MSNBC Takes Olbermann & Matthews Anchor Seats

Kieth Olberman was the ONLY one reporting the news for years.

While all the other beat the drums to war and refused to report on things like vote fraud and the machine failures he did.

He has reported with anger and TRUE outrage the same failings we on the left here have told you about (and turned out to be completetly right about) for years.

How very sad that reporting the truth and standing up agianst the idiots who call anyone who says it like it is about this miserablely failed administration traitors has to be labeled biased.

History will defend him and me.

It sure does Grind.

Have you noticed how much this admin lies to us?

Did you notice the media has even had to admitt they did not cover this war like they should have?
That doesn't you mean you put an analyst as lead anchor for your political coverage. In being a JOURNALIST, a NEWS ANCHOR, you need to not be colored by one way or the other.
Cant have them colored by truth huh?

Desh if you have someone that is fiercely and openly of one political persuasion as a lead anchor for political coverage you are going to undermine your credibility. The truth does not always side with liberals desh that's the most fucking retarded thing ever to say. What if in 2012 republicans are genuinly doing well in an election and then you have a liberally (truth) biased news anchor?

Try to think outside the box a little. I shouldn't even have to explain this stuff.
In these days where the country is so far in the pocket of the corrupt republican party and their contstituients there is no where lese to stand for people who are willing to face the facts.
MSNBC Takes Incendiary Hosts From Anchor Seat

MSNBC tried a bold experiment this year by putting two politically incendiary hosts, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, in the anchor chair to lead the cable news channel’s coverage of the election.

That experiment appears to be over.

After months of accusations of political bias and simmering animosity between MSNBC and its parent network NBC, the channel decided over the weekend that the NBC News correspondent and MSNBC host David Gregory would anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night. Mr. Olbermann and Mr. Matthews will remain as analysts during the coverage.

The change — which comes in the home stretch of the long election cycle — is a direct result of tensions associated with the channel’s perceived shift to the political left.

Some tensions have spilled out on-screen. On the first night in Denver, as the fellow MSNBC host Joe Scarborough talked about the resurgence of the McCain campaign, Mr. Olbermann dismissed it by saying: “Jesus, Joe, why don’t you get a shovel?”

The following night, Mr. Olbermann and his co-anchor for convention coverage, Mr. Matthews, had their own squabble after Mr. Olbermann observed that Mr. Matthews had talked too long.

Some staff members said the tension led to the network’s decision to keep Mr. Olbermann in New York for the Republican convention, after he ran the desk in Denver during the Democratic convention. MSNBC said that he stayed in New York to anchor coverage of Hurricane Gustav. But some workers say there were other reasons — namely, that Mr. Olbermann was concerned about his safety in St. Paul, given the loud crowds at MSNBC’s set in Denver.


What a smackdown. I feel so giddy! I would have loved to seen Olbermann's face when they told him he was out.

America is completely in the grasp of corporations and there is no getting out.
The biggest thing about the tiny msnbc pushing o-blabberman and math-use to the side is.......msnbc was gonna start losing a whole lot of sponsers. To these guys, money talks and bs walks.