MORE Really Bad Obama Appointments: Rendition and Torture

You know you totally were. Just like you totally sat there and waited for my response to your response, and spent another two hours struggling to come up with this retort.

And you'll do the same thing with this post - read it as soon as I hit send, and then sit there fuming, until, two hours later, you'll yell out "Ureka!" and post some other half and half retort.

um... ok

damn, you are right, the above was ALL I could come up with in such a short period of time.
Onceler is to the right of you. I think I'm kind of in between both of you.

Anyway, I can see both of your points, I share some of bac's concerns, but I also have some hope on things like universal health care. I guess I am waiting to see, while at the same time, I do pick up the phone, call congress, write Obama on his website.

Lets see its been about two hours since you posted the above....

You wish you were right in between them.
Here is an interesting take on this debate from Katrina vanden Heuvel of the Nation. It's similar I guess to Onceler's take. I really do hope it turns out this way.

This is just one paragraph from it:

President-elect Obama is a centrist at a time when centrism means energy independence and green jobs and universal health care and massive economic stimulus programs and government intervention in the economy. He is a pragmatist at a moment when pragmatism and the scale of our financial crisis compel him to adopt bold policies. He is a cautious leader at a time when, to paraphrase New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, caution is the new risky.The great traumas of our day do not allow for cautious steps or responses.

Absolutely correct .. but she summed it up with a label he's proud of. .. He's a centrist .. and "bold" is never in a centrist gameplan.

The mantra of centrisim is "Appeasement You Can Believe In"
Absolutely correct .. but she summed it up with a label he's proud of. .. He's a centrist .. and "bold" is never in a centrist gameplan.

The mantra of centrisim is "Appeasement You Can Believe In"

Well, if we get real universal health care out of this, and the kind of program that sets up the private sector to be competing with a medicare for all system, which may lead to eventual universal single-payer, then I won't care what people call that.

I will admit I can't get past his economic picks. The Sumners one is ludicrous, just ludicrous. Everyone says, oh he's the most brilliant guy in town. Really? How smart can a guy who doesn't know that calling women inately stupid, and advocating dumping toxic waste on africans, is going to derail his career, be? You know what, I resent that pick, and there's just no getting around that.