MORE Really Bad Obama Appointments: Rendition and Torture

The combat troops are indeed going to be withdrawn by 2011. THAT was the stipulation the IRAQI people put forth... so hard to say they 'aren't buying it'.

Yes, we will have bases there. Just as we do in Japan, Germany and about 100 other countries.

I said the Iraqis aren't buying permenant bases or troops in Iraq ,.. that's what the neocons wanted .. and if you think we're going to have permenant bases there, you seriously have not been keeping up.
Ha ha, I know how worried you were and are about this over the trillion dollars on Iraq!

Sorry, but another "leftist" position has been coopted by the chapdog Independents. You are getting Universal Health care!

so your defense is to change the subject???

Are you THAT embarassed that you have to attempt to divert the topic to Iraq?

Trying desperately to ignore the failure that is medicare/medicaid because that goes against your 'universal healthcare is a good thing'?

Ignoring that the percentage of uninsured HASN'T changed in the past several decades?

Universal healthcare hasn't become a 'better idea' though I agree it has become more 'acceptable' as people have become lazier and more greedy over the past couple decades. Now they want big brother to provide everything for them for "free".... which translates into 'let future generations pay for it'

you have been skewered.
so your defense is to change the subject???

Are you THAT embarassed that you have to attempt to divert the topic to Iraq?

Trying desperately to ignore the failure that is medicare/medicaid because that goes against your 'universal healthcare is a good thing'?

Ignoring that the percentage of uninsured HASN'T changed in the past several decades?

Universal healthcare hasn't become a 'better idea' though I agree it has become more 'acceptable' as people have become lazier and more greedy over the past couple decades. Now they want big brother to provide everything for them for "free".... which translates into 'let future generations pay for it'

you have been skewered.

Funny I didn't feel a thing - needleskewer! ha ha

I've argued this with you a hundred times before, you're still wrong, and I have fruitful things to do.
"Try this .. google "barack obama flip flops on XXXXX""

Oh, for goodness' sake.

Try googling "Obama is an evil Muslim" and see what comes up. Gimme a break, BAC

Are you going to be serious or what?

What you'll get when you google for his flip flops ARE HIS OWN WORDS

Please spare me the right-wing clown show. I never accused Obama of being muslim, nor did I ever engage in ACORN, Ayesr, Wright, or any of the kind of bullshit.
so your defense is to change the subject???

Are you THAT embarassed that you have to attempt to divert the topic to Iraq?

Trying desperately to ignore the failure that is medicare/medicaid because that goes against your 'universal healthcare is a good thing'?

Ignoring that the percentage of uninsured HASN'T changed in the past several decades?

Universal healthcare hasn't become a 'better idea' though I agree it has become more 'acceptable' as people have become lazier and more greedy over the past couple decades. Now they want big brother to provide everything for them for "free".... which translates into 'let future generations pay for it'

you have been skewered.

Skewer this ..

America is the only industrialized nation NOT to have universal healthcare .. and out healthcare system ranks below most of them, even though Americans pay up the ass for healthcare.
Are you going to be serious or what?

What you'll get when you google for his flip flops ARE HIS OWN WORDS

Please spare me the right-wing clown show. I never accused Obama of being muslim, nor did I ever engage in ACORN, Ayesr, Wright, or any of the kind of bullshit.

Dude - you are the star of the right-wing clown show right now. They love people like you.

Obama is getting us out of Iraq; he is pursuing universal healthcare; he's going to invest massively in infrastructure to create jobs & give us the most aggressive push to change the source of our energy in a short timeframe that history has ever seen; he will overhaul NCLB, and lift restrictions on stem cell research. He is firmly against torture, and will close Guantanamo.

But you're pissed; you're just so pissed that he's such a right-winger.
I said the Iraqis aren't buying permenant bases or troops in Iraq ,.. that's what the neocons wanted .. and if you think we're going to have permenant bases there, you seriously have not been keeping up.

I stand corrected, it does appear the newest amendments will lead to a complete withdrawal by 2011. So I was wrong about there being permanent bases, but I was correct in that Bush and the Iraqis appear to have an agreement on the withdrawal of troops by 2011. This is pending Iraqi parlimentary approval.

Main points of the agreement

– All US forces to leave Iraq by the end of 2011
– US forces to pull out of towns by summer 2009
– Iraq can try US troops for serious crimes off-duty and off-base
– Baghdad’s green zone to be handed to the Iraqi Government
– Iraqi airspace will be handed over to Iraq
– US forces need Iraqi judge’s order before they raid houses
– Iraq has the right to search shipments of US military material
– Iraqi territory cannot be used for assaults on neighbouring countries
– Either side may end the accord by serving notice of one year
Skewer this ..

America is the only industrialized nation NOT to have universal healthcare .. and out healthcare system ranks below most of them, even though Americans pay up the ass for healthcare.

Being the only one not to do something doesn't make it right. If other nations were jumping off a cliff, would you want us to join them?

Yes, we pay far more per citizen on healthcare than other countries. THAT is the friggin problem. It is NOT a problem that will be solved by going to universal care. We need to find ways to CUT costs, not shift the manner in which we pay for healthcare. Whether we pay via payroll or via taxes, we are STILL paying for it.
Dude - you are the star of the right-wing clown show right now. They love people like you.

Obama is getting us out of Iraq; he is pursuing universal healthcare; he's going to invest massively in infrastructure to create jobs & give us the most aggressive push to change the source of our energy in a short timeframe that history has ever seen; he will overhaul NCLB, and lift restrictions on stem cell research. He is firmly against torture, and will close Guantanamo.

But you're pissed; you're just so pissed that he's such a right-winger.

It doesn't go without notice that now you run from his own words

Sorry, but the right-wing does not love people who question, like me .. they like people like you who will follow the leader and make excuses for the obvious.

In fact, given Obamamania, I'm not sure it can even be called the "right-wing goosesteppin' clown show" anymore.
Being the only one not to do something doesn't make it right. If other nations were jumping off a cliff, would you want us to join them?

Yes, we pay far more per citizen on healthcare than other countries. THAT is the friggin problem. It is NOT a problem that will be solved by going to universal care. We need to find ways to CUT costs, not shift the manner in which we pay for healthcare. Whether we pay via payroll or via taxes, we are STILL paying for it.

Start a thread about univerrsal healthcare and I'll be more than happy to spank your ass on the subject.

Lots and lots of data and empirical evidence to spank you with.
It doesn't go without notice that now you run from his own words

Sorry, but the right-wing does not love people who question, like me .. they like people like you who will follow the leader and make excuses for the obvious.

In fact, given Obamamania, I'm not sure it can even be called the "right-wing goosesteppin' clown show" anymore.

I'm not running from shit. Obama hasn't let me down yet; in fact, he hasn't served for one friggin' day.

I like his appointments, I like his economic plan, I like how he's handling himself. He's getting us out of Iraq, he's prioritizing healthcare & green energy, it looks like he's keeping his promises on education.

I can't help it if you're still in jilted lover mode. You've been inexplicable to me since the primaries; Obama would not be able to do anything to please you, so he shouldn't even try.
I stand corrected, it does appear the newest amendments will lead to a complete withdrawal by 2011. So I was wrong about there being permanent bases, but I was correct in that Bush and the Iraqis appear to have an agreement on the withdrawal of troops by 2011. This is pending Iraqi parlimentary approval.

Main points of the agreement

– All US forces to leave Iraq by the end of 2011
– US forces to pull out of towns by summer 2009
– Iraq can try US troops for serious crimes off-duty and off-base
– Baghdad’s green zone to be handed to the Iraqi Government
– Iraqi airspace will be handed over to Iraq
– US forces need Iraqi judge’s order before they raid houses
– Iraq has the right to search shipments of US military material
– Iraqi territory cannot be used for assaults on neighbouring countries
– Either side may end the accord by serving notice of one year

The Bush Administration has been trying to get this agreement signed for more than a year .. what do you believe the impediments are?

Only the Iraqi parliament marginally agrees to this .. the vast majority of the Iraqi people do not agree ,, and because of that TRUTH, the agreement was formed in secret.

There is no more deals to be reached, the US will get out of Iraq whether we want to or not .. regardless of who is the president.

Additionally, why do you think Iran supports the deal?

Because it leaves the Shites in complete control and Iran's influence even stronger.
I'm not running from shit. Obama hasn't let me down yet; in fact, he hasn't served for one friggin' day.

I like his appointments, I like his economic plan, I like how he's handling himself. He's getting us out of Iraq, he's prioritizing healthcare & green energy, it looks like he's keeping his promises on education.

I can't help it if you're still in jilted lover mode. You've been inexplicable to me since the primaries; Obama would not be able to do anything to please you, so he shouldn't even try.

OH you run alright .. but I have no problem with your running .. I'm just pointing it out .. nor do I have a problem with your Obama love.

Your confusion about why I don't support Obama must come from the belief that all black people must support him .. else, why would my not supporting him be "inexplicable" to you.

It's real simple .. I don't support the mass-murder of innocent people and I don't support frauds.

I supported him during the primaries, but when he proved himself to be a fraud, I left him to people like you.

Real simple.
Onceler is to the right of you. I think I'm kind of in between both of you.


Anyway, I can see both of your points, I share some of bac's concerns, but I also have some hope on things like universal health care. I guess I am waiting to see, while at the same time, I do pick up the phone, call congress, write Obama on his website.
Here is an interesting take on this debate from Katrina vanden Heuvel of the Nation. It's similar I guess to Onceler's take. I really do hope it turns out this way.

This is just one paragraph from it:

President-elect Obama is a centrist at a time when centrism means energy independence and green jobs and universal health care and massive economic stimulus programs and government intervention in the economy. He is a pragmatist at a moment when pragmatism and the scale of our financial crisis compel him to adopt bold policies. He is a cautious leader at a time when, to paraphrase New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, caution is the new risky.The great traumas of our day do not allow for cautious steps or responses.
sorry that I wasn't just sitting here waiting upon your response.

You know you totally were. Just like you totally sat there and waited for my response to your response, and spent another two hours struggling to come up with this retort.

And you'll do the same thing with this post - read it as soon as I hit send, and then sit there fuming, until, two hours later, you'll yell out "Ureka!" and post some other half and half retort.