More 'Bush Cronies' in Obama Cabinet

Obama announced today, he will keep Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.

More of that "change we can believe in" pinheads? :cof1:

The two most important people are being changed out. That is the main thing.

Gates is a sharp guy.
He hinted during the campaign that he was keeping Gates. And it IS change to not abandon good people or policies just because they are associated w/ your predecessor, as Bush did.

How many other "Bush cronies" are in his Cabinet, anyway? You're unraveling. It's cool to watch.
He hinted during the campaign that he was keeping Gates. And it IS change to not abandon good people or policies just because they are associated w/ your predecessor, as Bush did.

How many other "Bush cronies" are in his Cabinet, anyway? You're unraveling. It's cool to watch.

Larry Summers and the two vetting Obama's "intelligence" choices.

Fairly important positions going to Bush cronies .. and there is no doubt there will be more.

Appeasement you can believe in.
He hinted during the campaign that he was keeping Gates. And it IS change to not abandon good people or policies just because they are associated w/ your predecessor, as Bush did.

How many other "Bush cronies" are in his Cabinet, anyway? You're unraveling. It's cool to watch.

Didn't Gates serve under Clinton?
Didn't Gates serve under Clinton?

Not to my knowledge; I believe he served under Bush Sr. as well as Dubya.

Obama brought Gates up now & then in the campaign, and clearly respects the man's ability & judgment. Dixie's just grasping at a few final straws before he retreats into his bunker and waits for the revolution...
Not to my knowledge; I believe he served under Bush Sr. as well as Dubya.

Obama brought Gates up now & then in the campaign, and clearly respects the man's ability & judgment. Dixie's just grasping at a few final straws before he retreats into his bunker and waits for the revolution...

I find it ironic, a man who ran on the promise of change, and denounced the war in Iraq, decides to keep the same guy in charge of the Pentagon. In fact, it appears Obama's entire foreign policy will be about the same as Bush.
I find it ironic, a man who ran on the promise of change, and denounced the war in Iraq, decides to keep the same guy in charge of the Pentagon. In fact, it appears Obama's entire foreign policy will be about the same as Bush.

That's silly; we're getting out of Iraq, and Bush wouldn't have. Gates is also a proponent of active diplomacy & not shying away from having talks with both enemies & friends, which was one of Obama's campaign themes on foreign policy. Gates is regarded as a moderate on foreign policy, and keeping him in place neither shifts Obama's focus nor undermines the idea that his admin will represent change.

I'm actually pretty thrilled since election day; the transition so far has exceeded my expectations. Dem hopes for 60 seats are still alive in the Sentate, too - it couldn't get any better!

How are things going for you?
Not to my knowledge; I believe he served under Bush Sr. as well as Dubya.

Obama brought Gates up now & then in the campaign, and clearly respects the man's ability & judgment. Dixie's just grasping at a few final straws before he retreats into his bunker and waits for the revolution...

Thanks, I guess I was mistaken.
I find it ironic, a man who ran on the promise of change, and denounced the war in Iraq, decides to keep the same guy in charge of the Pentagon. In fact, it appears Obama's entire foreign policy will be about the same as Bush.

which one of those in charge of the pentagon while bush was/is president ?

how many did we have ?
That's silly; we're getting out of Iraq, and Bush wouldn't have. Gates is also a proponent of active diplomacy & not shying away from having talks with both enemies & friends, which was one of Obama's campaign themes on foreign policy. Gates is regarded as a moderate on foreign policy, and keeping him in place neither shifts Obama's focus nor undermines the idea that his admin will represent change.

I'm actually pretty thrilled since election day; the transition so far has exceeded my expectations. Dem hopes for 60 seats are still alive in the Sentate, too - it couldn't get any better!

How are things going for you?

No, Obama's policy in Iraq is the same policy Bush had. As much as you would like to think we can just "get out" of Iraq, it can't happen, as I told you during the campaign. There are too many other interests in play, most of them directly related to our overall best interests.

I love the way you are spinning Bush's Secretary of Defense into this wonderful "moderate" who shares Obama's view that we should have talks with our enemies without precondition. What kind of shit are you smoking? Even Obama has backed away from that idiotic statement. You can't sit down with Akmandenijahd while he is vowing to exterminate Israel with nukes! You come across as a sniveling weak liberal appeaser if you do... now, that may be what YOU would do, being that is what you are, but the US can't do that and won't do that.

Face it Skippy, you got Bush 3 here! For all intents and purposes, nothing much will change with regard to US foreign policy under Obama.
No, Obama's policy in Iraq is the same policy Bush had. As much as you would like to think we can just "get out" of Iraq, it can't happen, as I told you during the campaign. There are too many other interests in play, most of them directly related to our overall best interests.

I love the way you are spinning Bush's Secretary of Defense into this wonderful "moderate" who shares Obama's view that we should have talks with our enemies without precondition. What kind of shit are you smoking? Even Obama has backed away from that idiotic statement. You can't sit down with Akmandenijahd while he is vowing to exterminate Israel with nukes! You come across as a sniveling weak liberal appeaser if you do... now, that may be what YOU would do, being that is what you are, but the US can't do that and won't do that.

Face it Skippy, you got Bush 3 here! For all intents and purposes, nothing much will change with regard to US foreign policy under Obama.

so foreign policy is all that matters ?
And I am waiting to see how the foreign policy works out. Of course it cannot all change on 1-20-2009. time will tell.
which one of those in charge of the pentagon while bush was/is president ?

how many did we have ?

The Secretary of Defense is in charge of the Pentagon.... it's what they do!

Robert Gates is Bush's Secretary of Defense, he replaced Rumsfeld. Gates will also be Obama's Secretary of Defense, and US foreign policy will essentially be the same as it has been under Bush or would have been under McCain.
Dixie is waiting for Rush to tell him how to feel about it.

Nope, I don't listen to Rush, sorry. I feel vindicated. I said all through the campaign, if Obama was elected, our foreign policy with regard to Iraq wouldn't change. You guys laughed and chortled that it would change, that we would immediately withdraw from Iraq and end the war, and I told you it wouldn't happen, and it won't. I actually DID think Obama would pick a new Secretary of Defense, it's a bit of a shocker to me that he kept Bush's guy.