MSNBC Takes Olbermann & Matthews Anchor Seats

Watch PBS it is the only way to avoid hacks.
Boycott network hacks.

PBS has David Brooks working election commentary. Don’t know of many bigger hacks than that guy.

Here is what I will be doing – watching the debate, and then talking to my bf about it, who is smarter than all of them put together anyway. Plus, he doesn’t aggravate me. And if it's a bad night for Obama we can always skip the commentary and just go have sex.
Here is what I will be doing – watching the debate, and then talking to my bf about it, who is smarter than all of them put together anyway. Plus, he doesn’t aggravate me. And if it's a bad night for Obama we can always skip the commentary and just go have sex.

This is exactly how my wife and I did the conventions. It's a great way to go.:)
Kieth Olberman was the ONLY one reporting the news for years.

While all the other beat the drums to war and refused to report on things like vote fraud and the machine failures he did.

He has reported with anger and TRUE outrage the same failings we on the left here have told you about (and turned out to be completetly right about) for years.

How very sad that reporting the truth and standing up agianst the idiots who call anyone who says it like it is about this miserablely failed administration traitors has to be labeled biased.

History will defend him and me.
The scandals will be uncovered fully after they leave office.

If we manage to get Obama in there then they can dig out the facts.
Kieth Olberman was the ONLY one reporting the news for years.

While all the other beat the drums to war and refused to report on things like vote fraud and the machine failures he did.

He has reported with anger and TRUE outrage the same failings we on the left here have told you about (and turned out to be completetly right about) for years.

How very sad that reporting the truth and standing up agianst the idiots who call anyone who says it like it is about this miserablely failed administration traitors has to be labeled biased.

History will defend him and me.

^^^ QFT ^^^^
What many of you seem to be missing is that Olberman is their money maker.

Mathews is a complete tool and lost his cool on the air after Olberman said "we can go on and on about this but you know". He was trying to set it up for the guest he was handing the air to and Mathews got mad and took it personal. Mathews yelled at him and told him he was just trying to finish his point and that Olberman didnt have to do the hand guesture. Mathews has a terrible habit of using all the air time to ask his "questions" to his quests and then allows them ten seconds to answer before hes answering for them. He is a terrible host and I dont know why they keep him on the pay role.They dont like each other and Mathews cant control himself. After Mathews finished his little tantrum Olberman simplely passed to the quest without even commenting on Mathews little fit.

They have switched to Gregory for obvious reasons. They cant have them together on the air without Mathews shitting his pants. Mathews is a petty little worm who cant stand the fact that Olberman has taken his spot on MSNBC as the top show. If I ran that station Mathews would be on his ear in one second.
Is that what happened Desh? I heard rumblings of a bunch of stuff and I could definitely tell their was tension b/t them but I missed the on air squabbling. I'll utube it when I get home.

If matthews doesn't know Uberman's greatness, then he needs to be bumped.
BTW - Uberman is so cool, he even does guest appearances on the shows I watch b/c he knows it will make me happy. Like his appearances on "The Soup".
If you notice Kieth uses Mathews laugh in his segments. You can hear the "HAA" of Mathews being used for one of his fun segments. Mathews who has no sense of humor doesnt like it much I bet.

Hes still going to have his show its just that Mahtews and Olberman wont be anchoring the election coverage of debates. They will have Gregory anchor which will free up Olberman to comment MORE folks.