Muslim voters detect a snub from Obama


The Force is With Me
This just feeds into my concern about Obama.

"While the senator has visited churches and synagogues, he has yet to appear at a single mosque. Muslim and Arab-American organizations have tried repeatedly to arrange meetings with Mr. Obama, but officials with those groups say their invitations — unlike those of their Jewish and Christian counterparts — have been ignored. Last week, two Muslim women wearing head scarves were barred by campaign volunteers from appearing behind Mr. Obama at a rally in Detroit."
This just feeds into my concern about Obama.

"While the senator has visited churches and synagogues, he has yet to appear at a single mosque. Muslim and Arab-American organizations have tried repeatedly to arrange meetings with Mr. Obama, but officials with those groups say their invitations — unlike those of their Jewish and Christian counterparts — have been ignored. Last week, two Muslim women wearing head scarves were barred by campaign volunteers from appearing behind Mr. Obama at a rally in Detroit."

Speaking strictly politically, how much of an impact will they actually have at the polls and would they really go over to McCain? (I would guess not but then again I don't know how Muslims traditionally vote so I could be speaking out of my ass).
It's total bullshit. Obama should be ashamed of himself. Snubbing Ellison like that was pure cowardice.

I understand why the campaign thinks they need to do this, but I don't think they need to. At all. If they're counting on the ignorant mouth-breathers, the only group that I can imagine being at all concerned with Obama appearing with Muslim elected officials, then they've already lost.
Well Bac I guess they will just have to vote for McCain then.

I think Muslims will understand why he needs to not be seen in a mosque.
I don't give a shit if Muslims will vote for him anyway. This is playing the game on Republican terms. You can't win it regardless of what you do so you might as well do what's right.
Speaking strictly from a political viewpoint, Obama going to a mosque would be counter-productive.

What good will that would be generated and votes that would be garnered would be far outweighed by the amount of negative publicity that would rain down on him.

If some people, and there are many, mistakenly think Obama is a muslim now, imagine how many would think so after seeing pictures of him leaving a mosque?

After all, indisputable insists he is a muslim based on who he said he was proud of and what he did when he was a child.

No, a visit to a mosque would harm the campaign far more than it would help.

He can open a dialogue with muslims after the election.
I see both sides.

I think it is more important, however, for him to avoid giving fodder to these "Secret Muslim" theories.
What am I missing here? Obama or his staff decide to nix Muslim venues. Somehow it's the Republican's fault? Sorry, that does not wash.
You did call it "Republican terms," when this is pretty clearly a Democratic problem at the moment.

The implication was not that this is the fault of the Republicans. My point was simply that Republicans will make an issue of whether Obama is or was a Muslim (through proxies obviously) whether he shows up at campaign events with the only Muslim Congressman or not, whether he has Muslim women in the background at campaign events or not.

Refusing to appear with Muslim people and campaign events for fear of being associated with Muslims won't stop the whisper campaigns that Obama is Muslim. All it does is give a legitimate criticism that Obama's message is bullshit.
I'm not seeing Obama's side on this one. It's BS.

I don't get it; I think he has done some things that show great political courage, and others that are well beyond expedient...this one is inexplicable. There isn't any excuse for it, unless he's going for the "skinhead Dad" vote...
I'm not seeing Obama's side on this one. It's BS.

I don't get it; I think he has done some things that show great political courage, and others that are well beyond expedient...this one is inexplicable. There isn't any excuse for it, unless he's going for the "skinhead Dad" vote...

I understand the disappointment in Obama. But he is at the point where he has to decide whether he wants to win the presidency and actually be able to make changes happen, or whether he wants to do the noble thing every time and not be able to get things done.

When he was one of several candidates he had the luxury of the fact that the republicans were gunning for hillary more than anyone else.

Now he is going to have to compromise in order to win. It may not be pretty, but its the truth.
"Now he is going to have to compromise in order to win. It may not be pretty, but its the truth."

I know what you're saying, and agree, but I'm not seeing it on this one. I think they are WAY overestimating the impact that women w/ scarves or visiting a mosque would have. Sure, it would get added to the "he's a Muslim" emails, but who cares? The idiots who are affected by those emails won't be affected on iota.

It's just an over-reaction to a perceived fear of what could happen; it's overblown, and unnecessary. He's not going to lose any voters that he would have gotten anyway by appearing at a mosque.
Is it ethically questionable? Yes.

Is it a working strategy? Yes.

He needs to win and if his team feels that distancing himself at this time from any possible smear tactics will work, then they should by all means do it. Its game on and things like being the better man and rising above such childishness doesn't work in American politics. He's playing to win. We'll get over it in January.
"Now he is going to have to compromise in order to win. It may not be pretty, but its the truth."

I know what you're saying, and agree, but I'm not seeing it on this one. I think they are WAY overestimating the impact that women w/ scarves or visiting a mosque would have. Sure, it would get added to the "he's a Muslim" emails, but who cares? The idiots who are affected by those emails won't be affected on iota.

It's just an over-reaction to a perceived fear of what could happen; it's overblown, and unnecessary. He's not going to lose any voters that he would have gotten anyway by appearing at a mosque

I think you're forgetting how stupid American voters are. You're holding them to a much higher standard than warranted.
I think you're forgetting how stupid American voters are. You're holding them to a much higher standard than warranted.

But those stupid enough to vote based on the "he's a Muslim" crap are already going to be voting against him. This is not going to sway moderates of either party or Independents. It would likely make some on the far right go bouncing off of walls, but to those undecided it would show more strength from Obama should he ignore those idiots and not be worried about having Muslims with him or speaking to groups of them.
sorry! just missing on meme a little bit. I still chuckle about all of the "lady of the night" stuff she used w/ you.

You're right, and I would never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter. I just think, on this one, anyone who could remotely have potential of being an Obama voter isn't THAT stupid.