More 'Bush Cronies' in Obama Cabinet

You are kidding, right? Gubmnt bailed out citi group, and hints at earmarks for some $7 T more to "free up credit". But it was Obama's pretty words and picking the same people who helped cause the crisis in the first place that the market responded to.

Silly me. I would have sworn bailing out citi group coincided with the recent market turn. And I was also thinking future performance will reflect Friday's shopping spree.

But I am happy to know that Big O just has to smile big and say some magic words.
That was monday. Friday it went up 400+ just on the rumor of Geithner, Tuesday it had a small gain that had nothing to do with the bailout and today until he spoke it was hovering at about a 70 point gain. Monday was the ONLY day that what he had to say had very little to do with the gain.
No, Obama's policy in Iraq is the same policy Bush had. As much as you would like to think we can just "get out" of Iraq, it can't happen, as I told you during the campaign. There are too many other interests in play, most of them directly related to our overall best interests.

I love the way you are spinning Bush's Secretary of Defense into this wonderful "moderate" who shares Obama's view that we should have talks with our enemies without precondition. What kind of shit are you smoking? Even Obama has backed away from that idiotic statement. You can't sit down with Akmandenijahd while he is vowing to exterminate Israel with nukes! You come across as a sniveling weak liberal appeaser if you do... now, that may be what YOU would do, being that is what you are, but the US can't do that and won't do that.

Face it Skippy, you got Bush 3 here! For all intents and purposes, nothing much will change with regard to US foreign policy under Obama.

The Secretary of Defense is in charge of the Pentagon.... it's what they do!

Robert Gates is Bush's Secretary of Defense, he replaced Rumsfeld. Gates will also be Obama's Secretary of Defense, and US foreign policy will essentially be the same as it has been under Bush or would have been under McCain.

Nope, I don't listen to Rush, sorry. I feel vindicated. I said all through the campaign, if Obama was elected, our foreign policy with regard to Iraq wouldn't change. You guys laughed and chortled that it would change, that we would immediately withdraw from Iraq and end the war, and I told you it wouldn't happen, and it won't. I actually DID think Obama would pick a new Secretary of Defense, it's a bit of a shocker to me that he kept Bush's guy.

Whatever you have to tell yourself, the proof is in the puddin', puddin' head!

Same Secretary of Defense...
Same policy in Iraq...
Same timetable for withdrawal...
Same plan for Afghanistan...
Same preconditions for Iran...
Same US foreign policy...

Nothing is changed except the President, and your perspective.

LOL... it's going to be 180 degrees different because your perspective is different, not because US foreign policy is any different. And LMFAO... who the fuck wasn't "at odds" with Bush at times???

My sanity is just fine, thank you! Obama IS a socialist and an anti-capitalist. The markets have plunged over 3000 points since it became apparent he would win the white house, and the meager spurt it has enjoyed the past few days, is no indication of a 'trend' of any kind. Hell, the government has given away enough in bailouts to account for the uptick in the markets!

And I NEVER said Obama would "surrender to our enemies!" I challenge your lying ass to find that statement by me on this board or anywhere! I never said it! In fact, I told you Obama would not do anything much different than Bush in terms of our foreign policy, because the President really doesn't have as much 'control' as you seem to think. Much of what we are involved in, is controlled by other entities, like the UN, NATO, and Congress, and we can't just 'unilaterally' change direction at the whim of a president. We have agreements with other nations, things we have committed to and promised, some of them in return for other things we need, so we can't just pick up our marbles, say "fuck you", and go home! I told you this during the campaign, and you all insisted Obama was going to do all these drastic things to completely change Bush foreign policy! Now that it appears that won't be the case, you are twisting and spinning what I said, and trying to pretend that you were somehow right all along. It's absolutely delightful to watch!


Hey, I told you already, I never said the markets would drop all the way down to zero. As is always the case with the stock market, it goes up and down. It even had days of enormous growth DURING the great depression! The market will never start dropping and just continue to endlessly drop, but that appears to be what you want me to have said or predicted, and that is absurd.

We are a LONG way from being out of financial crisis, and if you think otherwise, you are an idiot. Now, that isn't anything the rest of us didn't already know, but maybe you aren't aware of what an idiot you are? In the last quarter, the markets took their largest nosedive since 1929... not a real good year! A few days of 'talk' by Obama, isn't going to change the dynamics of what is happening in the financial sector. Yes, there has been signs of life with regard to renewal of consumer confidence, but will this last? Retailers are already bracing for a disastrous Christmas season, and the Fed can't drop interest rates much lower, so what does the future hold? There is no plan to change the fundamentals of management for the Big 3, we just shoveled billions of tax payer dollars to them, and put a bandaid on the problem for the time being. At their current rate of burn-off, they will be in need of another bailout about the middle of next year. The question is, will they have to get in line behind all the other sectors who will also need some form of government assistance by then? You can have your liberal orgasms of pie in the sky economy all you like, the reality hasn't slapped you in your silly head yet. It's going to get worse... much worse... before it gets better.

LOL... the man hasn't even taken office yet, and you've already 'spun' what I said into the opposite of what I said! I told you there would be no change in foreign policy, and you lamented there would be drastic change... now, you want to claim I said there would be drastic change, and since there appears to be no real change, I was wrong and you were right! So, first we will have to 'unspin' what you have 'spun' with regard to this, then we can have an objective evaluation of who was right and who was wrong.

The President does not totally control foreign policy, in fact, the president has very little control. He can sometimes set the general directions, but once we have embarked on something, it is very difficult for one man to come in and just willy-nilly change it! Our government is set up and designed that way for a reason, and Obama is no exception to the rule here. Anything he wants to do, will have to be approved by Congress, the UN, and NATO, and it really doesn't matter what he may personally want or you may personally want, that is the fact of the matter regarding US foreign policy... always has been, always will be.

Scenario #3: I am indifferent. The only reason I mentioned it is because I heard "Change We Can Believe In" for months on end, and liberal pinhead chortles of how Obama was going to be so much vastly different than Bush on Iraq policy and foreign policy in general. Now, it appears that won't be the case, as he has decided to keep Bush's Pentagon boss in place, and appears to be ready to follow the Bush policy to conclusion in Iraq and Afghanistan.

No shit? Really? I thought the Secretary of Defense would most likely tell the President to kiss his ass and he'd do what he damn well pleased! You mean, that's not the case, Sochead? Wow, if Gates actually follows the orders of his President, that would certainly be a first in American history! Now, THAT is change we can believe in! I mean, imagine that? A Secretary of Defense who actually follows the orders of his president without hesitation! I thought they all hesitated somewhat, and often balked at following orders! I guess I must have had that all wrong, huh?

The spin just keeps on coming! Amazing! I bet Obama could appoint Donald Rumsfeld to the cabinet, and you would all be saying... well, Rumy isn't a bad choice for that, he is a really smart man and Obama realizes his true potential unlike Bush... This is absolutely amazing to me! I should go dig up some of the comments you guys made about Gates when he was originally named by Bush to replace Rumy, but I don't see the point in going to that trouble, we all know what the fuck you had to say about him back then.

Ahh... what the hell, I am bored on Thanksgiving Eve... Here are the comments made on this board as news of Bush's appointment of Gates was announced:

Cypress: Does the Chimp even give a shit about competence, and bringing Iraq to a satisfactory conclusion? WTF is he hiring some washed out GOP hack from Poppy's adminstration. WFT isn't he asking Colin Powell to be SECDEF?

Prakosh: Gates is another secretive torturer put in charge of the torture chamber. What bullshit.. Business as Usual.

Maybe a little history of Mr. Gates will help resolve some of the confusion about his appointment.

"Bush says Rumsfeld Stepping Down, Recommends Robert Gates, former head of the CIA, for Sec. of Defense. "Gates was close to many figures who played significant roles in the Iran/contra affair and was in a position to have known of their activities." It's the same old song, just a different name"

Connecticut Stud: question for you...why did bush appoint the Texas A&M president?? why wouldn't you appoint a general to be the Sod??

WTF does the president of a college know about fighting wars and the military?

Jarod: It still requires comfirmation by the new Democratic Senate!


LOLOLOL.... My how pinheads change....Change We Can Believe In!!

That was monday. Friday it went up 400+ just on the rumor of Geithner, Tuesday it had a small gain that had nothing to do with the bailout and today until he spoke it was hovering at about a 70 point gain. Monday was the ONLY day that what he had to say had very little to do with the gain.

I'm confused, was Monday the day he announced the unprecedented amount of new government spending programs or the day he announced we must cut all wasteful spending in government? Oh well, I guess it doesn't really matter since Sochead has his finger on the pulse of the market and can tell when it goes up because of Obama speaking or rumors that Obama is going to speak. I tell ya, I think it's fabulous we have such a great speaker as president, to think, he can change market trends just by his great oratory skill... I knew his strong point... well, really his ONLY point, was his ability to deliver a good speech, I just had no idea of the magnitude!

I think we all need to lobby congress to halt all these bailout plans, we can save a ton of money here, just have Obama speak daily... One day he could speak about the Big 3, and make their stocks go way up, the next day he could speak about Citigroup, the next day AIG... and if he couldn't fit everyone in, he could just have people start rumors that he is planning to speak! I think we can completely resolve this financial crisis in about a month or so, just by letting Obama speak daily! Think of what we can save!
Whatever you have to tell yourself, the proof is in the puddin', puddin' head!

Same Secretary of Defense...
Same policy in Iraq...
Same timetable for withdrawal...
Same plan for Afghanistan...
Same preconditions for Iran...
Same US foreign policy...

Nothing is changed except the President, and your perspective.

Face it .. Dixie has a point .. and had Obama revealed his true center/right positions during the primaries, Hillary Clinton would be the president.
Face it .. Dixie has a point .. and had Obama revealed his true center/right positions during the primaries, Hillary Clinton would be the president.

What do you want Obama to do about Iraq? Go back in time and end the war a year ago? He ran on withdrawal within 16 months, and he is still saying that, even though the Bush adminstration is as far as I know, going by the Iraqi plan of withdrawal by 2011. Which would make them two different plans, and not the same one as Dixie is claiming.

But be that as it may, this war has dragged on for, soon to be, six years now. It's been winding down because the Iraqis want us out. Obama can't go back in time and end it sooner. There's nothing more he can do on that front.

As for his revealing his center-right positions during the primary, again, we'd have to define the center. I don't see how the man who never ran on withdrawing from Afghanistan, and who even on the very day he gave his speech against attacking Iraq, made it very clear that "I'm not against all war, I'm against this war", tricked anybody.

All of that given, events are moving faster than any person could. The right wing ideology has suffered such a crushing failure on all fronts, that the theory that the center will naturally move to the left, may be right. And I think that Obama is a centrist. Maybe the best we get is universal health care, out of Iraq, regulation of the financial industries, a labor dept that is not a wholly owned subsidiary of corporate america, and no new wars.

John McCain would not have made these appointments. Even some of the economic appointments, which could be considered center-right. (honestly, I don't like his economic team for the most part) However, John McCain's biggest advisor on economics was Phil Graham, and his foreign policy advisors were bush neocons, so let's not revise history and pretend that John McCain was the "moderate" that the right right wing noise machine tries to brainwash us into thinking he was. That is how they keep moving the center to the right. There is little doubt that we could be living in a situation right now where wingnut Phil Graham was the incoming Treasury Sect., and then you can call it a day, because there would be no hope. We'd be third world within four years, and living like it. Many of the low income idiots who waive flags and voted for McCain would be dead from starvation. They're the lowest on the food chain in this country, but too stupid to know it.

John McCain was no fucking moderate, and no one advising him was any fucking moderate, and we have no reason to believe that he was going to pick anyone other than the lunatic right Grahams and neocons for his appointments.
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so let's not revise history and pretend that John McCain was the "moderate" that the right right wing noise machine tries to brainwash us into thinking he was.

Yes Duhla, let's not pretend John Fucking Kerry asked him to be his running mate in 2004!