Mueller: NO collusion & NO Obstruction by Trump or Trump campaign

It was based on interference, try to be honest.

Appointment of Special Counsel to Investigate Russian Interference With the 2016 Presidential Election and Related Matters

Funny how you "accidentally" failed to mention section (b) (i).

Now apologize for saying I wasn't honest.
From page 3.............

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.

Did you think I was denying that lol? You seem to be denying "while this report does not conclude the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
Did you think I was denying that lol? You seem to be denying "while this report does not conclude the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

Why do Democrats focus on that while ignoring Mueller could not find enough to find he obstructed justice? Trump is presumed innocent, yet you guys convict him.
Funny how you "accidentally" failed to mention section (b) (i).

Now apologize for saying I wasn't honest.

Coordination is not collusion, dummy. Don Jr. coordinated with the Russian lawyer to talk about dirt on Hillary but it never, as far as we know, got to the point of collusion.
Why do Democrats focus on that while ignoring Mueller could not find enough to find he obstructed justice? Trump is presumed innocent, yet you guys convict him.

There were no charges for trump to be presumed innocent of, this was just the first stage, an investigation. Our opinion isn't a legal standard.
Glad it’s completed. The nation needed to know that Trump did not collude with a foreign power who attempted to interfere with our election. The nation needed this to preserve the respect for one of our highest institutions. Hard core Democrats May be pissed but the public now knows that our election process is one that can be trusted. This is what is important and I’m glad for our nation that this is the case.

Now that we have this out of the way what is Trump going to do about Putin? This attempt to interfere with our nations governing institutions cannot go unpunished.

Kudos to you for admitting this clears Trump. You'll be the only lefty on the board who does.

Trump has already placed heavy sanctions on Russia, what more do you want him to do? Go to war?
Why don't you idiots ever shut up, and see what happens? You just show yourselves out as a bunch of children. Good grief. I take that back, children are a little more tactful then the usual Trump fawning, forum squatter.
Lol, so THAT'S why libs are running around with their heads on fire, screaming, "NO EXONERATION, NO EXONERATION!!!!

He also tweeted a victory message: 'No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!'

Another trump lie. The Barr letter on page 3 doesn't say complete and total exoneration. Seriously, don't you guys get tired of having to excuse and defend his daily howlers?
Coordination is not collusion, dummy. Don Jr. coordinated with the Russian lawyer to talk about dirt on Hillary but it never, as far as we know, got to the point of collusion.
Did I say it was, dodo? What does it say before coordination?

And if the memo wasn't about Mueller looking for collusion, why was everyone, especially democrats, saying Trump colluded. Everyone knew it was about collusion. Stop being silly.
Also said it the report "does not conclude Trump committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"

but please......where is all the evidence that you have been telling us Mueller has been keeping a secret from us all this time.......if its not there, doesn't THAT exonerate Trump?.......