Moral rot of the FBI?

In ExpressLane, you are dealing with a world-class moron.

He is going to claim victory for having said something. As far as he is concerned, what he says is so...and the onus falls on you to prove him wrong.

Also he is a jerk.
Oh Frankie I'm crushed. Why are you in such a foul mood today. You can't get your attendant to change your depends and now none of the other residents want to be around you because you stink? Ring the call button I'm sure and eventually someone will help you. :laugh:
Oh Frankie I'm crushed. Why are you in such a foul mood today. You can't get your attendant to change your depends and now none of the other residents want to be around you because you stink? Ring the call button I'm sure and eventually someone will help you. :laugh:

Still using that amateur shit, EL. Oh, well...I'm sure it impresses the other kids in the sandbox.

There are bad apples in every large organization like the FBI. The majority of agents are honest hard working people doing a tough job. To condemn the entire organization for the actions of a few is disingenuous to say the least.
And they have politicized bad leadership.
By YOUR definition...I am not a globalist. By YOUR definition...most people on the left are not globalists. By YOUR definition...most right wingers are globalists. American right wingers are all for American corporations making as much money as possible no matter the means. And LOTS of American corporations make lots of money by being international.

You really know how to set yourself up for a loss. Congratulations.

what is your definition, pussy-face?

and no, most republicans have awakened to the stupidities of globalist zealotry, as evidenced by trump's ascendancy.

when will dems wake up?
what is your definition, pussy-face?

when will dems wake up?

I don't have an individual definition, AssHat.

Dictionaries seem to head toward, "International cooperation in economics and politics."

Not sure what you see as bad about coordinating (not sublimating) economic and political considerations.

and no, most republicans have awakened to the stupidities of globalist zealotry.

The corporations own the GOP. If you do not see that, you are blind.
I don't have an individual definition, AssHat.

Dictionaries seem to head toward, "International cooperation in economics and politics."

Not sure what you see as bad about coordinating (not sublimating) economic and political considerations.

The corporations own the GOP. If you do not see that, you are blind.

that's just vague enough to be nearly meaningless.

good for you idiot.

globalist thought has a clear stance on tariffs, borders, boycotts, immigration etc.

of course you want to deny the reality of the meanings of words, because you're a fucking idiot.

go fuck yourself and then be stupid forever, i guess.
that's just vague enough to be nearly meaningless.

good for you idiot.

globalist thought has a clear stance on tariffs, borders, boycotts, immigration etc.

of course you want to deny the reality of the meanings of words, because you're a fucking idiot.

go fuck yourself and then be stupid forever, i guess.

Yeah, globalists do not deny borders, tariffs, boycotts, or immigration.

What is your fucking problem...other than the fact that you are so stupid, the only thing you can deal with is a bumper sticker. THAT is what you want "globalist" to be...a fucking bumper sticker.

For you, it actually means "any of the people I hate"...which includes about 90% of the population of the planet.

Other than that, how ya been, Asshole?
Make one to support your (what is now) baseless claim, and we can see if it has merit. I may even choose to counter it.

But right now, you're the one who put the claim out there.

Back it up, if you can.
When it became clear that Putin was contemplating an invasion of the Ukraine, Biden misplayed all of his cards.

Instead of calling Putin’s bluff and sending as much military assistance to Ukraine as quickly as possible, Biden basically invited the Russian dictator to take the northeast portion of the country for his own.

And then Biden raised the stakes while revealing that he wasn’t going to be playing any of his trump cards. He revealed intelligence which showed that Putin was planning to invade and then said to the world that we weren’t going to put any American troops on the ground.

Joe Biden’s Weakness Encouraged Putin’s Invasion Of Ukraine

Say what you want about our 45th president, but Donald Trump remains the only U.S. president elected this century during whose term Putin decided not to invade a neighboring country.

The reason Putin did not do so was that Trump demonstrated undisputed strength on the world stage, in everything from knocking heads with his NATO partners and getting them to pay their fair share in that alliance, calling out Germany for its dependence on Russian oil and gas, eliminating the ISIS caliphate and killing its leader al-Baghdadi, deterring Iran, standing up to China, beginning the pullout from Afghanistan after 19 years of war in that country, forging the first peace agreement between Israel and several of its Arab neighbors in a quarter-century, and reducing illegal border-crossing from citizens of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras by 85 percent, among other accomplishments.

Biden did the opposite. He demonstrated weakness early on with respect to China, whose leaders lectured Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in Alaska on race relations. Biden also failed to hold Chinese Communist Party leaders accountable for possibly developing, and certainly spreading the virus around the world that has killed just short of 1 million Americans to date.
Yeah, globalists do not deny borders, tariffs, boycotts, or immigration.

What is your fucking problem...other than the fact that you are so stupid, the only thing you can deal with is a bumper sticker. THAT is what you want "globalist" to be...a fucking bumper sticker.

For you, it actually means "any of the people I hate"...which includes about 90% of the population of the planet.

Other than that, how ya been, Asshole?

they deny that those measures should ever be implemented or enforced.
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Why did I know that it would be a cut & paste from some conservative rag?

Putin didn't invade when Trump was Prez because Trump was doing his work for him - weakening NATO, weakening western democracy. He didn't need to invade.

Guess the Trump loyalist rag decided not to consider that.
In ExpressLane, you are dealing with a world-class moron.

He is going to claim victory for having said something. As far as he is concerned, what he says is so...and the onus falls on you to prove him wrong.

Also he is a jerk.

Well, you called it. Though at least he did try a cut & paste.
So we should just hide it and not talk about it when something as keystone kop ridiculous as this happens? How Nazi of you.

Its complete bullshit posted because they dared take government owned papers back from Trump. - Come on, you are smarter than this bullshit. Or are you?