MORE Really Bad Obama Appointments: Rendition and Torture

I'm going to keep writing him and reminding him who got him there.

Hate to disagree with you here. But your a democrat and thus you vote for democrats. I on the other hand am an independent and in this election the independents chose the democrat candidate over the republican one.
Obama owes more to the independents then he does to the left of the dem party. Without us hes out in 4 years
Hate to disagree with you here. But your a democrat and thus you vote for democrats. I on the other hand am an independent and in this election the independents chose the democrat candidate over the republican one.

Listen, without the left, Hillary Clinton is president today, period. So get off it.
Ex-CIA Officials Tied to Rendition Program and Faulty Iraq Intel Tapped to Head Obama’s Intelligence Transition Team

No appointees have been named as yet, but questions are already being raised about the people heading Obama’s transition efforts on intelligence policy. John Brennan and Jami Miscik, both former intelligence officials under George Tenet, are leading the review of intelligence agencies and helping make recommendations to the new administration. Brennan has supported warrantless wiretapping and extraordinary rendition, and Miscik was involved with the politicized intelligence alleging weapons of mass destruction in the lead-up to the war on Iraq.

John Brennan was deputy executive secretary to George Tenet during the worst violations during the CIA period in the run-up to the Iraq war, so he sat there at Tenet’s knee when they passed judgment on torture and abuse, on extraordinary renditions, on black sites, on secret prisons. He was part of all of that decision making.

Jami Miscik was the Deputy Director for Intelligence during the run-up to the Iraq war. So she went along with the phony intelligence estimate of October 2002, the phony white paper that was prepared by Paul Pillar in October 2002. She helped with the drafting of the speech that Colin Powell gave to the United Nations—[inaudible] 2003, which made the phony case for war to the international community.

So, when George Tenet said, "slam dunk, we can provide all the intelligence you need,” [inaudible] to the President in December of 2002, it was people like Jami Miscik and John Brennan who were part of the team who provided that phony intelligence. So what I think people at the CIA are worried about—and I’ve talked to many of them over the weekend—is that there will never be any accountability for these violations and some of the unconscionable acts committed at the CIA, which essentially amount to war crimes, when you’re talking about torture and abuse and secret prisons. So, where are we, in terms of change? This sounds like more continuity.

more at link

This Is Change? 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House

The prospect of Obama's foreign policy being, at least in part, an extension of the Clinton Doctrine is real. Even more disturbing, several of the individuals at the center of Obama's transition and emerging foreign policy teams were top players in creating and implementing foreign policies that would pave the way for projects eventually carried out under the Bush/Cheney administration. With their assistance, Obama has already charted out several hawkish stances. Among them:

-- His plan to escalate the war in Afghanistan;

-- An Iraq plan that could turn into a downsized and rebranded occupation that keeps U.S. forces in Iraq for the foreseeable future;

-- His labeling of Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a "terrorist organization;"

-- His pledge to use unilateral force inside of Pakistan to defend U.S. interests;

-- His position, presented before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), that Jerusalem "must remain undivided" -- a remark that infuriated Palestinian officials and which he later attempted to reframe;

-- His plan to continue the War on Drugs, a backdoor U.S. counterinsurgency campaign in Central and Latin America;

-- His refusal to "rule out" using Blackwater and other armed private forces in U.S. war zones, despite previously introducing legislation to regulate these companies and bring them under U.S. law.

Obama did not arrive at these positions in a vacuum. They were carefully crafted in consultation with his foreign policy team. While the verdict is still out on a few people, many members of his inner foreign policy circle -- including some who have received or are bound to receive Cabinet posts -- supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Some promoted the myth that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. A few have worked with the neoconservative Project for the New American Century, whose radical agenda was adopted by the Bush/Cheney administration. And most have proven track records of supporting or implementing militaristic, offensive U.S. foreign policy. "After a masterful campaign, Barack Obama seems headed toward some fateful mistakes as he assembles his administration by heeding the advice of Washington's Democratic insider community, a collective group that represents little 'change you can believe in,'" notes veteran journalist Robert Parry, the former Associated Press and Newsweek reporter who broke many of the stories in the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s.

Much more at link's_white_house/
Wow imagine that, a socialist that didn't like or vote for Obama in the first place not liking his appointments or his policies now. Wow I really am shocked. Lets see what the marching orders are from the top before we keep on with the tired old mantra "new boss same as the old boss." Like I said in the post on Geithner, Obama cannot appoint a whole government of johnny come latelies so that the first 100 days of his presidency is a government 101 class.
So he owes nothing to the left? He should shut them out completely, as he is doing?

and kiss your ass?

I expect that obama will rule from the center. thats why i cast my vote for him. I read thru his website and watched lots of town hall meetings. I didnt think he was lying when he said he would get all stakes involved with decision making. Im very disappointed with his pick of holder however. Strike 1. I can live with hillary as sec of state i suppose however shes such a war hawk.
Wow imagine that, a socialist that didn't like or vote for Obama in the first place not liking his appointments or his policies now. Wow I really am shocked. Lets see what the marching orders are from the top before we keep on with the tired old mantra "new boss same as the old boss." Like I said in the post on Geithner, Obama cannot appoint a whole government of johnny come latelies so that the first 100 days of his presidency is a government 101 class.

Can Obama appoint one liberal, or does he have to shut out liberals completely in order to keep his lips on your ass, as he strokes Chap's ass with his hands, so that you're both happy?

Get this straight; without the left, Hillary clinton is president today, period. no one is saying he has to appoint leftists across the board.


Unacceptable. Period. And if independents, consider bipartisanship to be appointing their little deregulating wall street asslickers ONLY, then who is unreasonable? The left, or you and Chap? Huh?
I expect that obama will rule from the center. thats why i cast my vote for him. I read thru his website and watched lots of town hall meetings. I didnt think he was lying when he said he would get all stakes involved with decision making. Im very disappointed with his pick of holder however. Strike 1. I can live with hillary as sec of state i suppose however shes such a war hawk.

Here's where we would need to define "the center".

I expect my defininition differs from yours.
Obama owes more to the independents then he does to the left of the dem party. Without us hes out in 4 years

WRONG .. without the left there would be no Barack Obama as president.

Independents weren't antiwar, the left was .. and he would have never beat the Clinton's without the issue of Iraq.

Without the left, he never existed.
Here's where we would need to define "the center".

I expect my defininition differs from yours.

oh definitely. You are pretty left. I never once thought that obama would be a left wing nut in presidency. It was a fear at first but based on he town hall meeting answers and website pledges I got no indication he was lying.
oh definitely. You are pretty left. I never once thought that obama would be a left wing nut in presidency. It was a fear at first but based on he town hall meeting answers and website pledges I got no indication he was lying.

Again, I'm not asking him to be a "left wing nut".

I'm demanding that brilliant liberal thinkers, some of whom have won nobel peace prices, and all of whom were right about the big issues of our days, while "independents" and conservatives were wrong, be represented. That's all. YOU are demanding that they by shut out.

that makes YOU the fanatic. The radical.
To me, it's about policy. I think Obama has plans to basically govern from the center, which is very smart. When Democrats try to govern from the left, and when Republicans try to govern from the right, they get shellacked.

That said, Dashcle is going to head up HHS, and we will see universal healthcare. Obama will lift restrictions on stem cell research. NCLB is going to be overhauled. We'll leave Iraq. Military spending is going to be slashed. The most ambitious program to switch to domestic, green technologies & off of oil is about to commence. And we're about to get a New New Deal.
WRONG .. without the left there would be no Barack Obama as president.

Independents weren't antiwar, the left was .. and he would have never beat the Clinton's without the issue of Iraq.

Without the left, he never existed.

Im not surprised at how hawkish he is being. I suspected from beginning no way we going to abandon IRAQ regardless of obama, mccain, or hillary. As far as the other saber rattling he has to come across as tough walking into office.
To me, it's about policy. I think Obama has plans to basically govern from the center, which is very smart. When Democrats try to govern from the left, and when Republicans try to govern from the right, they get shellacked.

That said, Dashcle is going to head up HHS, and we will see universal healthcare. Obama will lift restrictions on stem cell research. NCLB is going to be overhauled. We'll leave Iraq. Military spending is going to be slashed. The most ambitious program to switch to domestic, green technologies & off of oil is about to commence. And we're about to get a New New Deal.

I think we are close to universal healthcare. People are coming around. Right now is a great time to sell it. If we move out of this recession without it then it will be a while.

I dont think we will ever leave iraq. We will redeploy but always have like 50k troops there.

I am betting big personally on his green technologies.
Again, I'm not asking him to be a "left wing nut".

I'm demanding that brilliant liberal thinkers, some of whom have won nobel peace prices, and all of whom were right about the big issues of our days, while "independents" and conservatives were wrong, be represented. That's all. YOU are demanding that they by shut out.

that makes YOU the fanatic. The radical.

Dashell is a left wing liberal.
To me, it's about policy. I think Obama has plans to basically govern from the center, which is very smart. When Democrats try to govern from the left, and when Republicans try to govern from the right, they get shellacked.

That said, Dashcle is going to head up HHS, and we will see universal healthcare. Obama will lift restrictions on stem cell research. NCLB is going to be overhauled. We'll leave Iraq. Military spending is going to be slashed. The most ambitious program to switch to domestic, green technologies & off of oil is about to commence. And we're about to get a New New Deal.

Onceler when I see what this universal health care looks like, and what this new new deal consists of (so far it has consisted of forking over many billions to any old ceo who says he's too big to fail), then I'll form an opinion on that. I hope you are right. But to install those kind of programs, it'd be good to have an actual liberal around.
Wow imagine that, a socialist that didn't like or vote for Obama in the first place not liking his appointments or his policies now. Wow I really am shocked. Lets see what the marching orders are from the top before we keep on with the tired old mantra "new boss same as the old boss." Like I said in the post on Geithner, Obama cannot appoint a whole government of johnny come latelies so that the first 100 days of his presidency is a government 101 class.

Let me guess .. you didn't vote for Bush, but you felt real comfortable criticizing him anyway.

Your comment is ridiculous because whether I voted for him or not .. and I didn't .. it's still my country and my children will be affected by his policies. Since when in the hell do you have to vote for someone before you criticize them?

Bush didn't appoint Summers because he knew the controversy it would cause .. the same controvery when Clinton tried to appoint him ... and I'm betting that had Bush appointed him, you would be one of those who criticized the appointment .. that is unless you believe that women are inately stupod and non-white lif is less valuable.

On second thought .. maybe you wouldn't have criticized Summers if Bush appointed him.

This is where he is on the chart: