More Liberal Hypocrisy...

No Southerner was ever tried or convicted of Treason, where do you get that stupidity? Oh yeah, it's part of the bigotry, ignorance, and hate they teach you in northern public schools, isn't it? Or maybe that stems from your hatred of Jesus... btw, can you name the teachings of Jesus you are so adamantly opposed to? Is it the "love" or the "peace" part that you don't like?
You are the one whose avitar says "death to Americans."
LOL... No, my avatar doesn't say anything, it doesn't speak.
The men carrying the Confederate flag are soldiers in the army of the Confederate States of America. Therefore, they were Americans.
Damn straight. They were following the orders of slave-holding Democrats.
LOL... No, my avatar doesn't say anything, it doesn't speak.
The men carrying the Confederate flag are soldiers in the army of the Confederate States of America. Therefore, they were Americans.
Seeing as how we only call US Americans "Americans," and not Canadians, Mexicans, Belizeans, Brazilians, Argentinans, Chileans, Cubans, Jamaicans, Colombians, Venezuelans, Equadorians, etc., yet another American country whose ignorant residents don't bask in the light of the US Constitution would also not be called "Americans," but rather "Confederates" (or scum).
Seeing as how we only call US Americans "Americans," and not Canadians, Mexicans, Belizeans, Brazilians, Argentinans, Chileans, Cubans, Jamaicans, Colombians, Venezuelans, Equadorians, etc., yet another American country whose ignorant residents don't bask in the light of the US Constitution would also not be called "Americans," but rather "Confederates" (or scum).
The phrase was coined long ago to describe US Citizens because "United Statesians" was too much of a mouthful.
No Southerner was ever tried or convicted of Treason, where do you get that stupidity? Oh yeah, it's part of the bigotry, ignorance, and hate they teach you in northern public schools, isn't it? Or maybe that stems from your hatred of Jesus... btw, can you name the teachings of Jesus you are so adamantly opposed to? Is it the "love" or the "peace" part that you don't like?

I think it was something like "Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone.":pke:
LOL... No, my avatar doesn't say anything, it doesn't speak.
The men carrying the Confederate flag are soldiers in the army of the Confederate States of America. Therefore, they were Americans.

Traitor's to their country. Every last one of them. Best thing that ever happened to the south was that they committed treason and lost the civil war.
Traitor's to their country. Every last one of them. Best thing that ever happened to the south was that they committed treason and lost the civil war.

I will second the notion that the best thing to happen was losing the US Civil War.

Unlike many other southerners, I do not wish we had won, lament our loss, or try and justify the reasons for the war or the loss.

It is a fascinating piece of history. But I am a citizen of the United States of America. And am glad to be one.
Hard to believe there are still people apologizing for the incompetence of the republicans. Tools like Dixie amaze!

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Who, if anyone, will be on the ballot in November that will allow the individual to lead their privately without government interfering?
Hard to believe there are still people apologizing for the incompetence of the republicans. Tools like Dixie amaze!

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
Yeah, instead we get a guy who promised to create a police force as well-equipped and funded as the military. :rolleyes:
Traitor's to their country. Every last one of them. Best thing that ever happened to the south was that they committed treason and lost the civil war.
Actually it was the Democrats living in the South who held the political and economic power and committed treason. But please continue to paint all Southerners with a broad brush, as it defines your bigotry and ignorance of history.
If a candidate is so dense they have no idea how many houses they own they can hardly pretend they understand working people. McCain ditched his first wife and married money - is that the republican substance they are always talking about?

Not only did he marry into money....he left his first wife, who raised his children...because she was in a car accident and not the beauty queen she once was.......hell of a man, that John McCain!
Yeah, instead we get a guy who promised to create a police force as well-equipped and funded as the military. :rolleyes:

Um.....if you check that artlice a little closer.....he was talking about know, people actually giving back to the community. I know that is a foreign idea to most, especially in a time of war, when the only ones sacrificing are the troops and their families.
Um.....if you check that artlice a little closer.....he was talking about know, people actually giving back to the community. I know that is a foreign idea to most, especially in a time of war, when the only ones sacrificing are the troops and their families.
No he wasn't. He was talking about a civilian national security force. Here is the quote:

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Tell me how "national security force" means people passing flowers out!

That's a police force with military grade weaponry he is speaking of. Imagine that group checking on the protesters at the DNC...

We already complain about the size and cost of the military to begin with, now he proposes to double it up and have half of it coming after people in the US.
No he wasn't. He was talking about a civilian national security force. Here is the quote:

Tell me how "national security force" means people passing flowers out!

That's a police force with military grade weaponry he is speaking of. Imagine that group checking on the protesters at the DNC...

We already complain about the size and cost of the military to begin with, now he proposes to double it up and have half of it coming after people in the US.

I always thought that was an attempt to circumvent the rules against deploying the military inside the US.
Actually it was the Democrats living in the South who held the political and economic power and committed treason. But please continue to paint all Southerners with a broad brush, as it defines your bigotry and ignorance of history.

Haa...southern democrats indeed. Let's not forget all those conservative southern democrats switched over to the Republican party in the 60's and 70's because of the civil rights act and forced integration. Look who's ignorant of history! LOL