bullshit of the left continues on I would fully expect a beatdown delivered to them. If the left does not admit and atone for what they have done they have some very dark days coming their way. NO MORE LIES.
Classic Stone response. Completely fabricates something - something I did NOT say. Then calls me a Nazi for the baseless speculation he makes.

It's called, "a strawman argument". Many of the twumptards do it. It's a classic hate radio trick. Have a Democrat on - the Democrat says something and then right before the break, the hate host says something the Democrat DID NOT say, like "so you think eating babies is a good thing? Got it!". And then they go to break before the Democrat has a chance to respond.

It's what Stone and several others here do when they know they've failed.
As long as were into telling FAIRY TALES,....we might as well also talk of the lefts longtime track record of love and support of American law enforcement as well. Im positive they will believe you. I mean, calling them PIGS for the last 50 years was meant as a term of endearment Im sure. :rolleyes:


Your tail is the only fairy one here, sweet cheeks.
I guess it's encouraged to trash the FBI now. Because Trump says so.

Personally, I thank them as a patriotic American, for all of the hard work they've done protecting me and others.

they are out there trying to frame citizens and ACTUALLY LEADING TERRORIST PLOTS!

The agency are made up of people, like the police force, the CIA, the DOJ, the Congress, the Supreme Court. There are going to be some bad actors, but thankfully, so far, the major are decent people who do their jobs and follow the laws.

A free press is vital as are whistleblowers to bring to light the bad actors.

Fourteen FBI agents have come to our office as whistleblowers, and they are good people. There are lots of good people in the FBI. It’s the top that’s the problem. But some of these good agents are coming to us telling us this is bologna what’s going on, the political nature now of the Justice Department.
Leadership's only rotten to you when you're criminal idols are being held to account for their criminal bullshit.

Good morning, asswipe.
Oh look at who has got access to the mental ward's computer again. Better make sure Nurse Ratched doesn't catch you again. Remember what happened to you last time? Of course not how could you? The frontal lobotomy and the psychotropic drugs have totally destroyed your brain.
And the swamp does what the swamp does. Big surprise there. :laugh: These guys first allegiance is to their own personal job not doing the right thing. That is the reason they have climbed the political ladder to become the Director of the FBI.

18 Former Trump Officials Say His Claim of a "Standing Order" to Declassify Documents is Ludicrous Horseshit

Washington (CNN) In the days since the FBI seized classified and top secret documents from Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, the former President and his allies have claimed that Trump had a "standing order" to declassify documents he took from the Oval Office to the White House residence.

But 18 former top Trump administration officials tell CNN they never heard any such order issued during their time working for Trump, and that they believe the claim to be patently false.

Several officials laughed at the notion. One senior administration official called it "bullsh*t." Two of Trump's former chiefs of staff went on the record to knock down the claim.
They were the result of people not accepting the election results. LIKE I SAID.



Yeah, people were disappointed...and some vented their disappointment.

But storming the Capitol?

Blaming the FBI?

Sending fake electors to the EC?

Did Clinton do any of that?

Did Clinton send her supporters to do what Trump has asked of his supporters?

What is going on with you here?


Yeah, people were disappointed...and some vented their disappointment.

But storming the Capitol?

Blaming the FBI?

Sending fake electors to the EC?

Did Clinton do any of that?

Did Clinton send her supporters to do what Trump has asked of his supporters?

What is going on with you here?

Im not talking about Clinton and never was. I am talking about left wing people who rioted for YEARS causing multiple deaths, injuries, and tens of millions of dollars if not more in damage. YEARS of it Frank, years,....not 4 hours.
Point blank....the left MUST admit and atone for what they have done. If not they will be MADE TO. The choice belongs to the left we on the right could care less how its done. In fact many would prefer it be force fed down their throats as it is rapidly coming to that time where it is too late to apologize. Do what you will we.
Point blank....the left MUST admit and atone for what they have done. If not they will be MADE TO. The choice belongs to the left we on the right could care less how its done. In fact many would prefer it be force fed down their throats as it is rapidly coming to that time where it is too late to apologize. Do what you will we.


we choose the hard way.

if they're gonna shoot everyone they disagree with they had better get started.
Im not talking about Clinton and never was. I am talking about left wing people who rioted for YEARS causing multiple deaths, injuries, and tens of millions of dollars if not more in damage. YEARS of it Frank, years,....not 4 hours.

Get the fuck off it, Stone.

That shit NEVER happened.

But the shit from the American right DID happen...and is still happening.