More Laughter from our enemies!

LOL! Best dodge I've seen in months! you get the prize since we all know what your party would do... fear.

It's not a dodge you small brained twit; foreign policy is not dictated by Congress. Another Constitutional moron from the left; color me shocked.
oh... and please lay off the insults, it only makes you seem ignorant.

More whiny bullshit, how ironic that when your buddies on the left hurl insults, not a word from you, why do you think that is tiny brained twit; it starts with an "H" and ends in an "E".

Do you think you have anything intelligent to add to any debate? I merely point at morons like you and laugh. That's all you're good for is a good laugh because one can never expect anything intelligent to erupt from low information dunces on the left.
Heaven forbid asshole that your RINO Republicans have control of foreign policy again, the fucking Democrats are bad enough. So, tell us moron what's your plan for the Middle East, Iran, Syria and the Ukraine Russia situation? If you think its all being mishandled now moron, you should at least have the fucking balls to provide your fucking know it all plan don't you think? Oh that's right asshole, you never "THINK" huh?

What are you, a third grader trying to puff out his chest on the playground by being an asshole all the time?

Dear dumbass; why do you think that I should have a plan for the Middle East? Have some cheese with that "RINO" whine dumbass.

You're rabid lunatic incoherent vulgar rants get tiresome. When the Republicans have someone sitting in the White House, you can rant all you want about their foreign policy. Right now the dunce in charge is a Democrat.

Dismissed toddler.
For ignorant dunces who cannot comprehend reality or what they read; what the Iranian is saying is that Obama, and therefore the American people, by taking enforcement by force off the table, can be mocked and laughed at and any threats he might utter can be ignored because....wait for it....force is NOT an option.

No dimwit; we should not invade Iran because we don't have a good reason to...yet. But perhaps after they launch a weapon in Israel's direction, but then, it will be too late....again. Which is typical of leftist Democrat leadership (oxymoron); too little, too late.

We prefer to wait until Pearl Harbor, the Lusitania or 9-11 happens. But then our will only last about a year and then we want to run back to our borders and pretend that if we are nice, no one will hurt us or our allies waiting for the next disaster to happen while our collective heads are buried in the sands of time.

The only enimies we have in life are those withe capacity and ability to kill you. So, you really think that Iran is an enemy of the United States? Or are they just they infact just the inside of Kim Jon Un's underwear?

You decide.

I already have.
Went to college, just didn't finish! I have been with the same company for 25 years now, love my job. You just love weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!

You must work for Right Wing media. A new statistic shows that nearly everyone in RW media are college dropouts. Or maybe I was profiling :P
On TITLE alone, yes..........Our enemies laugh at us. When they see small brains compare Obama to Hitler they know our Country is uneducated. When they see our Country hate gays they see themselves as being correct.

In short Fox News thinks Putin is "tough" because he took off his shirt. Because as we all know, the kid in HIGH SCHOOL that takes off his shirt is the TOUGHER fighter.

(fighting, toughness, brains, have NOTHING to do with a shirt on or off.......)
Talks? really? they are laughing their asses off while "talks" go on, and they continue to develop nukes to strike Israel, are you really that naïve?

If Iran ever fires a nuke at Israel, I doubt it will ever reach there; because it wouldn't surprise me to see a squadron of Israeli fighter pilots fly right into it's path.
Of course; right after that happens, the world will see Iran disappear from the face of the earth and become a memory.
But then, I fully expect liberals to automatically blame Israel and say that the missile was no threat.
If Iran ever fires a nuke at Israel, I doubt it will ever reach there; because it wouldn't surprise me to see a squadron of Israeli fighter pilots fly right into it's path.
Of course; right after that happens, the world will see Iran disappear from the face of the earth and become a memory.
But then, I fully expect liberals to automatically blame Israel and say that the missile was no threat.

I'm certain you solidified your entire parties fears in one sentence. America has spent the last century taking over Governments around Iran due to these fears and Iran is hopeless today due to our COVERT tactics. Yet we still have small brains scared to death a Country with no nukes will get 1...

Meanwhile you don't recognize the amount of nukes in the surrounding Countries. Because "who cares" It's all about Iran, (R)ight?
I'm certain you solidified your entire parties fears in one sentence. America has spent the last century taking over Governments around Iran due to these fears and Iran is hopeless today due to our COVERT tactics. Yet we still have small brains scared to death a Country with no nukes will get 1...

Meanwhile you don't recognize the amount of nukes in the surrounding Countries. Because "who cares" It's all about Iran, (R)ight?
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While you're on your soap box, why not tell me how many of those countries that have nukes, have stated that they WILL destroy Israel.
Wasn't the conversation about Iran and not about other countries?
But why are you responding to me, when you're afraid to answer the question from another thread?’m-Young-African-American-Female-and-Republican!&p=1458625#post1458625
Lol, we are perceived as weak by some Iranian general because our citizens are tired of war and this President backed off on his position to allow diplomacy to work because it is what the majority of us wanted?

Do you think Obama is weak or do you think Obama listened to the people of this nation when we said, no more war, not in Syria, not in Iran?

Is the general posturing? Should we invade Iran?

Well, here's another liberal turn-on-the-dime.

It wasn't so long ago that they were gleefully posting every push-poll from the around the world saying Bush was perceived as "dumb," and that this was an intolerable, dangerous, and unsustainable position for the USA to be in.

Now? The same exact story ...

No, it's not even the same exact story. Now the world sees Obama as so inept they're using chemical weapons, arming themselves with nukes, and invading other countries.

No, this is not the same. This is far far more serious.
What are you, a third grader trying to puff out his chest on the playground by being an asshole all the time?

Dear dumbass; why do you think that I should have a plan for the Middle East? Have some cheese with that "RINO" whine dumbass.

So then you’re admitting that your only talent is criticism and insult without rational opposing thought or any semblance of relevant substance, right Goober? You know shit when you see it but you can’t find the toilet paper, huh Goober?

You're rabid lunatic incoherent vulgar rants get tiresome. When the Republicans have someone sitting in the White House, you can rant all you want about their foreign policy. Right now the dunce in charge is a Democrat.

Dismissed toddler.

Oh! And how does the Republican get into the White House Goober, with your vote? Shouldn’t you first be sure that you agree with his foreign policy and he/she agrees with your foreign policy? Oh! That’s right you don’t do policy or windows your only talent is criticism and insult, huh Goober? You’re the fucking know it all that knows nothing.
Well, here's another liberal turn-on-the-dime.

It wasn't so long ago that they were gleefully posting every push-poll from the around the world saying Bush was perceived as "dumb," and that this was an intolerable, dangerous, and unsustainable position for the USA to be in.

Now? The same exact story ...

No, it's not even the same exact story. Now the world sees Obama as so inept they're using chemical weapons, arming themselves with nukes, and invading other countries.

No, this is not the same. This is far far more serious.

And you think we should be doing what? It's OK if you wanta check with John McCain and Lindsey Graham first.

How did you feel about Ronald Reagan after the Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing where 241 American military men were killed and Reagan vowed to maintain a force in Lebanon then ended up pulling American forces out of Lebanon? Was Reagan a Pussy? Was Reagan inviting terrorism on Americans? Was the Islamic world laughing at Reagan?
The only enimies we have in life are those withe capacity and ability to kill you. So, you really think that Iran is an enemy of the United States? Or are they just they infact just the inside of Kim Jon Un's underwear?

You decide.

I already have.

And you think we should be doing what? It's OK if you wanta check with John McCain and Lindsey Graham first.

How did you feel about Ronald Reagan after the Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing where 241 American military men were killed and Reagan vowed to maintain a force in Lebanon then ended up pulling American forces out of Lebanon? Was Reagan a Pussy? Was Reagan inviting terrorism on Americans? Was the Islamic world laughing at Reagan?

my answers to your questions:

1. it pissed my off about as much as Carter NOT bombing Tehran after the embassy was taken
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
Doncha just love the RINOs? When the tough questions come to the thread, they vanish just like the lefty moron AP. They’re looooooong on partisan criticism and insults, and soooooo very, very short on opposing offerings with substance, huh?
Well, here's another liberal turn-on-the-dime.

It wasn't so long ago that they were gleefully posting every push-poll from the around the world saying Bush was perceived as "dumb," and that this was an intolerable, dangerous, and unsustainable position for the USA to be in.

Now? The same exact story ...

No, it's not even the same exact story. Now the world sees Obama as so inept they're using chemical weapons, arming themselves with nukes, and invading other countries.

No, this is not the same. This is far far more serious.

But President Obama is dealing with open treason, which makes it difficult for any national leader.
Well, here's another liberal turn-on-the-dime.

It wasn't so long ago that they were gleefully posting every push-poll from the around the world saying Bush was perceived as "dumb," and that this was an intolerable, dangerous, and unsustainable position for the USA to be in.

Now? The same exact story ...

No, it's not even the same exact story. Now the world sees Obama as so inept they're using chemical weapons, arming themselves with nukes, and invading other countries.

No, this is not the same. This is far far more serious.

I think you're wrong. Iraq was much more serious than anything going on with Obama at present. Iraq was a malicious and intentional invasion of a sovereign country for the purposes of monetary and territorial gain alone. That was shown to be quite true and made very clear. President Obama on the other hand is faced with a world that is in civil upheaval, a very very different scenario. Iran is all BS and Iran knows it. President Jimmy Carter was in an interview some years ago discussing the hostage thing during his term, and he told of his action very early on when he called the Iatola on the phone personally, and told that guy if you touch one hair on those hostages heads, your country as you know it will cease to exist: and that's a fact. Iran is no better off today than they were some 40 years ago.

No, what GW Bush did set this country to ruin as a world leader.
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So then mr truth, tell us how Iran is going to destroy the United States.

When did I claim that Iran could destroy the United States; I don't recall making that argument.

Apparently Liberals don't think we have an obligation to assist and defend our allies. In 1991 when Iraq invaded a UN member nation and a US ally, we should have done....nothing.

The only time military action makes sense to a Liberal is when Obama declares it necessary ib Libya. How did that work for us?
Doncha just love the RINOs? When the tough questions come to the thread, they vanish just like the lefty moron AP. They’re looooooong on partisan criticism and insults, and soooooo very, very short on opposing offerings with substance, huh?

Wrong again shit-for-brains; when we see a ranting lunatic, equal to Desh, who merely wants to hear himself rant, we usually let them go at it. Why argue with a lunatic like you who wants to remove all doubt what a complete and utter idiot you are?

I say go for it; tell us again how bad both parties are but Rino's have to be much worse.
