Muslim voters detect a snub from Obama

But those stupid enough to vote based on the "he's a Muslim" crap are already going to be voting against him. This is not going to sway moderates of either party or Independents. It would likely make some on the far right go bouncing off of walls, but to those undecided it would show more strength from Obama should he ignore those idiots and not be worried about having Muslims with him or speaking to groups of them.

nope not at all. There's an entire legion of people that didn't participate in the primaries that are on the fence or even that supported hillary. All you need is a good headline and one liner to sway those people. Assuming they have made up their minds. You don't know that.
sorry! just missing on meme a little bit. I still chuckle about all of the "lady of the night" stuff she used w/ you.

You're right, and I would never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter. I just think, on this one, anyone who could remotely have potential of being an Obama voter isn't THAT stupid.


she really put me in my place :rolleyes:

people pay attention to headlines not the actual stories.
The implication was not that this is the fault of the Republicans. My point was simply that Republicans will make an issue of whether Obama is or was a Muslim (through proxies obviously) whether he shows up at campaign events with the only Muslim Congressman or not, whether he has Muslim women in the background at campaign events or not.

Refusing to appear with Muslim people and campaign events for fear of being associated with Muslims won't stop the whisper campaigns that Obama is Muslim. All it does is give a legitimate criticism that Obama's message is bullshit.

It's been made quite clear he's Christian or at least not Muslim. Seriously, how many times must he say so?
Does anyone else know anyone that honestly believed/believes Obama is/was a Muslim? I do. My father is an independent and hangs around folks of all stripes of political persuasion. In the mix somewhere, someone told him Obama was a Muslim, etc., and he believed it until I set him straight. He's an extremely intelligent guy too. Has a masters, works for the state as a fraud investigator, etc. He's just politically intellectually lazy. And I think his is not an uncommon story.

So - SF is wrong, according to my experience, in saying that these people are already going to vote against him. That's not true. They can be educated/corrected and they will vote for Obama. The Obama camp just needs to avoid giving spurious evidence to the knuckledraggers who go around perpetuating the rumor.

It IS a political calculation and I think Obama is doing the politically expedient thing. That's not necessarily the right thing. But if it gets him elected, then I can live with it. I'd rather have a candidate being imperfect because he's calculating that his imperfections will make him beat a guy who's just imperfect from the get-go and who would be extremely damaging to the American politik.
"Now he is going to have to compromise in order to win. It may not be pretty, but its the truth."

I know what you're saying, and agree, but I'm not seeing it on this one. I think they are WAY overestimating the impact that women w/ scarves or visiting a mosque would have. Sure, it would get added to the "he's a Muslim" emails, but who cares? The idiots who are affected by those emails won't be affected on iota.

It's just an over-reaction to a perceived fear of what could happen; it's overblown, and unnecessary. He's not going to lose any voters that he would have gotten anyway by appearing at a mosque.

Those women have already been identified as being aligned with Muslim activist groups. While the Obama team has not said anything like that, my guess there were legit reasons that the ladies were excluded, beyond the scarves.
Does anyone else know anyone that honestly believed/believes Obama is/was a Muslim? I do. My father is an independent and hangs around folks of all stripes of political persuasion. In the mix somewhere, someone told him Obama was a Muslim, etc., and he believed it until I set him straight. He's an extremely intelligent guy too. Has a masters, works for the state as a fraud investigator, etc. He's just politically intellectually lazy. And I think his is not an uncommon story.

So - SF is wrong, according to my experience, in saying that these people are already going to vote against him. That's not true. They can be educated/corrected and they will vote for Obama. The Obama camp just needs to avoid giving spurious evidence to the knuckledraggers who go around perpetuating the rumor.

It IS a political calculation and I think Obama is doing the politically expedient thing. That's not necessarily the right thing. But if it gets him elected, then I can live with it. I'd rather have a candidate being imperfect because he's calculating that his imperfections will make him beat a guy who's just imperfect from the get-go and who would be extremely damaging to the American politik.

I couldn't agree with you more!

I know someone who's a diehard democrat/liberal who thought that.
Its not just the sway voters.

Bob Barr has a following. All of them know that they would be voting for McCain if they didn't vote for Barr. They obviously cannot expect Barr to win, but if a significant turnout for Barr is going to send a message its worth it.

Now imagine those same far right types seeing pics of Obama coming out of a mosque, or enjoying a friendly chat with women wearing hijabs.

Or the redneck who hasn't voted since Nixon was elected. Can you see those boys coming out in droves to protect the country from this muslim insider? They may not be sure enough from the rumors now, but that would seal it.

I never question how stupid the american voter can be. George Wallace stood on the steps of the University of Alabama and tried to (symbolically) block black students from entering. And then 4 years later he carried the black vote in the election. And there are quite a few people who believe he, not Carter, would have won the election, if he had not been shot.

There are countless examples that show just as much stupidity.
It's been made quite clear he's Christian or at least not Muslim. Seriously, how many times must he say so?

Preaching to the choir here, sister.

Where the fuck have you been for the past three months or so such that you have no idea that Obama is up against a snow-balling whisper campaign that he is a black nationalist Muslim anti-American that wants to hand the US over to the Islamofascists as soon as he takes office? Seriously.
Does anyone else know anyone that honestly believed/believes Obama is/was a Muslim? I do. My father is an independent and hangs around folks of all stripes of political persuasion. In the mix somewhere, someone told him Obama was a Muslim, etc., and he believed it until I set him straight. He's an extremely intelligent guy too. Has a masters, works for the state as a fraud investigator, etc. He's just politically intellectually lazy. And I think his is not an uncommon story.

So - SF is wrong, according to my experience, in saying that these people are already going to vote against him. That's not true. They can be educated/corrected and they will vote for Obama. The Obama camp just needs to avoid giving spurious evidence to the knuckledraggers who go around perpetuating the rumor.

It IS a political calculation and I think Obama is doing the politically expedient thing. That's not necessarily the right thing. But if it gets him elected, then I can live with it. I'd rather have a candidate being imperfect because he's calculating that his imperfections will make him beat a guy who's just imperfect from the get-go and who would be extremely damaging to the American politik.

I agree that SF is wrong, (that’s nothing new) and for exactly the reasons you state.
But I think that we have already proven that running scared of the right wing thug machine doesn’t win elections anyway, so what is the point of doing it again?
Preaching to the choir here, sister.

Where the fuck have you been for the past three months or so such that you have no idea that Obama is up against a snow-balling whisper campaign that he is a black nationalist Muslim anti-American that wants to hand the US over to the Islamofascists as soon as he takes office? Seriously.

Hello bro, while I'm far from Obama supporter it's been clear from the get go. Whisper campaign or not, clear as rain.
nope not at all. There's an entire legion of people that didn't participate in the primaries that are on the fence or even that supported hillary. All you need is a good headline and one liner to sway those people. Assuming they have made up their minds. You don't know that.

Yes, the two-time Bush voting, Iraq war-supporting Supertool proves again how ignorant he is.

I can vouch that there are a lot of working class and blue collar union democrats, who would normally vote Democratic, but may be put off voting for a "radical black muslim". An image supertool knows full well is being promoted and cultivated by his buddies in the reich wing.
Those women have already been identified as being aligned with Muslim activist groups. While the Obama team has not said anything like that, my guess there were legit reasons that the ladies were excluded, beyond the scarves.

You don’t see it do you? You are exactly the person responsible for why this atmosphere exists.

WTF is a “muslim activist group”??? The fact is you would have been the first person on here posting smears had he appeared with them. They would have moved from activist to suspicious activists to a muslim organization with terrorist ties within 24 hours, and you would have been spreading it right along with the rest of them.

You just put your finger on the problem, and it's you. Any muslim is under suspicion, and if there are two or more of them, well, look out.
I agree that SF is wrong, (that’s nothing new) and for exactly the reasons you state.
But I think that we have already proven that running scared of the right wing thug machine doesn’t win elections anyway, so what is the point of doing it again?

Because the alternative is unthinkable.

We'd all like to believe it's not, but reality has a way of being inconvenient.
Yes, the two-time Bush voting, Iraq war-supporting Supertool proves again how ignorant he is.

I can vouch that there are a lot of working class and blue collar union democrats, who would normally vote Democratic, but may be put off voting for a "radical black muslim". An image supertool knows full well is being promoted and cultivated by his buddies in the reich wing.


Although Darla does bring up a good point, I think the larger picture involves the Obama camp not giving the repugs to exploit images even further.
You don’t see it do you? You are exactly the person responsible for why this atmosphere exists.

WTF is a “muslim activist group”??? The fact is you would have been the first person on here posting smears had he appeared with them. They would have moved from activist to suspicious activists to a muslim organization with terrorist ties within 24 hours, and you would have been spreading it right along with the rest of them.

You just put your finger on the problem, and it's you. Any muslim is under suspicion, and if there are two or more of them, well, look out.

Oh Kay. Problem is I don't have a problem with Muslims, in or out of scarves.
Speaking strictly politically, how much of an impact will they actually have at the polls and would they really go over to McCain? (I would guess not but then again I don't know how Muslims traditionally vote so I could be speaking out of my ass).

Muslims could have a huge impact in Michigan, which has the largest muslim population in the country. They are also in large numbers in Ohio and Virginia .. and they traditionally vote democrat as one would expect.
Well Bac I guess they will just have to vote for McCain then.

I think Muslims will understand why he needs to not be seen in a mosque.

Not only do muslims not understand it, I don't understand it.

This is another case of Obama running scared from republicans.
Speaking strictly from a political viewpoint, Obama going to a mosque would be counter-productive.

What good will that would be generated and votes that would be garnered would be far outweighed by the amount of negative publicity that would rain down on him.

If some people, and there are many, mistakenly think Obama is a muslim now, imagine how many would think so after seeing pictures of him leaving a mosque?

After all, indisputable insists he is a muslim based on who he said he was proud of and what he did when he was a child.

No, a visit to a mosque would harm the campaign far more than it would help.

He can open a dialogue with muslims after the election.

I disdagree. Not going to a mosque demonstrates that he is just another politician talking out of his ass. Not going to a mosque proves him to be a coward.