Most liberal states = least free states

Obvious to a skinhead like you, educated people KNOW that if France and Britain with 100 million ish people can do it so can we.

Again, I would only ban guns after wiping out the criminal elements guns which could be a board of it's own.
Again, the UK has more crime overall than the US, and a lot of this is property crime, obviously due to the fact that criminals know they can break into a house and it's owner won't have a gun to protect himself and his property. And since Switzerland has more guns per capita than the US but less murders, there must be some other cause.

At least anyone with an education would see the lack of correlation. *shrug*

So what do you suppose the cause is?
why waste ammo when baseball bats work best on cuckoo clocks.

That may be true but wily cuckoo clock breeders tend to get wise to the baseball bat hunting tactic and adopt sneakier measures, such as placing a nesting cuckoo clock pair in higher inaccessible areas.
Again, the UK has more crime overall than the US, and a lot of this is property crime, obviously due to the fact that criminals know they can break into a house and it's owner won't have a gun to protect himself and his property. And since Switzerland has more guns per capita than the US but less murders, there must be some other cause.

At least anyone with an education would see the lack of correlation. *shrug*

So what do you suppose the cause is?

hey skinhead, I'm talking murder

they have thousands less moron
That may be true but wily cuckoo clock breeders tend to get wise to the baseball bat hunting tactic and adopt sneakier measures, such as placing a nesting cuckoo clock pair in higher inaccessible areas.
Here's an idea- stop winding them. :)
How is it going to make the job of law enforcement a little easier and more difficult for criminals??

Improvement of tracking weapons via ownership....especially in cross state transactions. If you've ever moved from one state to another and kept the same car, you know about paper work and registration.....if that was the same for guns throughout the country, you have a better system of keeping up on who legally owns a gun....which seems to be a sore point with some gun lobbyist. But if my suggestion was taken into consideration, guns taken off of criminal suspects/perpetraitors can be more easily traced to shut down an illegal fence.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Did I say it would eliminate crime? Nope....but it sure as hell would make law enforcements job a little easier, and more difficult for criminals to ply their trade. Surely you're not against that?

Its not going to make it more difficult for criminals to ply their trade. Even if it worked as you think it will that will only tell the cops who bought the gun. They contact that person and get a "it was stolen" response. But it won't work as you think it will.

You're not thinking this through......think of all the documentation that you have to go through to purchase a car. IF a similar process was in place for cars throughout the country, the amount of criminals attempting to buy guns from dealers would be greatly reduced. Even if they had someone fronting for them, numerous purchases would set off a red flag in a local/state/federal data base.

More law abiding citizens having guns is what will make law enforcements job easier.

My proposal wouldn't impede this sentiment in any way, shape or form.

If someone robs you the cops will have a description of the guy and maybe what the gun looked like. They have to get you in front of a computer to look through volumes of mugshots and maybe get a lineup for you to see before they go looking for a suspect.

Yes, but if a gun is fired in the course of that crime being committed, you have ballistics for a possible trace. If the criminal is apprehended with a weapon on them, or a weapon is found in a suspects home, the weapon can be traced more efficiently as to how they got a hold of that weapon.

If someone robs me the cops have to log the thugs gun into evidence, make a chalk outline and call the coroner.

Assuming and hoping all goes well in your favor. And if it does (God willing), the gun used in the attempted robbery can be more easily traced to shut down the illegal fence for such weapons.
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Improvement of tracking weapons via ownership....especially in cross state transactions. If you've ever moved from one state to another and kept the same car, you know about paper work and registration.....if that was the same for guns throughout the country, you have a better system of keeping up on who legally owns a gun....which seems to be a sore point with some gun lobbyist. But if my suggestion was taken into consideration, guns taken off of criminal suspects/perpetraitors can be more easily traced to shut down an illegal fence.

1. Do you have statistics that show the percentage of "owners" that the Police needed to track them down??
2. What's to stop the criminal from removing the serial numbers, or just getting rid of the gun and then stealing another one??
Improvement of tracking weapons via ownership....especially in cross state transactions. If you've ever moved from one state to another and kept the same car, you know about paper work and registration.....if that was the same for guns throughout the country, you have a better system of keeping up on who legally owns a gun....which seems to be a sore point with some gun lobbyist. But if my suggestion was taken into consideration, guns taken off of criminal suspects/perpetraitors can be more easily traced to shut down an illegal fence.

registration leads to confiscation. proven historical fact.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Improvement of tracking weapons via ownership....especially in cross state transactions. If you've ever moved from one state to another and kept the same car, you know about paper work and registration.....if that was the same for guns throughout the country, you have a better system of keeping up on who legally owns a gun....which seems to be a sore point with some gun lobbyist. But if my suggestion was taken into consideration, guns taken off of criminal suspects/perpetraitors can be more easily traced to shut down an illegal fence.

1. Do you have statistics that show the percentage of "owners" that the Police needed to track them down?? Funny you should mention this. All this gun flap reminded me of an article I read about 2 years ago. Surprisingly, it's still accessible. Check it out

2. What's to stop the criminal from removing the serial numbers, or just getting rid of the gun and then stealing another one?? Nothing.....but ballistics and tracing are still used in building a case (the last legal owner of the gun used in a crime can be found....identifying the same gun if used in more than one crime). Like I said, my suggestion wouldn't eliminate crime, but it would stymie a lot of would be criminals from purchasing a gun and help immensely in investigations.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Improvement of tracking weapons via ownership....especially in cross state transactions. If you've ever moved from one state to another and kept the same car, you know about paper work and registration.....if that was the same for guns throughout the country, you have a better system of keeping up on who legally owns a gun....which seems to be a sore point with some gun lobbyist. But if my suggestion was taken into consideration, guns taken off of criminal suspects/perpetraitors can be more easily traced to shut down an illegal fence.

registration leads to confiscation. proven historical fact.

Not in point the U.S.A., where the most restrictive gun law of 30 years was recently rescinded in Washington, DC. Other than that, no national confiscation in my lifetime, or my father's (a retired NYC homicide detective). And then there's Switerzland, etc., etc.

Yes, you have current & historical acts of confiscation by despots, dictators, communist, monarchs. But America, and a lot of other countries, are not any of these.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Improvement of tracking weapons via ownership....especially in cross state transactions. If you've ever moved from one state to another and kept the same car, you know about paper work and registration.....if that was the same for guns throughout the country, you have a better system of keeping up on who legally owns a gun....which seems to be a sore point with some gun lobbyist. But if my suggestion was taken into consideration, guns taken off of criminal suspects/perpetraitors can be more easily traced to shut down an illegal fence.

Not in point the U.S.A., where the most restrictive gun law of 30 years was recently rescinded in Washington, DC. Other than that, no national confiscation in my lifetime, or my father's (a retired NYC homicide detective). And then there's Switerzland, etc., etc.

Yes, you have current & historical acts of confiscation by despots, dictators, communist, monarchs. But America, and a lot of other countries, are not any of these.
Then how do you explain Australia and Britain? First is registration, then comes confiscation.