Mueller: NO collusion & NO Obstruction by Trump or Trump campaign



You would even fuck that up.
There were at least a dozen indictments and boatloads of important information that came out

besides, this isnt even close to over. the don is still in serious jeopardy once he leaves office, there is more information to find out that the democrats can subpoena to get, which could and likely will result in more convictions

the next part is just getting started and a lot more people could go to jail, including the piece of shit himself.
There were at least a dozen indictments and boatloads of important information that came out

besides, this isnt even close to over. the don is still in serious jeopardy once he leaves office, there is more information to find out that the democrats can subpoena to get, which could and likely will result in more convictions

the next part is just getting started and a lot more people could go to jail, including the piece of shit himself.

By 2024 everyone will have forgotten.
I try to educate you willfully ignorant cocksuckers on many issues, but you’re just too fucking stupid to absorb the truth.

There is a difference between “no evidence” and “insufficient evidence” to meet the prosecutorial burden of proof. As well as a difference between “innocent” and “not guilty”. The “insufficient evidence” standard happens all the time in criminal cases. It doesn’t have anything to do with innocence. I can’t help you with your inability to grasp the difference.

In other words, Trump is innocent on all charges that were investigated. Thanks.
In other words, Trump is innocent on all charges that were investigated. Thanks.

Nope, not “in other words”, dumbfuck.

Once again, you fail basic English. And the concepts of law. As well as your three tard friends.

I dumbed it down as much as I could.
Mueller completely turned over that decision to BOTH Rosenweasel and Barr - if anyone had malice towards Trump
it was Rosenweasel.
Yet both the Weasel and Barr both came to the conclusion there was no obstruction, or find any evidence of a crime.

That is 100% exoneration on both collusion and obstruction. get hip -it was always bullshit

Even Barr doesn't say anything about 100% exoneration, in fact he wrote "while this report does not conclude the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."