Most Unethical,Unprincipled,Dishonorable:Who's the Most Damaging American Since 1776

Most Unethical,Unprincipled,Dishonorable:Who's the Most Damaging American Since 1776

  • Benedict Arnold

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Andrew Jackson

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • James Buchanan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Robert E.Lee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jefferson Davis

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • U.S.Grant

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warren G.Harding

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Franklin D.Roosevelt

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Earl Warren

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • J.Edgar Hoover

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Lyndon B.Johnson

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Joseph McCarthy

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Ronald Reagan

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Richard Nixon

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • James E.Carter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • William Clinton

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • George W. Bush

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Jim Crow

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
These poll results are obviously biased towards the beneficiaries of white privilege.

However “evil” FDR’s new deal was, Wilson’s income tax, or Nixon’s wiretapping was, they aren’t even in the same universe as slavery and racial oppression. Beneficiaries of white privilege clearly view polls like this through the prism a lily white Americana.

Slavery was the defining moral issue of this country. Nothing is even in the same ballpark. It tore this country apart, and resulted in a cataclysmic war. The enslavement, torture, and death of millions of people over 400 years is a travesty without any parallel. The residue and impact of slavery, institutionalized racism, and Jim Crow continue to this day. White message board posters hold Thomas Jefferson and George Washington in the highest esteem, but I can guarantee you that is not a universally held sentiment, especially for many people with pigment in their skin.

You can’t lay slavery at the foot of any one person, but certainly the evil of Jefferson Davis, the plantation bosses, and the other enablers of slavery and oppression are in a league by themselves. A league the Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, and FDR aren’t even close to matching.

p.s, I voted for Reagan, just because my lefty DNA forces me too on principle.
I agree, That's why I have Jeff Davis at #1 and R. Lee at #4. I did not vote for Jim Crow and that is not a real person. The problem for me is how the poll is stated. Both Davis and Lee were, honorable, ethical and principled men (at least by the standards of their time). They were also hugely wrong and did great damage to their country.
I think you're to broad on this listing. as to who was the most unprincipled, unethical, dishonorable, who did the most damage to American is just to broad a description and none of the candidates listed really meet all those. So I voted on one criteria. Who did the most damage to this nation. That's an easy one. By any objective measure Jefferson Davis, by leading the confederacy did more damage, materially, philosophically and politically then all the others combined. It aint even a contest there. Oh I can see where the morons on the far right wingnut or libertarina "Let them starve to fucking death because it's not governments job" crowd would vote for FDR. If those persons would identify themselves it would come as no surpirse that it's they would be the ussual morons. By any objective measure FDR was one of the three truely Great US Presidents.

However, the preson I think has done the greatest damage to this nation is not even on your list. I would vote for Charles Coughlin in a heart beat. The American first cousin of Joseph Goebbels, avowed fascist and nazi and the philosophical father or Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Shawn Hannity and the other hate mongers on radio. They've done huge damage to this nation with their bitter and acrimonous and hatefull partisanship that they use to artificially create division between the brother/sister hood of this nation.

there have been divisions in this country since day one. Anyone who reads history can tell most of the stuff Limbuagh says is child's play compare to the acqusations and comments tossed around during the early part of our history.
I wish I could choose again. I voted for FDR, but upon reflection I think he genuinely believed he was doing good, so he wasn't evil, just wrong. I'd like to see George Soros added. HE gets my new vote.

Oh yes he was so wrong he not only saved us from the Great Depression but also gave us Social Security and other national programs. :palm: George Soros is a private citizen. Get over it. I know you're jealous and all but damn I thought you guys liked capitalism. :lolup:
J. Edgar Hoover did more to promote the gov't interference in private lives, and the spying on american citizens than anyone else. The economy will ebb and flow, but the intrusions Hoover instigated have had (and will have) lasting influence.

I think he and Joe McCarthy are tied there. I don't like either of them either.
there have been divisions in this country since day one. Anyone who reads history can tell most of the stuff Limbuagh says is child's play compare to the acqusations and comments tossed around during the early part of our history.

Shit the early presidential campaigns were awful with that crap. When I took US History 1 & 2 a few terms ago we studied this and some of it was dreadful!
Oh yes he was so wrong he not only saved us from the Great Depression but also gave us Social Security and other national programs. :palm: George Soros is a private citizen. Get over it. I know you're jealous and all but damn I thought you guys liked capitalism. :lolup:

Since you calling me out on my reading ability it seems you may want to check your own. The poll says what American, not what public official, and private citizens are American. Now one can argue Soros doesn't count not being born here but being a private citizen has nothing to do with the poll question.
there have been divisions in this country since day one. Anyone who reads history can tell most of the stuff Limbuagh says is child's play compare to the acqusations and comments tossed around during the early part of our history.
If you read the provisions of the "intolerable act" you will be amazed at how little it took for the forefathers to begin a revolution.
Since you calling me out on my reading ability it seems you may want to check your own. The poll says what American, not what public official, and private citizens are American. Now one can argue Soros doesn't count not being born here but being a private citizen has nothing to do with the poll question.
I'm surprised some wing nut hasn't claimed it's Captain Kangaroo for indoctrinating all those little children with atheist liberal socialist beliefs.
Captain Planet for turning a whole generation into hippies. Or the Transformers for promoting communism.