More Moveon Lefty Morons

YOu sound like a graduate of Rich Dad Poor Dad. WHen I started doing that I was AMAZED at the number of people that will sell a house on a real estate contract, how easy it was to fix up the house and how much simple improvements increased the value of the house. Every 4 to six months there is more money for another rental prop on another REC.

Rich Dad... marginal. He's long on the "whys" and philosophy, but short on how to actually do anything. Granted, he admits that since he does not know your situation or market, that giving correct specific advice is impossible. Same issue with Trump. Best advice is the local guys who have been doing this for years. That's who I learned from - taking folks to lunch was dollar for dollar about 50,000x better than any 'bootcamp.'

I've been buying sub-to into a land trust (with seller remaining as 1% beneficiary, which negates the due on sale clause by specific exclusion). Like shooting fish in a barrel.