Moses Was Tripping on Mt Sinai


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High on Mount Sinai, Moses was on psychedelic drugs when he heard God deliver the Ten Commandments, an Israeli researcher claimed in a study published this week.

Such mind-altering substances formed an integral part of the religious rites of Israelites in biblical times, Benny Shanon, a professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem wrote in the Time and Mind journal of philosophy.

"As far Moses on Mount Sinai is concerned, it was either a supernatural cosmic event, which I don't believe, or a legend, which I don't believe either, or finally, and this is very probable, an event that joined Moses and the people of Israel under the effect of narcotics," Shanon told Israeli public radio on Tuesday.

Moses was probably also on drugs when he saw the "burning bush," suggested Shanon, who said he himself has dabbled with such substances.

"The Bible says people see sounds, and that is a clasic phenomenon," he said citing the example of religious ceremonies in the Amazon in which drugs are used that induce people to "see music."

He mentioned his own experience when he used ayahuasca, a powerful psychotropic plant, during a religious ceremony in Brazil's Amazon forest in 1991. "I experienced visions that had spiritual-religious connotations," Shanon said.

He said the psychedelic effects of ayahuasca were comparable to those produced by concoctions based on bark of the acacia tree, that is frequently mentioned in the Bible.
Quite possibly. One has to wonder where magic and such went in the world. They seemed common in the olden days even for non religious types.
Drugs and religion used to be all we had to try and understand the world arround us.

Thankfully we now have science to try and understand things.
One has to wonder where magic and such went in the world.

I could go into a long answer to that question but it would involve using I ain't gonna do it here. Suffice it to say that for us religious people there is an explanation and it is found in the Bible.

As to this Jewish professor, he joins with the long line of people trying to pass the supernatural events of the Bible off as something occurring in the Nile turning to blood a result of red algae, or the plague of locusts was just an invasion like the Egyptians of the day hadn't seen, etc.
Science is threatened by religion (and often religion is threatened by science).

They do not need to be mutually exclusive, however.
I could go into a long answer to that question but it would involve using I ain't gonna do it here. Suffice it to say that for us religious people there is an explanation and it is found in the Bible.

As to this Jewish professor, he joins with the long line of people trying to pass the supernatural events of the Bible off as something occurring in the Nile turning to blood a result of red algae, or the plague of locusts was just an invasion like the Egyptians of the day hadn't seen, etc.

And since they're correct?
Moses was probably also on drugs when he saw the "burning bush," suggested Shanon, who said he himself has dabbled with such substances.


What kind of academic "study" was this? As far as I know, there's zero evidence that Moses actually existed. Its a biblical story, isn't it? It's not history.
Down to the proof part, there is not any real proof that Jesus existed either.
It is pretty much a faith thing.
However he does spank those children who run amuck!;)

god does the spanking. he is a mean dude. sanctioning / commanding the massacre of women and children in the old testament...

but somehow Jesus turned god into a softie pacifist. One of the big hang ups on christianity to me.
Then there is this ghost dude in there too...
Believe as you wish.............

god does the spanking. he is a mean dude. sanctioning / commanding the massacre of women and children in the old testament...

but somehow Jesus turned god into a softie pacifist. One of the big hang ups on christianity to me.
Then there is this ghost dude in there too...

This time on old Mother Earth is just but a micro-second in the big picture...maybe soco can lead your appeal in the after life...:dunno:
god does the spanking. he is a mean dude. sanctioning / commanding the massacre of women and children in the old testament...

but somehow Jesus turned god into a softie pacifist. One of the big hang ups on christianity to me.
Then there is this ghost dude in there too...

Your hang up with Christianity is that it isn't as violent as Judaism?

I guess some people like massacres.
I do not believe in an afterlife.
I think this is all we have and religion based on an afterlife cheapens it somewhat.