Moral rot of the FBI?

You are not man enough to be my daddy, AssHat.

What do YOU mean when you speak of "globalism" or "globalist." I've asked this many times...and you do not have the spine to answer.

Give it a shot.
See folks it's obvious Frank cannot read. That sometimes happens in Alzheimer's.
globalism is the belief that there should be no trade barriers at all, no borders, no tariffs etc, regardless of the consequences for the the society as a whole.

That is a definition of globalism gratuitously created by a moron to attempt to make a point that is moronic.

But anyway...if you think the American left is saying there should be "no trade barriers" or there should be "no borders" or there should be "no tariffs" are out of your mind. And the notion "regardless of consequences" should always include "to the extreme benefit of everyone." Are you saying there are things you do not want to see that are "to the extreme benefit of everyone?"

in short, globalism is the belief the all trade policies should benefit multinational corporations, regardless of the impact to others in society.

Oh, horse shit.

And if there is any political policy that wants "corporations" to be benefitted regardless of the NEGATIVE impact to others in society...YOU ARE PART OF THAT POLICY. THE GOP IS PART OF THAT POLICY. Goebbels would have loved you and the others like you. You eat up lies like they are ice cream.
Trump didn't start a war Hitler did.

Trump was too busy blowing Putin to start a war. But if a war would put a few bucks in his pocket, that fat-assed jerk-off would start one tomorrow. He also would bring down America for his own gain...which is what he is doing and what you are abetting.
That is a definition of globalism gratuitously created by a moron to attempt to make a point that is moronic.

But anyway...if you think the American left is saying there should be "no trade barriers" or there should be "no borders" or there should be "no tariffs" are out of your mind. And the notion "regardless of consequences" should always include "to the extreme benefit of everyone." Are you saying there are things you do not want to see that are "to the extreme benefit of everyone?"

Oh, horse shit.

And if there is any political policy that wants "corporations" to be benefitted regardless of the NEGATIVE impact to others in society...YOU ARE PART OF THAT POLICY. THE GOP IS PART OF THAT POLICY. Goebbels would have loved you and the others like you. You eat up lies like they are ice cream.

my definition is right.

if you support borders and tariffss you would be for trump.

you're a globalist smegma addict.
Oh, dear. That's not how arguments work.

YOU made the claim. The onus is on you to back up that claim.

In ExpressLane, you are dealing with a world-class moron.

He is going to claim victory for having said something. As far as he is concerned, what he says is so...and the onus falls on you to prove him wrong.

Also he is a jerk.
WOW! Sounds like the fiasco in Michigan was a left handed circle jerk from the very beginning with you know who ending up being the pivot men. And no,....thats NOT egg on their face, it IS runny though! :whoa: :laugh:

"Whitmer fednapping exposes moral rot of FBI.

Shared hotel rooms. Fake militias. Booze and pot. Planted evidence. Phony bomb makers. Criminal FBI informants. Wife-beating wife-swappers.

No, that’s not the latest iteration of the “X Files” but the real-life drama of the FBI-concocted scheme to “kidnap” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. The better-than-television saga is again unfolding in a Grand Rapids courtroom this month as the Department of Justice retries two men charged with conspiring to kidnap Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election."

In April, prosecutors failed to win a single conviction in one of the government’s biggest domestic terror investigations in decades. A jury acquitted two men—Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris—on every count after defense attorneys successfully argued their clients were entrapped by the FBI.

There are bad apples in every large organization like the FBI. The majority of agents are honest hard working people doing a tough job. To condemn the entire organization for the actions of a few is disingenuous to say the least.
Your "definition" is a joke...which figures, because YOU are a joke.

If I were totally insane and hated America...I would be for Trump.

I understand why YOU are "for Trump."

Not according to your definition, Moron.

my definition is correct.

word games and deflection is all you have, because you know in your heart globalist zealotry arguments are lame.
There are bad apples in every large organization like the FBI. The majority of agents are honest hard working people doing a tough job. To condemn the entire organization for the actions of a few is disingenuous to say the least.

but when the very worst are exclusively in leadership, the whole organization turns out to be a piece of shit.

im sure if the fbi fired everyone involved in crossfire hurricane it woud do some healing and restore some faith.

but, noooooooo.

you just go full totalitarian and want everyone to pretend authorities are beyond all reproach.

well fuck that and fuck you.
my definition is correct.

word games and deflection is all you have, because you know in your heart globalist zealotry arguments are lame.

By YOUR definition...I am not a globalist. By YOUR definition...most people on the left are not globalists. By YOUR definition...most right wingers are globalists. American right wingers are all for American corporations making as much money as possible no matter the means. And LOTS of American corporations make lots of money by being international.

You really know how to set yourself up for a loss. Congratulations.
but when the very worst are exclusively in leadership, the whole organization turns out to be a piece of shit.

im sure if the fbi fired everyone involved in crossfire hurricane it woud do some healing and restore some faith.

but, noooooooo.

you just go full totalitarian and want everyone to pretend authorities are beyond all reproach.

well fuck that and fuck you.

Sorry dick less but both sides have and will continue to abuse the FBI against their enemies. So stop the fucking whining how unfair they are being to Trump he did the the same thing.