More Taxes to Come



Keep making jokes. I can't wait to see you when you start maxing out on these freebee rebates and credits. Let's see if you still have that same sarcastic tone when its your money and you're far from Rich
Keep making jokes. I can't wait to see you when you start maxing out on these freebee rebates and credits. Let's see if you still have that same sarcastic tone when its your money and you're far from Rich

You're the people suggesting cutting taxes on the rich.

I don't make "free rebates and credits" - what an elitist douche comment.
The Senate just passed something today bringing the top rate back up to close to 40%.

To me, that is an unacceptable rate of taxation. Our goal as a nation should be a permanent top rate of 33%. The government should not be entitled to more than one third of anyone's income (and they get more than that anyway, with sales taxes & other fees).

Well dont cry to hard they still can use deductions to bring it down.
Well dont cry to hard they still can use deductions to bring it down.

Get rid of all those stupid deductions and even it out from there. If the government is going to give handouts, it should at least be obvious about it. It was funny listening to conservatives try to explain how the child tax credit wasn't a handout.
WM is a negro welfare queen who sits on his ass all day driving around a cadillac so that he can fatten his ten children that he had because of irresponsibility while he was robbing and killing people.

Damn negros. Whoops, we can't say that anymore.
Well dont cry to hard they still can use deductions to bring it down.
Yes, but in the mean time the government gets to keep my money on a quarterly basis and if they find they owe ME money I don't get interest for them using MY money. My is lefties cannot see that people work really fucking hard for their money and they should be allowed to keep it. I agree that investiments should be counted as regular income but don't pretend that the people making money off of investments didn't work hard to get where they are at so they can make money off of investments. But I know, you only really HATE the people whose parents worked really hard for their money and then left it to their kids. WHy should ANY person be allowed to leave their money to their kids? Tax it all. 75% for inheritance tax. Eat the fucking rich. And rich? That starts at 200k per year.
Yes, but in the mean time the government gets to keep my money on a quarterly basis and if they find they owe ME money I don't get interest for them using MY money. My is lefties cannot see that people work really fucking hard for their money and they should be allowed to keep it. I agree that investiments should be counted as regular income but don't pretend that the people making money off of investments didn't work hard to get where they are at so they can make money off of investments. But I know, you only really HATE the people whose parents worked really hard for their money and then left it to their kids. WHy should ANY person be allowed to leave their money to their kids? Tax it all. 75% for inheritance tax. Eat the fucking rich. And rich? That starts at 200k per year.

It would be kind of pointless for the government to tax you on the rebates and give you interest for the time it held the rebates, because it would simply have to raise taxes to pay for the interest. But whatever.
Income is income. I agree with Lorax, their should be a federal ceiling. When you factor in SS, MD, state, local, and sales taxes, we're getting hosed.

Taxes on wealth, and taxes on work should be roughly equivalent, at best.

They're not.

Don't worry about the wealthy investor class. They're not getting screwed. It's working schmucks who are.
Taxes on wealth, and taxes on work should be roughly equivalent, at best.

They're not.

Don't worry about the wealthy investor class. They're not getting screwed. It's working schmucks who are.

Yep why I support the pure flat tax on personal income. No deductions.
Yeah fuck the investor class that invest in businesses that hire people and create jobs. THose greedy fuckers. Tax em out of existence. There are plenty of poor and middle class people that will hire you. RIght? I mean really, when is the last time you worked for a poor person in a private sector job?
Yeah fuck the investor class that invest in businesses that hire people and create jobs. THose greedy fuckers. Tax em out of existence. There are plenty of poor and middle class people that will hire you. RIght? I mean really, when is the last time you worked for a poor person in a private sector job?

They should pay the same taxes as everyone else. They shouldn't get special treatment.
Taxes on wealth, and taxes on work should be roughly equivalent, at best.

They're not.

Don't worry about the wealthy investor class. They're not getting screwed. It's working schmucks who are.

middle class america invests too.

we can pretend that they will actually pay 40% but that is just bullshit.

Warren Buffett doesn't just make oodles of dollars, his tax rate on all that money is lower than that of his underlings.

At a June 25, 2007 event supporting Edwards' presidential rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Buffett pulled out paperwork and told the crowd it was wrong that he pays a lower rate than his subordinates.

On his $46.9-million income for 2006, he said, he paid a 17.7 percent tax rate. His secretary and other staffers had a tax rate that was 32.9 percent on average, Buffett told the crowd.

The difference is because of the way the Internal Revenue Service treats different types of income. Most of Buffett's income is from investments such as dividend payments and capital gains on sales of assets, which are taxed at 15 percent.

Taxes on capital gains and dividends are lower because corporate profits already are taxed at 35 percent by federal law. Some critics say any tax on individuals for capital gains and dividends amounts to double taxations that hurts the economy.

Buffett's employees may end up paying at a higher tax rate because standard, earned income, which is the bulk of their income, is taxed at progressively higher brackets up to 35 percent.
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middle class america invests too.

LadyT, the vast majority of our income for the rest of our lives will be from wages. Not dividends. Not interest on bonds. Not inheritence income.

Its people like Warren Buffet who earn the vast majority of their income from investments. And they are allowed to pay lower tax rates on that investment income, than working schmucks pay on their payroll wages.

Why is that? Why should wealth be taxed at a lower rate, than work?
Why is that? Why should wealth be taxed at a lower rate, than work?

actually I think it should be the other way around. The wealthy will still invest to keep from working, they will just have to settle for a bit less.
LadyT, the vast majority of our income for the rest of our lives will be from wages. Not dividends. Not interest on bonds. Not inheritence income.

Its people like Warren Buffet who earn the vast majority of their income from investments. And they are allowed to pay lower tax rates on that investment income, than working schmucks pay on their payroll wages.

Why is that? Why should wealth be taxed at a lower rate, than work?

Cy, don't act like investing is an illegitimate way to make money.