Museum of Atheism

Religion is a threat to human freedom.

The devout Hindu Ghandi,
the devout Baptist Martin Luther King,
the devout Christian Nelson Mandela,
The devout Christian Loyd Harrison,
the Buddhist Sidartha Guatauma
collectively seem to indicate your blanket characterization is meritless.

The noted atheist Joseph Stalin arguably enslaved the most people in human history

The devout Hindu Ghandi,
the devout Baptist Martin Luther King,
the devout Christian Nelson Mandela,
The devout Christian Loyd Harrison,
the Buddhist Sidartha Guatauma
seem to indicate your blanket characterization is meritless.

The noted atheist Joseph Stalin arguably enslaved the most people in human history

Not a refutation. Seriously, Stalin?! That's the best you can do?
Not a refutation. Seriously, Stalin?! That's the best you can do?

If you won't allow religious people to dissociate themselves from Al Qaeda and the Spanish Inquisition, then you as an atheist own the crimes of prominent atheist leaders Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot the leaders of the French Revolution's Great Terror.
The Soviet's over-reaction to religion is in part based on the historical association between the church and the tsar, and any lingering vestiges of corruption therein - and partly because the Bolsheviks were totalitarians; they did not want any social or political institutions vying with the authority of the Communist Party.

Because of their Marxist ideology, they were also genuinely scientific materialists, but that does not in and of itself explain the over reaction.

One good thing about Soviet atheism is it made divorce available to women, who previously had been trapped in abusive marriages by the patriarchy of the Orthodox religious tradition.

Under the Soviet State, you could basically just unilaterally fill out a post card and get a divorce from the civil authorities.

A lot of drunk, violent men found themselves quickly divorced in the 1920s.

Wrapping up: the premminent Soviet physicist Andrei Sakraov had a healthy outlook on religion. He did not subscribe to any faith tradition, but he felt there was a guiding principle to the universe which went beyond physical laws.

"For me all the religions are equal; I have no affinity to any of them. For me God is not the ruler of the world, not the creator of the world or its laws, but the guarantor of the meaning of existence—despite all the apparent meaninglessness".- Andrei Sakraov
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No. We all know you were brainwashed as a child and can't really do anything about your situation.
I am pretty sure I am one of the very few true agnostics on this forum -- I do not join any teams, I do not take sides, and I think critically and deliberately equally about religions and about atheist traditions.

I congratulate you for being able to boil the human condition down to a simplistic, black-and-white universal perspective: everything about religion is terrible, and everything about atheism and materialism is wonderful.
Silly and unworthy of debate.
Pretty simple to understand:

Everywhere state theocracy has reigned, freedom has been harmed: from tsarist Russia, to the Taliban, to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The same can be said wherever official state atheism has been established. From Robespierre's Great Terror of the first French republic, to the USSR, People's Republic of China, to Khmer Rouge Cambodia.

Religious or Irreligious orthodoxy and their assaults on cultural and intellectual pluralism have a terrible historical record.

Very simple thesis to understand.
Pretty simple to understand:

Everywhere state theocracy has reigned, freedom has been harmed: from tsarist Russia, to the Taliban, to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The same can be said wherever official state atheism has been established. From Robespierre's Great Terror of the first French republic, to the USSR, People's Republic of China, to Khmer Rouge Cambodia.

Religious or Irreligious orthodoxy and their assaults on cultural and intellectual pluralism have a terrible historical record.

Very simple thesis to understand.

You like religion. How profound.
When religious leaders across the country choose to be on the side of liars, cheats, racists, and anti-democracy thugs- I lose respect for religions.



Good example why I say organized religion has little to do with God!
After all it was the Religious leaders who turned over
Jesus to Roman Authorities for execution.